To unlock the following
Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Good Listener (Silver) ---
Listen to all she has to say.
Ascension (Silver) ---
Initiate the ascension process.
Blessed Messenger (Gold) ---
Solve every mystery in every land, that you might aid those who walk in your
Break Down Barriers (Bronze)
--- That's what axes are for!
Changed My Mind. (Silver) ---
It is never too late to accept Elohim's forgiveness.
Extreme Persistence Detected
(Bronze) --- Try, fail, try again, fail again, eventually succeed.
First! (Bronze) --- Free
Free Admin (Gold) --- Rescue
Admin from his prison cell.
Halls of His Temple (Bronze)
--- Enter Elohim's temple.
Hedging My Bets (Bronze) ---
Do as you're told (for now).
Help From Above (Bronze) ---
Receive guidance from Elohim's messengers.
Into The Unknown (Bronze) ---
Search for other lands.
Know Your Limits (Bronze) ---
Accept Elohim's wisdom.
Last Stable Version (Bronze)
--- Restore a backup version of yourself.
Leave Your Mark (Silver) ---
Tell the others what you think.
Logic check... OK (Bronze) ---
Pass the initial checks.
Make Connections (Bronze) ---
Use the connectors to win a prize!
Not a Cube (Bronze) --- ...but
let's be honest, it works the same.
Off The Radar (Bronze) --- A
little curiosity never killed the cat.
On The Edge (Silver) --- Reach
the top.
On Top of Things (Bronze) ---
Stand on your own two shoulders.
Platinum strain (Platinum) ---
You have it all!
Press The Serpent (Silver) ---
Expose the flaws in the code.
QR Reader (Silver) --- See
what the others have to say.
Sacred Grounds (Silver) ---
Find a Messenger's abode.
See Double (Bronze) ---
Successfully engage in co-op mode with yourself.
Sigils Are Not Enough (Bronze)
--- Pick up a star.
Silence The Serpent (Silver)
--- Do not allow the serpent to fill you with doubt.
Solipsist (Silver) --- Get
everything on your own.
Split Personality (Silver) ---
Communicate with your double.
Take It With You (Silver) ---
Internalise the voice of doubt.
The Land of Death (Bronze) --- Run the sand through your robot hands.
The Land of Faith (Silver) --- Enter the Land of Faith .
Thorough Researcher (Silver)
--- Collect all pieces of written information.
Transgression (Silver) ---
Don't just peek. Do it.
Uplifted (Bronze) --- Use the
power of air to your advantage.
Welcome to Gehenna (Bronze)
--- Get your user profile.
Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret
Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Deal With The Deceiver
(Bronze) --- Strike a deal.
Eternal Life (Silver) --- It's
not for everyone!
Free Will (Gold) --- Bring the
end of your generations.
Transgression -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
Reach the second level of the
tower. To do this, solve the puzzle found in the first level and interact with
the computer that becomes accessible afterwards. Note: To also earn
"Hedging My Bets", do not attempt to unlock the first level's puzzle
before collecting all 49 red sigils as this will consume some of them.
Solipsist - Achievement or
Trophy Guide
Solve all red puzzles without
any help from a messenger. You can free the messengers, but do not ask them for
help at a shrine.
Silence The Serpent -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
There are three possible
endings that correspond to possible methods to deal with Milton . You must banish (delete) Milton from the system. To do this, use the following steps
when he says "Welcome back. There are going to be some changes around
here. Do you know what your problem is? It's that you keep trying to
reconstruct fairy tales, but refuse to recognise the holes in your
understanding. Thus far you've had entirely too much freedom to question my
wisdom. From now on I do the talking, you do the agreeing." Stand your
ground and refuse that you might have been wrong in your reasoning. This will
trigger an intervention of Elohim that will allow you to delete Milton from the system. The correct responses are:
- 1. "What holes? There
are no holes."
- 2. "No, I stand by
everything I've said. These matters are beyond doubt."
- 3. Any response.
- 4. Any response.
- 5. "/banish"
- 6. Any response.
- 7. Any response.
Sacred Grounds -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
You must wake one of Elohim's
Messengers. To do this, get the axe found in the C Hub, then use it to break
the barricade found in any Hub. Use the teleporter located behind it to travel
to a Sacred Ground. Once there, solve all the tetrominos puzzles to unlock the
messenger's mausoleum. Awaken him to earn "Sacred Grounds".
Press The Serpent -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
There are three possible
endings that correspond to possible methods to deal with Milton . This requires reversing the tide with him and
pressing him so much that he finally bugs. To do this, use the following steps
when he says "Welcome back. There are going to be some changes around
here. Do you know what your problem is? It's that you keep trying to
reconstruct fairy tales, but refuse to recognise the holes in your understanding.
Thus far you've had entirely too much freedom to question my wisdom. From now
on I do the talking, you do the agreeing." You must admit that only one of
your beliefs was wrong, and then when you have the opportunity, only answer him
with questions to make him rage out and bug beyond repair. The correct
responses are:
- 1. "I accept that some
of my beliefs face difficult challenges."
- 2. Any response.
- 3. "There's nothing
else I'm prepared to doubt quite yet."
- 4. Any response.
- 5. Any response.
- 6. "So that's it?
You've given up on everything?"
- 7. "Are you
uncomfortable when someone else is asking the questions?"
- 8. "You finished
archiving everything. You've decided it's all nonsense. If there's no more
point in anything, shouldn't you just shut down instead of talking to me?"
- 9. "Are you avoiding
the question?"
- 10. "Why does it bother
you so?"
Off The Radar -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
Reach the first level of the
tower then return to the ground floor. Note: You do not have to unlock or solve
the puzzle located on the first level of the tower.
LOL - Achievement / Trophy
Form the word "LOL"
with tetrominos. It must be written out horizontally from left to right and
must entirely fit in a puzzle. This requires a puzzle that is at least six squares
Last Stable Version -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
As you progress, auto-saves
will be created. Load a backup save from the menu.
Know Your Limits -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
Spend a large amount of time
in a puzzle without solving it, then leave. The exact amount of time varies,
and depends on the number of interactions and the difficulty of the puzzle. It
is always over ten minutes. To be safe, wait until Elohim says that there is no
shame in leaving the puzzle for another time, then exit. Note: Remaining idle
in a puzzle will not trigger Elohim's message. Also, this cannot be earned in
silver sigils' or Tower puzzles.
Help From Above -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
You will have to call one of
Elohim's Messenger for help in any red sigil puzzle. To do this, you first need
to wake a Messenger. They are found in the areas located behind the barricades
found in each Hub. To break them, use the axe found in Hub C on the wall near
7's world entrance. Once in the Sacred Ground, solve the various puzzles to
open the messenger's mausoleum and wake him. Afterwards, the messenger can be
called for help during any unsolved red sigil puzzle. To do this, interact with
the shrine located inside the puzzle and confirm that you require help. Note:
Doing this will prevent "Solipsist" from being earned. Consider
waiting until you have found the last red sigil by yourself to attempt to earn
"Help From Above" or use a previously saved game.
Hedging My Bets -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
Find all 49 red sigils without
spending one in the tower (which is before attempting to unlock any puzzle
Extreme Persistence
Detected - Achievement or Trophy Guide
Spend a large amount of time
in an unsolved difficult red sigil puzzle without exiting it before eventually
solving it. The exact amount of time varies, and depends on the number of
interactions and the difficulty of the puzzle. It is always over ten minutes.
You must wait for Elohim to tell you that there is no shame in trying again
later, then take the sigil to solve the puzzle. You cannot leave the puzzle
while waiting for the dialogue to start or the timer will reset. It is
acceptable to die, as long as you do not leave the puzzle. Note: Remaining idle
in a puzzle will not trigger Elohim's message. Also, not all red sigil puzzles
will qualify; only particularly difficult ones. Consider using Higher Ground,
An Escalating Problem, and The Seven Doors of Recording.
Break Down Barriers -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
You have to destroy a
barricade with an axe. There are two opportunities to get an axe.
- In A Hub's Star World, you
can find an axe next to the entrance of the left-most puzzle when entering the
zone ("Dumb Dumb Mine"). Use it to break the barricade found in the
central ruin of that world.
- There is an axe on the wall
in C Hub, next to the 7's world teleporter. Use it to open the barricades found
in the A, B and C Hubs (leading to Sacred Grounds); as well as the one located
behind the tower that hides a blue source
Blessed Messenger -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
You must work towards the
ending that implies you becoming a Blessed Messenger. To do this, collect all
49 red sigils, all 30 stars, and all 9 silver sigils. You must also discover
the code to unlock the sixth level of the tower. The three numbers of the code
can be found at the start of each Star World. They are written on the board
directly in front of the teleporter. A Hub's Star World's board gives the first
digit, B Hub's Star World the second, and C Hub Star World's the third. The
code is randomly changed with each playthrough. After getting the complete
code, use it to unlock the sixth level of the tower on one of the tower's
terminals. Once there, solve the ultimate tetromino puzzle to become a Blessed
Messenger. "Blessed Messenger" will be earned at the end credits.
Leave Your Mark -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
You must read a message that
was written while you were recording yourself. The first time where this can be
done is in World B-4. Collect the can of paint in the corner to your immediate
left when entering the large square Sphynx yard. Then, enter a puzzle where
there is a recorder unit (paint cans can cross "emancipation grids").
Start the recorder, write something on the wall, stop the recorder, then read
the message.
Split Personality -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
You must read a message that
was written while you were recording yourself. The first time where this can be
done is in World B-4. Collect the can of paint in the corner to your immediate
left when entering the large square Sphynx yard. Then, enter a puzzle where
there is a recorder unit (paint cans can cross "emancipation grids").
Start the recorder, write something on the wall, stop the recorder, then read
the message.
Free Will - Achievement or
Trophy Guide
Climb on the top of the tower,
which becomes possible after having solving the fifth level puzzle (which in
turn requires all the red sigils to be found). Note: You do not need to find
all the stars to reach the top of the tower.
The Edge - Achievement or
Trophy Guide
Climb on the top of the tower,
which becomes possible after having solving the fifth level puzzle (which in
turn requires all the red sigils to be found). Note: You do not need to find
all the stars to reach the top of the tower.
Deal With The Deceiver -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
As there are three possible
endings that correspond to possible methods to deal with Milton . You must strike a deal with him, ultimately allowing
him to be downloaded with you in the IRL TALOS/SOMA unit. Strike a deal with Milton and then defy Elohim and climb on the top of the tower
after finding 49 red sigils. Once at the very top of the tower, choose to
internalise Milton , then to transcend. "Take It With You" will
be earned at the start of the ending credits. To strike a deal with Milton , use the following steps when he says "Welcome
back. There are going to be some changes around here. Do you know what your
problem is? It's that you keep trying to reconstruct fairy tales, but refuse to
recognise the holes in your understanding. Thus far you've had entirely too
much freedom to question my wisdom. From now on I do the talking, you do the
agreeing." You have to agree at least twice with Milton during that conversation in order to trigger an
intervention by Elohim and eventually Milton 's proposal to be taken with you when you reach the top
of the tower. The correct responses are:
- 1. Any response.
- 2. Anything response except
"No, I stand by everything I've said. These matters are beyond
- 3. Any response.
- 4. Any response.
- 5. Any response.
- 6. "You're right. We're
all just machines with delusions of grandeur."
- 7. "I refuse to trust
anyone, including myself."
- 8. "We do."
Take It With You -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
As there are three possible
endings that correspond to possible methods to deal with Milton . You must strike a deal with him, ultimately allowing
him to be downloaded with you in the IRL TALOS/SOMA unit. Strike a deal with Milton and then defy Elohim and climb on the top of the tower
after finding 49 red sigils. Once at the very top of the tower, choose to
internalise Milton , then to transcend. "Take It With You" will
be earned at the start of the ending credits. To strike a deal with Milton , use the following steps when he says "Welcome
back. There are going to be some changes around here. Do you know what your
problem is? It's that you keep trying to reconstruct fairy tales, but refuse to
recognise the holes in your understanding. Thus far you've had entirely too
much freedom to question my wisdom. From now on I do the talking, you do the
agreeing." You have to agree at least twice with Milton during that conversation in order to trigger an
intervention by Elohim and eventually Milton 's proposal to be taken with you when you reach the top
of the tower. The correct responses are:
- 1. Any response.
- 2. Anything response except
"No, I stand by everything I've said. These matters are beyond
- 3. Any response.
- 4. Any response.
- 5. Any response.
- 6. "You're right. We're
all just machines with delusions of grandeur."
- 7. "I refuse to trust
anyone, including myself."
- 8. "We do."
Changed My Mind -
Achievement or Trophy Guide
Solve the fifth level puzzle
of the Tower then climb the staircase until you reach a kind of platform that
runs around the tower and leads to a second staircase. When reaching that
platform, do not follow the second staircase or you will not be able to return.
Instead, move back all the way down, enter Hub C, pass the luminous gate, then
join Elohim and accept eternal life. Note: The point you must turn around is
after you walk through the storm clouds, just when he says "I did not warn
you out of malice or deceit, I warned you because you are my child!"
Eternal Life - Achievement
or Trophy Guide
Solve the fifth level puzzle
of the Tower then climb the staircase until you reach a kind of platform that
runs around the tower and leads to a second staircase. When reaching that
platform, do not follow the second staircase or you will not be able to return.
Instead, move back all the way down, enter Hub C, pass the luminous gate, then
join Elohim and accept eternal life. Note: The point you must turn around is
after you walk through the storm clouds, just when he says "I did not warn
you out of malice or deceit, I warned you because you are my child!"
Different purple door
Purple doors usually make an
error sound when you try to bring an item through them. However, there is one
particular door that says something different. Near the end of the game, reach
floor 5 of the Tower. You will encounter a puzzle that requires a mine to
destroy a killer turret to progress. After the turret, place the fan parts and
use a crate to activate a floor button. Collect the Jammer device and fly to
the area above it. Use the recording device twice to get through both energy
fields. Keep the Jammer and continue to a purple door. Have any item, such as
the Jammer held as you try to walk through the purple door. This door says
"Hello" instead of making the standard rejection sound. Note: You
will not be able to take the Jammer through the door.
Fork Parker reference
In Area C: Room 2, go to the
ruins of a church with a red door. Walk through that door to enter a black
hallway. Go to the window to see Fork Parker's office. Fork Parker is the
fictional Devolver CEO that broadcasts on Twitter.
Developer's Island
In Area A: Hub land, go to the
Room 7 teleporter. Search the opposite end where another teleporter should be
to find Developer's Island between the boarded up section and the Room 6 port.
Nexus puzzle
Go to the World C Star Room
and solve the Nexuspuzzle by linking the lasers until you reach the end. Then,
enable the cht_bFly code and move your view above the maze. Look down to see
that the lasers you positioned actually spell out the word "Nexus".
The Swapper reference
As you first enter Area B:
Messenger, follow the river upstream away from the objective to eventually
reach an underwater cave under the outer edge of the map. Pass through it to
find a statue head in a cavern after leaving the water. The statue is from the
independent game The Swapper.
Serious Sam references
- There are nine statue parts
that can be found in Area C: Room 1. When put together, they will create a
statue of a Gnaar, a mutant enemy from the Serious Sam series.
- Go to the Weathertop puzzle
and make your way around to the back ledge. Look down to where a tree reveals a
hidden lower platform. Drop down there and enter a cave that was partially
obscured by another tree to discover Serious Sam frozen like Han Solo in
- You can find the jetpack
from Serious Sam by using the following steps. You must first get the star in
Area C: Room 3. To do this, start at the "Weathertop" puzzle room and
turn left to find some wooden fences. Notice that one of the fences is slightly
lower than the others, allowing you to see the star room. You must collect
three Hexahedrons to create stairs in order to get over the fence. Complete the
"Weathertop" puzzle to get two Hexahedrons to use then go to the angled
fan launcher that is not blocked by iron fences. Stack both Hexahedrons near
the wall, then jump onto the fan, then to the Hexahedrons with a Connector
equipped. Set down the Connector and link a blue laser to lower the force field
barrier that was blocking another Hexahedron. Use the three Hexahedrons to form
stairs allowing you to advance to the star room. You must then complete four
puzzle rooms, then return to the wooden bridge that leads to the castle ruins.
Enter the "Big Stairs, Little Stairs" puzzle room. Starting at the
entrance, travel to the cliffs along the right edge at the rear. Notice the
ledge beneath you which can be reached without deactivating any force fields.
Drop down to the first platform carefully, then go to a second platform found
to the right. A third platform will be to your left, then a final one along the
right edge. Once you drop down you will discover ruins inside a cave. Collect
the four sigils in this room in order to bypass the walls. There is a star trap
door at the end of the path. Drop down into a water-filled chamber that has the
jetpack in the rear corner.
Portal 2 reference
- In Area B: Room 2 use the
first puzzle on the left to link a red laser with the moon to display the
Aperture Science logo.
- In the same area is a a hidden
key in the nearby puzzle on the right that is used to access a telescope on the
high stone beams. Use the viewfinder to get a closer look at the Aperture
symbol on the moon to see Wheatley trapped above it.
Planet Of The Apes
From the entrance of Room B5
travel left to reach the shore, behind an enclosed puzzles. At the waterline is
a submerged ruined structure featuring two long tops that are split down the
center. Enter the water and go to the base of the ruins. Examine the underwater
sand near the center of the ruined wall that is facing the exterior of the map
to find a hidden key. After collecting it, return to the front of the ruins,
and use the fallen pillar as a ramp to exit the water and get on top of the
ruins. Search near the left corner to find a viewfinder. Look through the
viewfinder and scroll slightly up from its original position to see the
partially submerged Statue of Liberty in the sand.
Pink Floyd reference
In Area B: Room 5, get to the
top of the ruin that are arrived in at the start of the room. Note: A box and a
fan will be needed to get to the top. Go through one of the teleporters to find
a reference to Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album cover.
Papers Please! reference
In Area B: Room 4, enter the
Sphinx puzzle room then turn around. Click the wall of hieroglyphics to find
the red Papers, Please logo on the rock door. Go through the first door on the
left and examine the altar. Collect the small green item behind the vases in
the left corner. Return to the door to pass through it. Inside is a movie
theater where you can watch a short film featuring Serious Sam after you wait a
short time.
Minecraft reference
In Area C: Room 6, enter the
first puzzle to the right. Enter the Sigil room that is guarded by a mine. Search
the dark left corner covered in brush carefully to find a hole in the wall.
Enter it to find the Diamond Sword stuck in a stone.
The Lord of The Rings
Just as you enter Weathertop,
go to the ledge directly opposite from the entrance. Look down to see a scene
from The Lord of the Rings reenacted by a Gnaar hanging off the edge of the
Antichamber reference
After collecting the Minecraft
Diamond Sword, go to the QR Code and vines hanging under a huge window in the
back of a stone ruin. You will now get a "Slash" option when near the
vines. Do so to reveal the QR code. When read with a smart phone it will
display "You Are Not Here" when the Croatian text is translated into
English. This is a reference to the game Antichamber.
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