Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Nintendo 3DS Cheats - LBX: Little Battlers Experience

Password Mode
Use the following passwords at the MeTaMo (Save location / Save Points) so you can get the following items at the Navarro's.
Password: --- Result:
4x3grIND --- HG Battle-Ax [Wep]
8igs7iCK --- HG Xenon Halberd [Wep]
8aDDr3am --- Nightmare [Set]
alFa7H3r --- Odin [Set]
op3nD80x --- Pandora [Set]
HIghn3$$ --- Sapphire Queen [Set]

LBX custom sets codes
Odin - alFa7H3r
Pandora - op3nD80x
Destroyer Z - chaiN$aW
Nightmare - 8aDDr3am
Kunoichi - kuNal807

Top Gear custom sets
Achilles - H331P41n
Odin - aIFa7H3r
Pandora - Op3nD80x
Destroyer Z - ChaiN$aW
Nightmare - 8aDDr3am
Fenrir - w0LFGUnr
Kunoichi (yellow) - kuNal807
Sapph Queen - HIGhn3$$

S Rank Weapons LBX
HG Achilles Lance - H3eL8L0k
HG Huntsman Rifle - PiNp0in7
HG Xenon Halberd - 8igs7iCK
HG Burn Knuckles - Fir3ClaW
HG Battle-Ax - 4x3grIND

Sets and Weapons (EU Ver.)

Use 1C3QU33N as password at the MeTaMo (Save Points) so you can get the Extra Sets and Weapons.

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