Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Playstation Vita Cheats - Mahjong Fight Club: Shinsei Zenkoku Taisen Han

To unlock the following PSVita Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
100 Dora Breakthrough (bronze) --- Use a total of 100 dora bonus tiles
100 National Matches Breakthrough (silver) --- Complete 100 online matches (of 2 rounds each)
200 Dora Breakthrough (silver) --- Use a total of 200 dora bonus tiles
200 National Matches Breakthrough (gold) --- Complete 200 online matches (of 2 rounds each)
50 National Matches Breakthrough (bronze) --- Complete 50 online matches (of 2 rounds each)
50,000 pts (hidden bronze) --- Finish with a score of 50,000+ points
70,000 pts (hidden silver) --- Finish with a score of 70,000+ points
Baiman (bronze) --- Win with a baiman hand (8-10 han)
Buttobashi (hidden bronze) --- Bust other players a total of ten times
Buttobashi Double (hidden bronze) --- Bust two players at the same time
Consecutive Tops (hidden bronze) --- Come first in five consecutive matches
Dora 4 (bronze) --- Win with four dora bonus tiles
Dora 5 (hidden bronze) --- Win with five dora bonus tiles
Dora 6 (hidden bronze) --- Win with six dora bonus tiles
Dora 7 (hidden silver) --- Win with seven dora bonus tiles
Dora 8+ (hidden silver) --- Win with eight or more dora bonus tiles
GII Winner (silver) --- Achieve GII
GIII Winner (bronze) --- Achieve GIII
Haneman (bronze) --- Win with a haneman hand (6-7 han)
Inverted Ron (hidden bronze) --- Use the "inverted ron" function to win a hand by ron
Inverted Tsumo (hidden bronze) --- Use the "inverted ron" function to win a hand by tsumo
Kouryuu Level 10 (hidden silver) --- Achieve Golden Dragon level 10
Kouryuu Level 20 (hidden gold) --- Achieve Golden Dragon level 20
Kouryuu Summons (hidden silver) --- Enter the Golden Dragon ranks
Mangan (bronze) --- Win with a mangan hand (5 han / 4 han with 40+ fu / 3 han with 70+ fu)
Master Summons (silver) --- Achieve Master rank
Reverse Touch (hidden bronze) --- Use the "reverse touch" function
Sanbaiman (silver) --- Win with a sanbaiman hand (11-12 han)
Shijin Index 800 (hidden bronze) --- Achieve a rating of 800+ over your past 50 matches
Shijin Index 900 (hidden silver) --- Achieve a rating of 900+ over your past 50 matches
Swift Attack (hidden bronze) --- Win a hand within six turns
Thunder 100 (gold) --- Win 100 hands at any limit (mangan etc)
Thunder 30 (bronze) --- Win 30 hands at any limit (mangan etc)
Trophies Complete (platinum) --- Collect all other trophies

Yakuman (gold) --- Win with a yakuman hand (top limit)

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