Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - AirMech Arena

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Blood Thirsty (30 GP) --- Destroy 3 Human piloted AirMechs in the first 3 minutes of an online match.
Boosted (10 GP) --- Win a match, online or offline, using Boosters, all in Air mode.
Can't stop eating! (10 GP) --- Share 496 cakes.
Challenger: 10 Stars (5 GP) --- Accumulate 10 Stars in the Challenges
Challenger: 25 Stars (10 GP) --- Accumulate 25 Stars in the Challenges
Challenger: 45 Stars (20 GP) --- Accumulate 45 Stars in the Challenges
Coming back for more! (10 GP) --- Complete 100 matched games.
Damage Inc. (20 GP) --- Do 1,000,000 damage with your AirMech.
Getting Started (10 GP) --- Complete the Tutorial.
Gladiator (20 GP) --- Accumulate 100 Direct AirMech Kills online against human opponents.
Going Pro (20 GP) --- Win an online match after reaching player level 20
Interceptor (15 GP) --- Accumulate 20 human piloted enemy AirMech kills, each made while the enemy is carrying a unit.
Kicking Tires (15 GP) --- Use each of the AirMech types at least once in game; online or offline.
King of the Mountain (30 GP) --- Win an online match after reaching player level 30
Let's do this (5 GP) --- Complete 10 matched games.
Match made in heaven (10 GP) --- Win 20 matched games.
Max Level (15 GP) --- Reach Level 15 in any AirMech in an online or offline game.
Miser (10 GP) --- Reach Level 10 in any AirMech in an online or offline game and win without spending any Ability points.
Moving on Up (10 GP) --- Win an online match after reaching player level 10
My hands are clean... (20 GP) --- Win a match, online or offline, without destroying any Units with your AirMech. Let your units do the dirty work!
On a Roll (10 GP) --- Win 3 consecutive online matches.
Replicators Down! (10 GP) --- Win a Match on any map without building anything.
Rock you like a Hurricane! (10 GP) --- Win an online game where 100% of the enemy's base health is taken within 1 minute before being destroyed.
Serious Competitor (10 GP) --- Win 200 matched games.
Sole Survivor (10 GP) --- Win a solo survival match on any Survival map.
The Four Horsemen (20 GP) --- Win a 4 player online survival match on any Survival map
Twin Survivors (10 GP) --- Win a 2 player online survival match on any Survival map
Valedictorian (10 GP) --- Win in a 3v3 online game at least 3 levels above anyone else.
Win 10 online Matches (10 GP) --- Win 10 Online Matches

Win online Match (5 GP) --- Be on the winning team in any match online!

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