Sunday, May 26, 2019

Xbox One Cheats - Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

Achievements - Main Game
Nick Fury was unlocked as a playable hero. --- Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Won 20 Arcade Mode Levels. --- Battle Hardened
Won 1 Arcade Mode Level --- Battle Tested
M.O.D.O.K was defeated. --- Blue Screen of Death
Answered 20 Trivia Questions Correctly In A Row --- Comic God
Deathbird was crushed. --- Deathbird's Defeat
Grey Gargoyle was defeated. --- Defeated Grey Gargoyle
Dr. Doom was utterly defeated --- Doomed Ending
Fin Fang Foom was defeated --- Dragon Slayer
Unlocked ALL outfits for EVERY hero. --- Dressed for Success
Beat Marvel: Ultimate Alliance in Hard Mode --- Excelsior!
Threw 5 Enemies off a Ledge --- Fall to Death
Defeated 10 Enemies --- Fledgling Superhero
Arcade was defeated. --- Game Over
Ymir fell to the forces of good. --- Giant Relief
Attained gold on all comic missions --- Golden Age of Comics
Completed Skrull Cityscape level without defeating a single enemy. --- Good Samaritan
Completed a level with at least 1 other player. --- I have a friend
Defeated 100 Enemies. --- Legendary Superhero
Win 3 Arcade levels consecutively --- Mad Skillz
The evil Mandarin was crushed by the forces of good. --- Mandarin's Downfall
Answered 15 Trivia questions correctly --- Marvel Geek
Answered 150 Trivia questions correctly. --- Marvel Master
Performed 50 Finishing Moves. --- Melee Master
Mephisto was struck down. --- Mephisto's Defeat
Performed 5 Finishing Moves. --- Pugilist
Threw 50 Enemies off a ledge --- Scared of Heights
Daredevil was unlocked as a playable hero. --- Scarlet Swashbuckler
Blackheart was defeated. --- Son of a Devil
Completed 25 levels with at least 1 other player. --- Super Hero Team
Silver Surfer was unlocked as a playable hero. --- Surfs Up
The mighty Kraken was defeated. --- Swimming with the Fish
Completed 1 level with 3 other players. --- Teamwork
Won 15 Arcade Mode levels consecutively. --- Teh Mast3r
Won 100 Arcade Mode Levels. --- The Destroyer
Executioner and Enchantress were defeated. --- The Executioner's Blade
The mighty Galactus was toppled --- The Power Cosmic
Loki was defeated. --- The Trickster
Defeated 4000 enemies. --- The Ultimate Super Hero
Titannus was defeated. --- Titanic Victory
Performed 200 Finishing Moves. --- Touch of Death
Completed 25 levels with 3 other players. --- Ultimate Team Alliance
Tigershark and Attuma were defeated. --- Underwater Battle
Black Panther was unlocked as a playable hero. --- Wakandan Royalty
Gladiator was defeated. --- Warrior's Path
Threw 500 enemies off a ledge. --- Widowmaker

Achievements - DLC: Title Update
Unlock all the outfits for Hawkeye. --- Archer Apparel
Unlock all the outfits for Sabretooth. --- Creed's Cloth
Unlock all the outfits for Doom. --- Doom's Duds
Speak to Doom while playing as Doom. --- Doppelgänger
Speak to Xavier while playing as Magneto. --- Fleeting Allies
Unlock all the outfits for the Hulk. --- Gamma Garb
Unlock all the outfits for Magneto. --- Magnetic Regalia
Speak to Jean as Cyclops. --- Mutant Love
Unlock all the outfits for Cyclops. --- Optic Outfits
Unlock all the outfits for Venom. --- Symbiote Skins
Unlock all the outfits for Nightcrawler. --- Teleport Threads
Sabretooth gets mistaken for Wolverine. --- Wrong Claws

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