To unlock the following PSVita
Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Bayou Fever (Silver) ---
Finish every Bayou Fever mission
Business Woman (Silver) ---
Finish every Business Rivals mission
Charming (Bronze) --- Charm 50
Climber (Bronze) --- Climb
8848 meters
Completionist (Silver) --- Get
to the maximum player stage in the multiplayer
Deadly Haystack (Bronze) ---
Eliminate 50 enemies from haystacks using the Blowpipe
Diarist (Bronze) --- Collect
every diary page
Disguised (Bronze) --- Change
your persona 50 times
Egg Hunter (Bronze) ---
Collect every alligator egg
Fighter (Bronze) ---
Participate in 100 fights in multiplayer
Finish 100% of every Mission
Constraints (Silver) --- Achieve 100% Synchronization in every Sequences
Hangman (Bronze) --- Perform
10 predator moves using the Whip
Human Shields (Silver) --- Block
10 firing lines with a human shield
Liberation (Silver) --- Finish
every Free Slaves mission
Machete (Silver) --- Eliminate
5 guards in 15 seconds using only the Sugarcane Machete (without using the
Chain Kill)
Mushroom Queen (Bronze) ---
Collect every the mushrooms collectibles
My 1st Dressing Chamber
(Bronze) --- Purchase your 1st Dressing Chamber
Notorious (Bronze) --- Move
through New Orleans for 10 minutes in the Assassin Persona
Persona Collector (Silver) ---
Collect every persona-specific collectible
Pirates (Silver) --- Finish
every Pirates mission
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) ---
Collect every other 44 Trophies for this Trophy
Poison (Silver) --- Use
berserk poison to force an enemy to eliminate 5 enemies
Power master (Bronze) ---
Finish 30 economic missions in multiplayer
Purchase Every Dressing
Chambers (Bronze) --- Purchase every Dressing Chamber
RHP Master (Bronze) ---
Synchronize every viewpoints
Shipmaster (Bronze) ---
Purchase the maximum number of ships (8)
Statuette Collector (Bronze)
--- Collect every Mayan statuette
Survivor (Bronze) --- Survive
5 alligator encounters
Swamp Queen (Bronze) --- Tree
Run for 10 branches without touching the ground
Thief (Silver) --- Pickpocket
5000 ecu
Tree ninja (Bronze) --- Finish
15 Air Assassinations from trees
Umbrella (Bronze) ---
Eliminate 25 enemies with the Parasol Gun
What is she doing? (Silver)
--- Eliminate 7 guards on rooftops in the Lady Persona
Secret Trophies
To unlock the following PSVita
- Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Finish Aveline's Story
(Silver) --- Finish the game (fake ending)
Hanger (Bronze) --- Hang an
enemy on the gibbet at the Place d'Armes
Predator (Bronze) ---
Eliminate an enemy from a tree, with the blowpipe, while using eagle vision
Sequence 1 (Silver) --- Finish
Sequence 1
Sequence 2 (Silver) --- Finish
Sequence 2
Sequence 3 (Silver) --- Finish
Sequence 3
Sequence 4 (Silver) --- Finish
Sequence 4
Sequence 5 (Silver) --- Finish
Sequence 5
Sequence 6 (Silver) --- Finish
Sequence 6
Sequence 7 (Silver) --- Finish
Sequence 7
Sequence 8 (Silver) --- Finish
Sequence 8
The Truth (Gold) --- Eliminate
every Citizen E and experience the true ending
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