Complete one of the following
achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Behold! (20 GP) --- Deploy a
legendary weapon that you received from a weapons crate or gravestone.
Best. Clan. Ever. (30 GP) ---
Create your own clan, Complete with emblem
Big Spender (20 GP) ---
Purchase a Concrete Donkey from the in-game shop
Confidence Boost (30 GP) ---
Win a league Clan Match
Ding (20 GP) --- Level up with
a clan
First of many (20 GP) --- Win
a multiplayer match
Fore! (30 GP) --- Kill 4 worms
in a single turn.
Group Up (50 GP) --- Complete
"Meat In The Middle".
High and Dry (50 GP) ---
Complete "Worm On Trap".
Juggernaut (20 GP) ---
Accumulate 300 or more health on a single worm.
Liking the Taste (20 GP) ---
Kill a total of 10 enemy worms
Long Winded (20 GP) ---
Parachute for 30 seconds and successfully land in a single turn
Make it Count (30 GP) --- Win
a ranked multiplayer match.
Man v. Worms (50 GP) --- Kill a total of 300 enemy worms
Mesmerized (100 GP) --- Defeat
The evil Lord Mesmer
Not again... (50 GP) ---
Complete "The Class Act".
Overkill (30 GP) --- Deal 500
damage in a single turn
Prod off (20 GP) --- Kill 5
worms with the Prod weapon.
Sergeant Swift (100 GP) ---
Complete all Worm Ops missions in a cumulative time of 8 minutes or less
Show-off (20 GP) --- Play a
multiplayer match using your personally created landscape
Sitting Pretty (20 GP) ---
Fully customize your worms
Steamroller (50 GP) ---
Achieve a win streak of 5 online ranked games
Untouchable (40 GP) ---
Complete story level 11 without taking any damage
Very Moreish (20 GP) --- Kill
a total of 100 enemy worms
Worm for the Job (30 GP) ---
Complete all Worm Ops missions
Secret Achievements
Complete one of the following
Secret achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
An honest mistake (20 GP) ---
While in an alliance, kill one of your ally's worms in an online match.
Weapons Expert (20 GP) --- Use
every weapon and utility in the game.
DLC Achievements - Alien
Complete one of the following
Alien Invasion DLC achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Big Hitter (50 GP) --- Get a
score of 50,000 in Bodycount in one game
Houston We Have a Problem (75
GP) --- Complete all Alien Invasion missions
Let the Bodies Hit the Floor
(50 GP) --- Kill 250 worms in Bodycount (multiple games allowed)
Living in the Future (25 GP)
--- Use all of the alien weapons
Not a Scratch (50 GP) ---
Don't allow the UFO to take any damage in level 6
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