Monday, May 29, 2017

Sega Saturn Cheats - Bubble Symphony

Arcade Mode
In this mode you can enter the secret rooms if even if you've died. To enable it, press B, A, B, A, B, A, Left, C on the main menu.

Magic Rod
If you wait for the 'Hurry Up!' to appear on levels 6, 11, and 17 and a letter will appear. If you spell ROD you'll gain a giant road which makes you invulnerable and turns anything you touch into a diamond. It will also return the dragons to their human form.

Play as Humans
To play as humans, press Left, Down, Up, B, Right, C, A at the main menu.

Super Game
To choose between the Normal game and the Super game, press Up, C, Right, B, A, Left, C, Down at the main menu.


Game select:
Press Up, C, Right, B, A, Left, C, Down at the title screen to select between normal and super game modes. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Play as human Rainbow Island characters:
Press Left, Down, Up, B, Right, C, A, Right at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Bonus options:
Press Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, C, B at the main menu. The following extra options will be available: Super game toggle, language select, sound test, sound volume, and audio mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Always access secret rooms:
Press B, A, B, A, B, A, Left, C at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

No background graphics, new music:
Press A, B, A, B. A, B, Right, C or Left, A, Left, C, Left, B, Left, C at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Turbo mode:

Press Down, A, B, C, Left, Right, Left, C at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

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