Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Xbox One Cheats - Super Party Sports: Football

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
99 Problems (20 GP) --- Beat 99 opponents!
Against the Bullies! (20 GP) --- Shoot 10 Bullies!
Amateur (20 GP) --- Finish all levels in cup 3!
Awesome! (40 GP) --- Earn 3 trophies in every level of cup 4!
Celebrity (30 GP) --- Finish all levels in cup 7!
Champion (20 GP) --- Finish all levels in cup 6!
Champion of the Universe (100 GP) --- Earn 300 trophies!
Epic! (50 GP) --- Earn 3 trophies in every level of cup 10!
Great! (40 GP) --- Earn 3 trophies in every level of cup 3!
Heroic! (50 GP) --- Earn 3 trophies in every level of cup 9!
Hobby Kicker (20 GP) --- Finish all levels in cup 2!
Idol (30 GP) --- Finish all levels in cup 8!
Impressive! (50 GP) --- Earn 3 trophies in every level of cup 7!
Lucky Strike (10 GP) --- Beat 5 opponents with one shot!
Master (20 GP) --- Finish all levels in cup 5!
Mind the gap! (10 GP) --- Throw an opponent into spikes!
Neat! (40 GP) --- Earn 3 trophies in every level of cup 1!
Newcomer (20 GP) --- Finish all levels in cup 1!
Nice! (40 GP) --- Earn 3 trophies in every level of cup 2!
Own Rules (10 GP) --- Beat 5 Referees!
Pro (20 GP) --- Finish all levels in cup 4!
Sensational! (50 GP) --- Earn 3 trophies in every level of cup 8!
Soccer God (30 GP) --- Finish all levels in cup 10!
Soccer King (30 GP) --- Finish all levels in cup 9!
Super! (40 GP) --- Earn 3 trophies in every level of cup 5!
Top Scorer (50 GP) --- Score 100 goals!
World Champion (100 GP) --- Earn 210 trophies!

Wow! (40 GP) --- Earn 3 trophies in every level of cup 6!

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