Monday, March 14, 2016

Nintendo 3DS Cheats - Rabbids Rumble

Unlockable Characters
To unlock the following Characters, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Agent Bwah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Rabbid in Space
Armstwong --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Space Arena
Atom Mick --- Capture him in Power Plant AR Card Game
Autobwahn --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Bwah Sports
Bo Bwah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Circus Arena
Busby --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at World Tour
Buzz --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Space Arena
Bwaahgette --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at World Tour
Bwahbarian --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Ancient Arena
Bwahberella --- Defeat her team and then capture her in Space Arena
Bwahbie --- Defeat her team and then capture her in FunFair Arena
Bwahcula --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Haunted Arena
Bwainiac --- Capture him in Laboratory AR Card Game
Bwian --- Capture him in Rabbidhouse AR Card Game
Day Taah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Rabbid in Space
Diablo --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Rabbident Evil
Disco Stu --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Rabbid Party
DJ Sniff --- Defeat his team and then capture him in FunFair Arena
Dr.Dunno --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Rabbident Evil
Durabbid --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Rabbid in Space
Ednaah --- Defeat her team and then capture her in Bonus Arena at Rabbid Party
Eggbert --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Cooking Rabbid
Fido --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Haunted Arena
Fwankie --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Haunted Arena
Fwaraoh --- Capture him in Pyramid AR Card Game
Gingy --- Capture him in Ginger House AR Card Game
Gwadiataah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Ancient Arena
Gwim Weaper --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Rabbident Evil
Hilda --- Defeat her team and then capture her in Bonus Arena at World Tour
Inspectaah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Rabbidville
Jock --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Bwah Sports
Judge Bwah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Rabbidville
Keef --- Defeat his team and then capture him in FunFair Arena
Loco Libre --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Sports Arena
Mastaah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Circus Arena
Misty --- Defeat her team and then capture her in Bonus Arena at Bwah Sports
Posh --- Defeat her team and then capture her in Bonus Arena at Rabbid Party
Salty --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Diner Arena
Senetaah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Ancient Arena
Spotz --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Diner Arena
Sundae --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Cooking Rabbid
Tigwah --- Capture him in Mini Golf AR Card Game
Tricksy --- Capture him in Magic Party AR Card Game
Twevaah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Rabbidville
Waitaah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Diner Arena
Weenah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Bonus Arena at Cooking Rabbid
Wocky --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Sports Arena
Zunaah --- Defeat his team and then capture him in Sports Arena

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