Thursday, September 17, 2015

Nintendo 3DS Cheats - Bust-A-Move Universe

Unlockable Awards
To unlock the following, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
100-Second Bubble Master --- Play 100-Second Bubbles 10 times.
100-Second Bubble Runner --- Reach 3000000 points in 100-Second Bubbles.
300-Second Bubble Master --- Play 300-Second Bubbles 10 times.
300-Second Bubble Runner --- Reach 7000000 points in 300-Second Bubbles.
Ace of the Astro-Machine --- Defeat the Stage 7 boss in under 30 seconds.
Ace of the Cloud Ocean --- Defeat the Stage 4 boss in under 20 seconds.
Ace of the Desert Zone --- Defeat the Stage 3 boss in under 15seconds.
Ace of the Frozen World --- Defeat the Stage 6 boss in under 25 seconds.
Ace of the Moonbase --- Defeat the Stage 2 boss in under 15 seconds.
Ace of the Motherland --- Defeat the Stage 1 boss in under 15 seconds.
Ace of the Prominence --- Defeat the Stage 8 boss in under 30 seconds.
Ace of the Ring Planet --- Defeat the Stage 5 boss in under 25 seconds.
Amazing Drop --- Drop over 20 bubbles at once.
An Excellent Bonus --- Score an Excellent during Bonus Time.
Astro-Machine Clear --- Clear Stage 7.
Astro-Machine Complete --- Clear Stage 7 without using any Special Bubbles. (No retries)
Bombs to the Max --- Blow up a boss by detonating 5 Bomb Bubbles simultainiously.
Bonus Master --- Acquire Bonus Time 10 times.
Burst Master --- Burst a total of 1000 bubbles.
Cloud Ocean Clear --- Clear Stage 4.
Cloud Ocean Complete --- Clear Stage 4 without using any Special Bubbles. (No retries)
Deasert Zone Clear --- Clear Stage 3.
Desert Zone Complete --- Clear Stage 3 without using any Special Bubbles. (No retries)
Drop Master --- Burst a total of 1000 bubble groups.
Emperor of Perfection --- Score a total of 100 Perfects.
Frozen World Clear --- Clear Stage 6.
Frozen World Complete --- Clear Stage 6 without using any Special Bubbles. (No retries)
Hero --- Activate 10 Rescue Bubbles.
Hi-Scorer --- Achieve the highest score (600000 points) with Bonus Bubbles.
In Just One Shot --- Change the color of 6 bubbles with a single Spark Bubble.
Laser Clear --- Clear a round using Laser Bubbles.
Laser Master --- Erase over 30 bubbles with a single Laser Bubble.
Laser Shooter --- Use a total of 10 Laser Bubbles.
Moonbase Clear --- Clear Stage 2.
Moonbase Complete --- Clear Stage 2 without using any Special Bubbles. (No retries)
Motherland Clear --- Clear Stage 1.
Motherland Complete --- Clear Stage 1 without using any Special Bubbles. (No retries)
Nonstop Beginner --- Reach Level 100 in Nonstop Bubbles.
Nonstop Bubble Master --- Play Nonstop Bubbles 10 times.
Nonstop Bubble Runner --- Reach 50000000 points in Nonstop Bubbles.
Nonstop Master --- Reach Level 1000 in Nonstop Bubbles.
Nonstop Veteran --- Reach Level 500 in Nonstop Bubbles.
Perfect Destroyer --- Defeat all bosses.
Perfect Rescue --- Rescue all friends.
Prominence Clear --- Clear Stage 8.
Proninence Complete --- Clear Stage 8 without using any Special Bubbles. (No retries)
Puzzle Mode Master --- Play Puzzle Mode 10 times.
Rainbow Island --- Activate 10 Rainbow Bubbles.
Ring Planet Clear --- Clear Stage 5.
Ring Planet Complete --- Clear Stage 5 without using any Special Bubbles. (No retries)
Scorer --- Activate 10 Bonus Bubbles.
Shooting Ace --- Shoot a total of 10000 bubbles.
Skilled Bomber --- Activate 10 Bomb Bubbles.
Spark Shooter --- Use a total of 10 Spark Bubbles.
Speedy Clear --- Clear a round in under 10 seconds.
The Side Master --- Activate 10 Side Bubbles.
Time Keeper --- Play for a total of 10 hours.
Wild Master --- Erase 3 kinds of bubble with a single Wild Bubble.
Wild Shooter --- Use a total of 10 Wild Bubbles.

Wild-Style Clear --- Clear a round using Wild Bubbles.

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