Monday, April 30, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Vandal Hearts

Hint: Nova Key:
After killing the Death Ant in the dunes, talk to the woman in the tavern and she will give you the Nova Key.

Hint: Earth Key:
Talk to the young man in the tavern at Yuzu. He will tell you that he dropped a weird fruit in a plus sign bog. Pick it up and give it to him. You will then receive the Earth Key.

Hint: Mana Key:
At the Prison Fortress, search the ground neat the gate. You will see a small crater, that is where the Mana Key is located.

Hint: Chaos Key:
To get the Chaos Key, you need three items: the Macroman, Tarot Card, and the Ramen. The Macroman is found in the northwest corner of Ygdra Canaon. The Tarot Card is found at Basil Gate in the southeast corner -- there is an X made of grass there. The Ramen is in the grate on the front car on The Magical Train. Go to Kerachi Village, go to the tavern, and talk to the collector.

Hint: Logos Key:
After saving Leena in the Tsukue Plains, return to Frontier Village. Talk to the old man in the Tavern. You will learn that there is something in the center of the lava pond. Go to Smoking Bones Cave, and search the center near the Salamander with a flying character. That is where the Logos Key is located.

Hint: Heaven Key:
With all five keys, talk to the weird man in Glasgow City. He will give you the Heaven Key.

Hint: True ending:

With all of the prisms, go to the Dojo. The Dojo Master will advance Ash to the class of Vandalier. Now you can see the true ending.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Vampire Savior

EX options:
Successfully complete the game without using any continues. Then, highlight "Option" at the title screen and hold L + R and press Start.

Alternate stage background:
Select versus mode, then hold L and press A to select a stage at the selection screen.

Alternate costumes:
Press any two Kick buttons to select a fighter at the selection screen. Press any two Punch buttons for a different color set.

Fight against Oboro Bishamon:
Use manual mode, do not lose any rounds or use any continues, and defeat at least two opponents with an EX move. Oboro Bishamon will be the next opponent after Jedah.

Fight as Oboro Bishamon:
Defeat Oboro Bishamon to unlock him. Hold L while selecting Bishamon at the character selection screen.

Fight as Dark Gallon or Jon Talbain:
Highlight Gallon or Jon Talbain at the character selection screen. Then, hold L and press a Punch button to play their Dark version.

Fight as Vampire Hunter Phobos or Huitzil:
Highlight Phobos or Huitzil at the character selection screen. Hold L while selecting them to play their Vampire Hunter version.

Play as previous opponent:
Highlight the random selection box at the character selection screen. Then, hold Down and press L(5) followed by a Punch button. You will play as the person last defeated in each stage.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Valtva

Alternate loading screens:

Set the system date to one of the following dates to view an alternate loading screen: January 1, February 14, July 25 through 28, August 16 through 19, or December 24 or 25. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Cheats Menu:
At  the  trademark  screen  (after  the  one  that  says "Prepare  For Kombat"), press these buttons in the  following  order: C, R, A, Z, Y, C, Y, R, A, X. You should hear a laugh. Then, at the UMK3 logo that is spinning over the options, press Up. A "?" box will appear.  Press any button, and you will enter a  "Cheats"  menu with free play, unlimited fatality time, one round matches, and access hidden characters.

Play as Human Smoke:
To play as  Smoke  in his  human  form, pick  the  Cyber-Smoke  at the fighter-select  screen. For  Player  One: Press  and  hold  Left, High Punch, Block, High Kick, and Run simultaneously until the match starts. For Player  Two: Press and  hold  Right, High Punch, Block, High Kick, and Run simultaneously until the match starts.  When the fight begins, Cyber-Smoke explodes into human Smoke.

Cheat Codes
Enter the codes to  play  as the  hidden  characters  at the "Enter an Ultimate  Kombat  Kode" screen.  To get to  this  screen, start a game against the computer, lose, and do  not  continue.  A  screen  appears asking you to enter a code.  The  following  codes  are entered on one controller.
Play as Classic Sub-Zero: ress X seven times, Y six times, A five times, and B two times.
Play as Ermac: ress X  nine times, Y  six times, Z  four times, A  two times, B four times.
Play as Mileena: Press X seven times, A seven times, B two times, and C three times.

Freeplay Mode:
At the screen that says "There is  No  Knowledge  that is not  Power," press  Up, Up, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Down  very  quickly.  A voice says "excellent." Now the game is in free play mode and you have unlimited continues.

Kombat Kodes:
Enter the following Kombat  Kodes  after selecting your fighters for a two player match at the "VS" screen.

Button Presses are as follows:
Player One (on Controller One):

Slot 1 ´ Button A; Slot 2 ´ Button Y; Slot 3 ´ Button CPlayer Two (on Controller Two):
Slot 4 ´ Button A; Slot 5 ´ Button Y; Slot 6 ´ Button C

(For example, for the Kombat  Kode, "Blocking Disabled," Player One and Player Two should press Y twice).

Special Abilities:
Blocking Disabled: 0 2 0 0 2 0
Fast Uppercut Recovery: 7 8 8 3 2 2
Hold Flippers During Casino Run: 9 8 7 6 6 6

Kombat Zone Kodes:
Balcony: 8 8 0 2 2 0
Bell Tower: 0 9 1 1 9 0
Blue Portal: 9 3 3 9 3 3
Bridge: 0 7 7 0 2 2
Graveyard: 6 6 6 3 3 3
Jade's Desert: 3 3 0 0 3 3
Kahn's Kave: 0 0 4 7 0 0
Kombat Temple: 6 0 0 4 0 0
Noob's Dorfen: 0 5 0 0 5 0
Pit III: 8 2 0 0 2 8
River Kombat: 0 0 2 0 0 3
Rooftop: 3 4 3 3 4 3
Scorpion's Lair: 6 6 6 4 4 4
Soul Chamber: 1 2 3 9 0 1
Street: 0 7 9 0 3 5
Subway: 8 8 0 8 8 0

Other Kodes:
"No Fear" Message: 2 8 2 2 8 2
No Powerbars: 9 8 7 1 2 3
Player One 1/2 Energy: 0 3 3 0 0 0
Player Two 1/2 Energy: 0 0 0 0 3 3
Player One 1/4 Energy: 7 0 7 0 0 0
Player Two 1/4 Energy: 0 0 0 7 0 7
Psycho Kombat: 9 8 5 1 2 5
Quasi-Randper Kombat: 4 4 4 4 4 4 or 4 6 0 4 6 0
"Rain Can be Found in the Graveyard:" 7 1 7 3 1 3
"See Mortal Kombat The Live Tour!" 5 5 0 5 5 0
Silent Kombat: 3 0 0 3 0 0
"Skunky! ´ E.F." 1 2 2 2 2 1
There is No Knowledge Without Power: 1 2 3 9 2 6
Throwing Disabled: 0 2 0 0 2 0
Throwing Encouraged: 0 1 0 0 1 0
Unikorn Referri: Sans Power: 0 4 4 4 4 0
Unlimited Run: 4 6 6 4 6 6
Version Number: 9 9 9 9 9 9
"Whatcha Gun Do? ´ E.B." 0 0 4 4 0 0
Winner of First Round Battles Motaro: 9 6 9 1 4 1
Winner of First Round Battles Noob Saibot: 7 6 9 3 4 2
Winner of First Round Battles Smoke: 2 0 5 2 0 5
Winner of Round Battles Shao Kahn: 0 3 3 5 6 4
You Are Entering the Land of Rellim: 6 4 2 4 6 8


Free play mode:
Press Up(2), Right(2), Left(2), Down(2) at the copyright, purple skull, high score, or demo battle screens. Shao Kahn will say "Excellent" or "Superb" to confirm correct code entry.

Keep wins with free play:
Complete the game and select the Battle with Ermac option. Finish the fight with a mercy, then beat him again. The "Choose your destiny" screen will appear without using any credits and your record from the previous game will be retained.

65,535 kredits:
Start a one player game and allow the CPU to defeat you on all five kredits. Push Start on controller two immediately after losing the second round of the fifth match. The play mode screen will appear. After Shao Kahn laughs three times, you will automatically enter the Mortal Kombat option. If you die during any subsequent match, the continue screen display 65,535 kredits remaining.

Cheat menu:
Press C, R, A, Z, Y, C, Y, R, A, X at the copyright, purple skull, high score, or demo battle screens. Shao Kahn will laugh to confirm correct code entry. Press Up at the Kombat Cube to display a blue "?", which contains the cheat menu with the following options: Free Credit, Mileena, Ermac, Classic Sub Zero, Fatality time, One round matches.

Fight as Human Smoke:
Select Cyber Smoke at the character selection screen and hold Left + Run + BLK + HP + HK at the start of the round. For player two, substitute the code with Right + Run + BLK + HP + HK.

Random character selection:
Press Up + Start at the character selection screen.

Scorpion's Lair "Crispy" fatality:
Hold both Run buttons after performing the stage fatality on Scorpion's Lair to hear Shao Kahn say "Crispy". Hold both HP buttons to see Dan Forden appear and say "Crispy". Hold both Run buttons and both HP buttons to hear Shao Kahn and Dan Forden both say "Crispy".

New opening quote:
Press Down, Up, Left(2), A, Right, Down while Shao Khan is laughing on the opening purple skull screen. The opening will change from "There is no knowledge that is not power" to "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

Shao Khan's treasures:
The first ten treasures are available at various difficulty levels. The last two treasures are available after winning an eight person tournament or defeating Shao Khan on the 4th Tower (path select).

1 (Dragon): Outcome
2 (MK): Play Galaga
3 (Yin Yang): Fight Ermac
4 (3): Fight Noob Saibot
5(?): Random
6 (Lightning Bolt): Fatality demo 1
7 (Goro): Fatality demo 2
8 (Raiden): Fatality demo 3
9 (Shao Kahn): Fight Noob Saibot and Ermac
10 (Skull): Classic Match
11 (?): Mega-endurance Match
12 (?): Supreme Demo

Kombat Kodes:
Enter one of the following Kombat Kodes to unlock the corresponding cheat function.
Kombat Kode --- Effect
700 723 --- Mileena
760 520 --- Classic Sub Zero
964 240 --- Ermac
079-035 --- Streets stage
077-022 --- Bridge stage
004-700 --- Shao Khan's Cave
933-933 --- Ermac's Portal
050-050 --- Noob Saibot's Dorfen
880-088 --- Subway stage
666-444 --- Scorpion's Lair (Hell)
820-028 --- Pit 3 stage
343-343 --- Roof Top stage
123-901 --- Soul Chamber stage
600-040 --- Temple stage
002-003 --- The Waterfront stage
666-333 --- The Grave Yard stage
330-033 --- Jade's Desert stage
091-190 --- Bell Tower stage
880-220 --- Shao Khan's Tower stage
033-000 --- Player 1 half energy
000-033 --- Player 2 half energy
707-000 --- Player 1 quarter energy
000-707 --- Player 1 quarter energy
024-689 --- Super endurance mode
390-000 --- Player 1 does half damage
000-390 --- Player 2 does half damage
555-556 --- No special moves
722-722 --- Combos disabled
044-440 --- Unikkorn Referi-Sans Power
100-100 --- Throwing disabled
020-020 --- Blocking disabled
040-404 --- Real Kombat
985-125 --- Psycho Kombat
444-444 or 460-460 --- Randper Kombat
688-422 --- Dark Kombat
300-300 --- Silent Kombat
205-205 --- Fight Classic Smoke
769-342 --- Fight Noob Saibot
969-141 --- Fight Motaro
033-564 --- Fight Shao Khan
550-550 --- "Go See The Mk Live Tour"
717-313 --- "Rain Can Be Found In The Grave Yard"
123-926 --- "There Is No Knowledge That Is Not Power!"
300-003 --- "Pub! D.K.P."
200-002 --- "It Should Work!?"
100-001 --- "It's Your Sprite Routine! M.A.H."
987-666 --- "Hold Flippers During Casino Run"
282-282 --- "No Fear, Max Countdown, E B Button,Skydive"
004-400 --- "Whacha Gun Do? E.B."
122-221 --- "Skunky!!"
448-844 --- "Don't Jump At Me"
987-123 --- Invisible energy bars
999-999 --- Display revision #
466-466 --- Unlimited run
024-689 --- Super endurance
321-789 --- Hyper run jumps
642-468 --- Play Galaga
788-322 --- Uppercut recovery

Hint: Hidden game name:
The Space Invaders-type hidden game takes place in a realm called "Rellim Ohcanep" which is a backwards spelling of "Penacho Miller", two members of the development team.

Hint: Noob Saibot's name:
This hidden character's name is a backwards spelling of "Tobias Boon", which is derived from the co-creators of the Mortal Kombat series; John Tobias and Ed Boon. Ed Boon also provides the voice for Scorpion.

Hint: Easier moves:

To perform a finishing move that contains an "Up" command, it may be easier to hold Block for performing the movement commands to stop you from jumping. Then release Block for any attack commands.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Twinkle Star Sprites

Fight as Sprites:
Highlight Load-Ran at the character selection screen. Then, press Up(4), A.

Fight as Memory:
Highlight Load-Ran at the character selection screen. Then, press Down(4), A.

Fight as Mevious:
Highlight Mevious at the character selection screen. Then, press Up(4), A.

Fight as Dark-Ran:
Highlight Mevious at the character selection screen. Then, press Down(4), A.

Shiriochi mode:
Complete the game one time.

Karaoke mode:
Complete the game under Saturn mode. A "Star Concert" option will appear when using the data CD.

Alternate ADK costume:
Change the Saturn's system date to December 25.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Tryrush Deppy

Extra mode:

Successfully complete the game. Then, highlight the "Exit" selection at the option menu and press Down.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - True Pinball

No tilts:

Press Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, L, Right, Down(2) when a pinball machine is in demo mode (displaying credits and high scores). 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Tomb Raider

Level Skip:
Pause the game and go into the last  page of the passport. Once there, press Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X, Start. Then press C and you will skip ahead to the next level.

All Weapons and Unlimited Ammo:
Go to the inventory  screen and press X, Y, X, Y, Z, Z, Z, Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X, Start. You will hear a grunting noise. Now use the skip level code to beat the game.  Start a new game and punch in the gun code and then the skip. In the next level, you will have all the guns.

When Lara is hanging from a ledge, hold the  WALK  button and press UP to do a handstand.

Unlimited Ammo:
Enter the Level Skip code then press A + Up.


Level skip (NTSC version):
Pause the game and enter the passport screen. Go to the "Exit To Title" page and press Z, Y, Z, Y, X(3), Start. Lara will make a sound to confirm correct code entry. Press A to skip to the next level.

Weapons (NTSC version):
Press X, Y, X, Y, Z(4), Y, Z, Y, X(3), Start at the inventory screen. Lara will make a sound to confirm correct code entry. Then, enable the "Level skip" code and use it to advance to the end of the game. Then, begin a new game and activate the "Weapons" code, followed by the "Level skip" code again. All weapons in the game will appear in Lara's inventory.

Unlimited ammunition:
Enable the "Level skip" code, then press X + Up.

Hint: Karate pose:

Stand directly in front of the fireplace in the gym, then press A + Up + B. Release B mid-jump and Lara will make a kind of karate pose.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Tokkaedama

Play as Miharu:
Select single player Tokimeki mode and enter Angel as a name.

Play as Rei:
Unlock Miharu, then press Up(2),Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A at the "Press Start" screen. Rei will be selectable in all modes except single player Tokimeki mode.

In-game reset:
Hold A + B + C + Start during game play.

Alternate costumes:

Select any mode except single player Tokimeki mode. Highlight a character and press Z, Y, or A at the selection screen. More costumes will appear for a character after you set the Saturn's system date to match that person's birthday.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You

5730 HP during Field Trip battle:
Press Start to pause game play after entering battle mode. Press B(3), C, B(3), C, A(2), Start.

Opening song:
Press C at the title screen.

All stats 999:
Start a new game. Enter the following actions at the screen where you choose your name or nickname. Press Up(2) at the "Last Name" field. Press Down(2) at the "First Name" field. Press Left, Right, Left, Right, X at the "Nickname" field. All stats, including Stress, will be boosted to 999.

All stats 573:
Start a new game. At the screen where you choose your name or nickname, enter KO-NA-MI-MA-NN (Konami-man in Hiragana) as your Adana (nickname). Enter any value for a birth date, blood type, and other fields. All your character's stats, including Stress, will be boosted to 573.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - TNN Hardcore 4x4

Black Mother truck:
Pause the game and press B, Left, A, C(2), A, Right. The phrase "push it to the max" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.

Race the War Zone circuit. Pause the game and press A, B, Right, A, C, A, Down, A, B, Right, A. The phrase "attack the track" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Switch to an exterior view to see the tank.

Last lap:
Race until attaining the first place position. Pause the game and press Left(3), A(2), Left(3), A(3). The current lap will now be the last lap.

Three turbos:
Wait until all turbos have been used. Pause the game and press C, Right, A, Z, Y, C, A, Right. The phrase "attack the track" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.

TV camera race view:
Pause the game and press Right, A, Left(2), Y, Down, Up, Left(2).

Alternate last place comments:
Pause the game and press Down, A, Z, C, Right, A, Z, Y, Down, A, Z.

Edit game physics:
Pause the game and press C, A, Right, Down, Up, Left(2), Down, Up, Left(2), Down, Up, Left(2).

Access all classes:
Select the time trial option, followed by the key icon. Select the one driver and three laps option. Enter NOVICE__ as a name (note the two spaces at the end). Press B(2) to return to the main menu. Select the class option to access the Pro and Extreme classes.

Adjust truck attributes:
Select the time trial option, followed by the key icon. Highlight the "1 Driver" option and press A. Choose the four drivers and number one lap option. Enter FIDDLE, WITH, VEHICLE, MEKANIXS as the driver names. Press B, highlight the begin race option and press Start. Press L +Z during game play to display a new menu. Press X and Z to view options such as gravity, stiffness, spring length, wheel extend, shock absorbers, steering speed, moment of inertia, engine power, and friction factor. Press L and R to adjust the value of each option.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Titan Wars

Detonating weapons:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, Down(2), Left, Down, Up, Down.

Guidable weapons:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, Down(2), Left, B, A, Left(2).

Tracking weapons:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, Down(2), Left, Left, A, Down, Y.

Chowder level:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, Down(2), Left, Y, Down(2), Up, Right, C.

Frost Byte level:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, Down(2), Left, B, Up, Right(2).

Horde level:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, Down(2), Left, C, Up, Down.

Somethin Trippin level:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, Down(2), Left, B, A, Right.

Rally mode:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, Down(2), Left, Right, A, L(2), Y.

Video test:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, Down(2), Left, Up, C, B, A, Down.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Time Commando

Level Passwords
Level --- Password


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Thunder Strike 2 (Also Known as "Thunderstrike 2" or "Firestorm: Thunderhawk 2")

South America
Level 2: JVV11NC7CBDVR0Q
Level 3: JV41URC7TBDV1PQ
Level 4: J1M1URC9MBDVV4I

South America - Stealth
Level 1: J9U9U3CRNFDFS9Q
Level 2: J94PUNCQ8FDRK2
Level 3: J819V7CSFFDF141

Panama Canal
Level 3: JJ19S6K13JCF0TQ

Central America
Level 1: JIoPT3C05NAFTPQ
Level 3: JL5PTNCLGNAF162

Eastern Europe
Level 1: JLo8QF4NEREFS61

Gulf 1 - Capture
Level 3: JM44RNSF2VMF1AQ

Gulf 2: Oil Dispute
Level 1: JPL4RNCF236FSQ2
Level 3: JB1KRND2B36F0DQ
Level 4: JAN4RND5K36FU11

South China Seas
Level 1: JB34RND5866FTK2
Level 2: JAI4RND5K66FS4I
Level 3: JDBKRND7A66FR5I
End: JA943ND9U66FINI

Note: 0 is a Zero; o is the Letter o


View ending sequence:
Enter LUN43NDTJ66F08A as a password.

Three mission game:
Enter INVALIDPASSWORD as a password. Only three missions need to be completed to finish the game.

Level Passwords:
Level --- Password
South America
Level 1 --- J6HH1FC5VBDVSIQ
Level 2 --- JVV11NC7CBDVR0Q
Level 3 --- JV41URC7TBDV1PQ
Level 4 --- J1M1URC9MBDVV41

South America Stealth
Level 1 --- J9U9U3CRNFDFS9Q
Level 2 --- J94PUNCQ8FDFRK2
Level 3 --- J819V7CSFFDF14I

Panama Canal
Level 3 --- JJ19S6K13JCF0TQ

Central America
Level 1 --- JIOPT3C05NAFTPQ
Level 2 --- JIT9TBCJ8NAFRU2
Level 3 --- JL5PTNCLGNAF162

Eastern Europe
Level 1 --- JLO8QF4NEREFS6I
Level 3 --- JNB4RDKB1REF1IQ

Gulf 1 - Capture
Level 2 --- JN64RNSCNVMFQ2Q
Level 3 --- JM44RNSF2VMF1AQ

Gulf 2 - Oil Dispute
Level 1 --- JPL4RNCF236FSQ2
Level 3 --- JB1KRND2B36F0DQ
Level 4 --- JAN4RND5K36FUII

South China Sea
Level 1 --- JB34RND5866FTK2
Level 2 --- JAI4RND5K66FS4I
Level 3 --- JDBKRND7A66FR5I
End --- JA943ND9U66F1NI


View ending sequence:
Enter LUN43NDTJ66F08A as a password.

Three mission game:
Enter INVALIDPASSWORD as a password. Only three missions need to be completed to finish the game.

Level Passwords:
Level --- Password
South America
Level 1 --- J6HH1FC5VBDVSIQ
Level 2 --- JVV11NC7CBDVR0Q
Level 3 --- JV41URC7TBDV1PQ
Level 4 --- J1M1URC9MBDVV41

South America Stealth
Level 1 --- J9U9U3CRNFDFS9Q
Level 2 --- J94PUNCQ8FDFRK2
Level 3 --- J819V7CSFFDF14I

Panama Canal
Level 3 --- JJ19S6K13JCF0TQ

Central America
Level 1 --- JIOPT3C05NAFTPQ
Level 2 --- JIT9TBCJ8NAFRU2
Level 3 --- JL5PTNCLGNAF162

Eastern Europe
Level 1 --- JLO8QF4NEREFS6I
Level 3 --- JNB4RDKB1REF1IQ

Gulf 1 - Capture
Level 2 --- JN64RNSCNVMFQ2Q
Level 3 --- JM44RNSF2VMF1AQ

Gulf 2 - Oil Dispute
Level 1 --- JPL4RNCF236FSQ2
Level 3 --- JB1KRND2B36F0DQ
Level 4 --- JAN4RND5K36FUII

South China Sea
Level 1 --- JB34RND5866FTK2
Level 2 --- JAI4RND5K66FS4I
Level 3 --- JDBKRND7A66FR5I

End --- JA943ND9U66F1NI

Monday, April 16, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Thunderhawk 2

Three mission game:

Enter INVALIDPASSWORD as a password. Only three missions need to be completed to finish the game. 

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Thunder Force V (Also Known as "Thunder Force 5")

All weapons and craw unit:
Pause game play and press Up, Right, A, Down, Right, A, C, Left, Up, B, Up, Right.

EX options:
Complete the game without using any continues under any difficulty level to see a longer bonus ending. Note: the last Boss will be more challenging when this is accomplished. Hold L + R and press Start at the options screen to access the EX options.

Extra continues:
Enter the options screen and leave the Saturn at this point for three hours to get one additional continue. A total of ninety-nine continues can be accumulated by this method.

Free play mode:
Complete the game with the good ending by quickly destroying the Boss in level 7 when he changes into his third form, before getting the high speed bonus. This will unlock a free play mode that allows the game to be played with unlimited continues.

Hidden images:

Insert the game disc into a PC compatible CD-ROM drive and look in the "Omake" directory for several bitmap graphic image files.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Thunder Force Gold Pak 2

All weapons:
Pause the game and press Up, Right, A, Down, Right, A, C, Left, Up, B, Up, Right.

Thunder Force 4: STYX fighter:

Successfully complete Thunder Force 4 with one credit. Save the game when prompted, and a special code will be displayed. Enter the code at the Thunder Force 4 title screen to use the STYX fighter from Thunder Force 3.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Three Dirty Dwarves

Cheat mode:

Press L + R at the options menu to display the password screen. Enter MOSHOLU as a password to display the level select menu.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Theme Park

All rides, shops, attractions and extra money (North American version):
Enter DEAD as a nickname and select the "End" option. During game play, enter the ride purchase menu and hold L + X + Y + Z + A + B + C. The sound of children cheering will confirm correct code entry. Hold A + B + C during game play to gain additional money.

All rides, shops and attractions (European version):

Enter DEAD as a nickname and select the "End" option. Press A + Z at the next screen.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Tenchi Muyou: Rensa Hitsuyou

Ending bonus:

Successfully complete the game in one player mode under the normal difficulty setting. Select the last option at the starting menu to play the game in secret mode with joke changes. Grandfather Yosho will also be unlocked in versus mode. Successfully complete the game in one player mode under the hard difficulty setting to unlock Lady Achika in versus mode. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Ten Pin Alley

Rotating bowler:
Enter 3DWait as the player name in slot number five. Begin game play and move the bowler from left to right, then wait approximately one minute without pressing any further controller directions or buttons.

Exchange ball and head:
Enter Ichabod as the player name in slot number four, and Crane in slot number five.

Big head mode:
Enter Hi as the player name in slot number one, AM2 in slot number two, Big in slot number three, and Heads in slot number four.

Active lanes:
Enter Refract as the player name in slot number four.

Disable all codes:
Enter Reset as the player name in slot number one.

Anime character
Enter FEIF as a human player name in slot number three, DEI in slot number five, and gdbg in slot number six.

Bowling pin character:
Enter Vector as the player name in slot number one and Pins in slot number two.

Happy crowd:
Enter Happy1 as the player name in slot number five.

Restless crowd:
Enter Downers as the player name in slot number four.

Black and white mode:
Enter 1950s as the player name in slot number five and TV in slot number six.

Expert mode:
Enter CPU300 as the player name in slot number four. The CPU will always bowl a 300 game.

Disable accuracy meter:
Enter Icant as the player name in slot number one, Play in slot number two, and Legally in slot number three.

Shadow mode:
Enter Vorlons as the player name in slot number three.

Spinning mode:
Enter Babyln5 as the player name in slot number three and Spinmde in slot number four.

Glass bowling balls:
Enter Glass as the player name in slot number one and Balls in slot number four.

Wireframe bowlers:
Enter Vectrex as the player name in slot number one and Mode1 in slot number two. To add more details, enter Vectrex as the player name in slot number one and Mode2 in slot number three.

Disable all codes:
Enter the Reset as the player name on slot number one.

Clone bowler:
Hold L or R while saving a game to create a copy of the current bowler.

Options plus menu:
The game keeps track of how many times the options screen is displayed. An options plus menu will appear in its place after the normal options menu is displayed a large number of times (over 100 cumulatively).

Bonus files:

Insert the game disc into a PC compatible CD-ROM drive to and access the "Bonus" directory.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Tempest 2000

Level skip:

Obtain a score that qualifies for the top position on the high score screen. Enter DRL as initials on the high score screen. Begin game play and press L + R to jump to the next level.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Tekkyu: True Pinball

Disable tilts:

Choose a table at the selection screen. Then press Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, L, Right, Down(2) when the table appears. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Tactics Ogre

Music mode:
Enter MUSIC ON as a name to enable music mode, which allows background music in all stages to be played.

Art gallery (Japanese version):
Start a new game. Then enter de ne bu [Heart] re po - to in Hiragana. Then, select one of your saved game files to view the "Deneb Report" of full body artwork for the game's characters. Note: The game must be completed in one of the three saved game files allowed in order for all character art to be viewed.

Hint: Gaining levels faster:
Place the character with the highest level on one team, then place the character that you want to level up. Make sure the character you want to level up has any bow. When in training mode, have the character with the high level turn their back to the person with the low level. Then order the character with the bow to attack. When you reach the same level as your opponent, end training. You can add as many characters as desired, but the number of characters to level up must be equal to the number of characters that are of a higher level.

Note: This trick requires the Witch with Stun spell. Place the high level character where he can easily be hit. Do not let the low level character attack until the Witch stuns the high level character. Repeat this until you have gotten to the desired level.

Go to practice and place all of your units on one team. If you do not have enough, take one out and put them on the other team. First, have everyone on the blue team attack each other and get them to one hit kills. Do the same with the red team. Then, have your main man kill until he levels up higher then the rest. Have everyone throw stones at him (no bows, as it would kill him too quickly) until they level up. Then, repeat the process.

Put two characters on one team. One of them should have an extremely high defense and level, and the other equipped with Stone. On the other team, put low level or new level 1 characters, probably no more than three of them. Set both teams for 1P. Note: The low level characters should not have any equipment yet. When the training starts, the only thing you want to do is Stone both characters on the team with the high level characters. Unlike a real battle, in training the battle will continue even if the other team cannot fight back. Once you successfully put both characters in Stone, go to your options screen and set the teams under CPU control. Your Stoned characters are now easy punching bags for level ups. Note: Doing this with Soldiers or Amazons is not recommended if they are to receive a class change that can be obtained by level 5.

Hint: Taking advantage of Luck cards:

Luck cards tend to increase and decrease your character's luck. They also determine the chances of a critical hit. To use these cards to your advantage, immediately before you pick the card up, save the game. Pick up the card. If the card decreases your luck, load the saved game and pick the card up again. Eventually, you will get a "luck up" card.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Super Robot War F

Birthday party:

Set the Saturn's internal clock to the main character's birthday. The EVA characters will throw a birthday celebration when game play begins.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo (Also known as "Puzzle Fighter X 2" in Japan)

Note: This game is titled Puzzle Fighter X 2 in Japan. Gouki, Anita, and Lei-Lei appear in that version.

Play as Akuma (Gouki):
For player one, highlight Morrigan, hold Start, and press Down(3), Left(3), A. For player two, highlight Felicia, hold Start and enter Down(3),Right(3), A. This code is valid in all modes except Street Puzzle mode. An alternate method is to hold L and press A at the character selection screen.

Play as Anita (Amanda):
For player one, highlight Ryu, move down to Morrigan, hold Start, move the cursor two squares to the right to Donovan and press A. For player two, highlight Ken, move down to Felicia, hold Start, move the cursor one square to the left to Donovan, and press A. This code is valid in all modes except Street Puzzle mode.

Play as Devilot:
Begin a new arcade, master arcade, or Vs. mode game. Hold L + R and press A, Y, or B at the character selection screen. Each button results in a different color.

Play as Dan:
For player one, highlight Morrigan, hold Select, and press Left(3), Down(3), A. For player two, highlight Felicia, hold Select, and pressRight(3), Down(3), A. This code is valid in all modes except Street Puzzle mode. An alternate method is to hold R and press A at the character selection screen.

Play as Hsien-Ko's (Lei-Lei's) sister:
For player one, highlight Morrigan, hold Start, move the cursor one square the right to Hsien-Ko, and press A. For player two, highlight Felicia, hold Start, move the cursor two squares to the left to Hsien-Ko, and press A. This code is valid in all modes except Street Puzzle mode.

To access Hsien-Ko's (Lei-Lei's) paper talisman:
Highlight Ryu, move down to Morrigan, hold Start, highlight Lei-Lei (Hsien-Ko)and press A.

Play against CPU controlled Devilot:
Complete all of the following tasks before reaching stage 7, without continuing:
• Defeat an opponent within one minute in one round
• Have at least one Super Combo
• Have a maximum chain of 4 or more
• Have a maximum Power Gem of at least 20 units

Play against CPU controlled Dan:
Complete all of the following tasks before reaching stage 6, without continuing:
• Defeat an opponent within one minute in one round
• Have at least one Super Combo
• Have a maximum chain of 4 or more
• Have a maximum Power Gem of at least 20 units

Stage select:
Select versus mode, choose a character, and hold L + R + Start while selecting a handicap. While holding those buttons, press one of the following buttons to start at the corresponding stage. Note: To start at Dan's stage, do not press an additional button.
Stage --- Button
Donvan --- B
Hsien-Ko/Lei-Lei --- A
Sakura --- X
Felicia --- C
Akuma/Gouki --- Z
Devilot --- Y
Morrigan --- Up
Chun-Li --- Down
Ryu --- Left

Ken --- Right

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (Also Known as "Pocket Fighter" in Japan)

Fight as Gouki:
Highlight Ryu on the character selection screen and press Left.

Fight as Dan:
Highlight Ken on the character selection screen and press Right.

Alternate ending music:
Win a game, then hold B + C immediately before the character's ending sequence begins. The game's opening music will play in place of the the ending theme.

Windows screen saver:
Insert the game disc into a PC compatible CD-ROM drive and copy the "pocket.scr" file into the Windows/System directory. A Pocket Fighter screen saver should now be available under Settings/Control Panel/Display/Screen Saver.

Hint: Alternate Chun-Li taunt:
Select Chun-Li and fight Felicia. Instead of having her "Gomen Nasai!" taunt, she will wave a cat toy.


Fight as Gouki:
Highlight Ryu on the character selection screen and press Left.

Fight as Dan:
Highlight Ken on the character selection screen and press Right.

Alternate ending music:
Win a game, then hold B + C immediately before the character's ending sequence begins. The game's opening music will play in place of the the ending theme.

Windows screen saver:
Insert the game disc into a PC compatible CD-ROM drive and copy the "pocket.scr" file into the Windows/System directory. A Pocket Fighter screen saver should now be available under Settings/Control Panel/Display/Screen Saver.

Hint: Alternate Chun-Li taunt:

Select Chun-Li and fight Felicia. Instead of having her "Gomen Nasai!" taunt, she will wave a cat toy.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Suchie-Pai Limited Edition

Extra song:
Place disc three in the Saturn and start the game. Hold B + C + Y + Z + Up and press Start at the title screen. The "Game Heaven" song may now be played at the sound test screen.

Bonus characters:
Begin game play in "Mahjong Free Play" mode and win at least one level with each of the original twenty-five characters. Six bonus characters will now be unlocked. To unlock more characters, play each of the six bonus characters and win at least one level. Five bonus characters from "Game Heaven" will now be unlocked.

Character slide show:
Play each of the five "Game Heaven" bonus characters and win at least one level.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sega Saturn Cheats - Street Racer

Silver cup:
Enter the options screen and highlight the cup password option. Enter TRAFIK as a password to access the Silver cup.

Gold cup:
Enter the options screen and highlight the cup password option. Enter NEJATI as a password to access the Gold cup.

Platinum cup:
Enter the options screen and highlight the cup password option. Enter DOUGAL as a password to access the Platinum cup.

Secret driver, hidden level, advanced options:

Enter the options screen and highlight the cup password option. Enter TURGAY as a password. A secret driver (Rabbit), level, and advanced options will be accessible. 
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