Saturday, November 14, 2015

Nintendo 3DS Cheats - Fire Emblem: Kakusei

Lunatic+ Difficulty
To unlock Lunatic+ Difficulty you have to beat the game once on Lunatic difficulty.


Complete the game on Lunatic.

This is a list of characters obtainable through normal gameplay. Not including DLC or Spotpass or Streetpass.
Character --- Effect
Anna --- Talk to her with Chrom in Paralogue 4.
Aversa --- Joins you in one of the bonus paralouges unless she dies.
Basilio Obtained by plot --- Unknown.
Brady --- Maribelle must get married, and talk to him with Chrom or Maribelle in Paralogue 7.
Character --- How to unlock.
Cherche --- Obtained by plot.
Children --- Children characters can be recruited when certain females marry.
Chrom --- Available from beginning.
Cordella --- Obtained by plot.
Cynthia --- Sumia must get married, and talk to her with Chrom or Sumia in Paralogue 9.
Donnel --- Unknown.
Emmeryn --- talk to her and then protect her in one of the bonus paralouges.
Flavia Obtained by plot --- Unknown.
Frederick --- Available from beginning.
Gaius --- Talk to him with Chrom in Chapter 6.
Gangrel --- talk to him 3 times with avatar in the sea-king bonus paralouge.
Gerome --- Cherche must get married, and talk to him with Chrom or Cherche in Paralogue 11.
Gregor --- Obtained by plot.
Henry --- Obtained by plot.
Inigo --- Olivia must get married, and talk to him with Chrom or Olivia in Paralogue 6.
Kellam --- Talk to him with Chrom, in chapter 3.
Kjelle --- Sully must get married, and talk to her with Chrom or Sully in Paralogue 8.
Laurent --- Miriel must get married, and talk to him with Chrom or Miriel in Paralogue 14.
Libra --- Talk to him with Chrom in Chapter 9.
Lissa --- Avaialble from beginning.
Lon'qu --- Obtained by plot.
Lucina --- Obtained by plot.
Maribelle --- Obtained by plot.
Miriel --- Obtained by plot.
Morgan (f) --- Have a Male Avatar and must get married, and talk to her with Chrom or your character in Paralogue 12.
Morgan (m) --- Have a Female Avatar and must get married, and talk to him with Chrom or yourself in Paralogue 12.
Nah --- Nowi must get married, and talk to her with Chrom or Nowi in Paralogue 16.
Noire --- Tharja must get married, and talk to her with Chrom or Tharja in Paralogue 15.
Nowi --- Obtained by plot.
Olivia --- Obtained by plot.
Owain --- Lissa must get married, and talk to him with Chrom or Lissa in Paralogue 5.
Panne --- Obtained by plot.
Ricken --- Obtained by plot.
Say'ri --- Obtained by plot.
Severa --- Coredelia must get married, and talk to her with Chrom or Cordelia in Paralogue 10.
Stahl --- Obtained by plot.
Sully --- Obtained by plot.
Sumia --- Obtained by plot.
Tharja --- Talk to her with Chrom in Chapter 9.
Tiki --- Complete Paralogue 17.
Vaike --- Obtained by plot.
Virion --- Obtained by plot.
Walhart --- Beat him with Chrom in one of the bonus paralouges.
Yarne --- Panne must get married, and talk to him with Chrom or Panne in Paralogue 13.
Yen`fay --- Talk to him with his sister or Chrom in one of the bonus paralouges.

Extended Extras Menu
Unlocking the Theater,Support Log, and Unit Gallery in the Extras Menu.
Item --- Location
Support Log --- Beat the game once.
Theater --- Beat the game once.
Unit Gallery/Sound Test --- Beat the game once.

Renown Awards
You can gain renown by challenging other teams on Street Pass. You can gain each reward one time, once you reach the corresponding level of renown (as indicated below). Access your awards by pressing START on the map screen, then selecting "Wireless" followed by "Renown Awards."
Glass Sword - 50
Second Seal - 100
Orsin's Hatchet - 150
Seed of Trust - 210
Levin Sword - 270
Energy Drop - 330
Beast Killer - 400
Spirit Dust - 470
Celica's Gate - 550
Secret Book - 630
Longbow - 720
Ephraim's Lance - 810
Goddess Icon - 900
Bullion - 1,000
Speedwing - 1,200
Leif's Blade - 1,500
Bolt Axe - 1,800
Seraph Robe - 2,200
Innes' Bow - 2,600
Mercurius - 3,000
Dracoshield - 3,500
Noble Rapier - 4,000
Tiki's Tear - 4,500
Parthia - 5,000
Sigurd's Lance - 5,750
Talisman - 6,500
Hector's Axe - 7,250
Alm's Blade - 8,000
Micaiah's Pyre - 9,000
Gradivus - 10,000
Naga's Tear - 30,000
Boots - 50,000
Ultimate Emblem - 99,999

Unlimited State Boosts for Avatar Logbook Characters
1. Acquire a large number of stat boosting items and gold.
2. Save the game.
3. Recruit the character from the logbook you wish to boost stats for.
4. Apply as many stat boosters as you can to this unit.
5. Update the avatar logbook for that character.
6. Save in a new save spot (do not overwrite original save.)
7. Load older save.
8. Repeat process until stats are maxed.

Unlimited Weapons

The DLC maps hold towns that never close up. Enter the Champions of Yore maps and visit the towns all you want for unlimited items.

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