To unlock the following
Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
And The World Shifts With You
(Bronze Trophy) --- Activate the fourth teleporter.
Gotta Fix 'Em All! (Gold
Trophy) --- Find and repair all of the Junkyard King's broken robot minions.
The ForestThe Journey Begins
(Bronze Trophy) --- Activate the second teleporter.
The Great Lake (Bronze Trophy) --- Activate the seventh teleporter.
The Journey Begins (Bronze
Trophy) --- Activate the first teleporter
The Junkyard (Bronze Trophy)
--- Activate the third teleporter.
The Mannequin Tribe (Bronze
Trophy) --- Climb to the top of the tribal village.
The Overgrown Remnants (Bronze
Trophy) --- Activate the final teleporter.
Through The Caves (Bronze
Trophy) --- Activate the sixth teleporter.
Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret
Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Absolution (Silver Trophy) ---
Choose to live, leaving the world as it is...
Good Day, Minion! (Bronze
Trophy) --- Meet the Junkyard King.
Hamster Casserole (Bronze
Trophy) --- Make yourself a casserole...
Poncho SMASH! (Bronze Trophy)
--- Unlock the Smash ability.
Saviour (Silver Trophy) ---
Make the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity.
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