Friday, June 30, 2017

Sega Saturn Cheats - Crusader: No Remorse

Health and Weapons
At the level pass code screen, type "L0SR". You will see an invalid code message. Start a new game or reload a saved game. While playing, press A + B + C to get full health and energy. Press X + Y + Z to get all weapons and reload the RP-22 or RP-32.

Hidden Pictures
To view some black and white pictures, enter the password XXXX.

Special Board
Enter the password "LRTN" for a peak at the game developers.

Mama's Boy:
Mission 02:FWQP
Mission 03:PLRQ
Mission 04:SZNF
Mission 05:TD5S
Mission 06:J1BT
Mission 07:K2CV
Mission 08:N3DW
Mission 09:M4FX
Mission 10:X5GZ
Mission 11:C6H0
Mission 12:D7J1
Mission 13:F8K2
Mission 14:FGK3
Mission 15:JFM4
Realtime level: LRTN

Weekend Warrior:
Mission 02:GWQP
Mission 03:QLRQ
Mission 04:TZNF
Mission 05:VD5S
Mission 06:K1BT
Mission 07:L2CV
Mission 08:P3DW
Mission 09:N4FX
Mission 10:Z5GZ
Mission 11:D6H0
Mission 12:F7JI
Mission 13:G8K2
Mission 14:GGL3
Mission 15:KMF4
Realtime Level: MRTN

Loose Cannon:
Mission 02:HWQP
Mission 03:RLRQ
Mission 04:VZNF
Mission 05:WD5S
Mission 06:L1BT
Mission 07:M2CV
Mission 08:Q3DW
Mission 09:P4FX
Mission 10:05GZ
Mission 11:F6H0
Mission 12:G7J1
Mission 13:H8K2
Mission 14:HGL3
Mission 15:LFM4
Realtime Level: NRTN

No Remorse:
Mission 02:JWQP
Mission 03:SLRQ
Mission 04:WZNF
Mission 05:XD5S
mission 06:M1BT
Mission 07:N2CV
Mission 08:R3DW
Mission 09:Q4FX
Mission 10:15GZ
Mission 11:G6H0
Mission 12:H7J1
Mission 13:J8K2
Mission 14:JGL3
Mission 15:MFM4
Realtime Level: PRTN


Full health and energy:
Enter L0SR as a password, and ignore the invalid code message. Press A + B + C to get full health and energy during game play.

Full inventory:
Enter L0SR as a password, and ignore the invalid code message. Press X + Y + Z to get all weapons and ammunition for the RP-22 and RP-32 in addition to all items and 2,000 credits.

Bonus pictures:
Enter XXXX as a password.

Level Passwords:
Mission --- Mama's Boy --- Weekend Warrior --- Loose Cannon --- No Remorse
1 --- (None) --- (None) --- (None) --- (None)
2 --- FWQP --- GWQP --- HWQP --- JWQP
3 --- PLRQ --- QLRQ --- RLRQ --- SLRQ
4 --- SZNF --- TZNF --- SZNF --- VZNF
5 --- TD5S --- VD5S --- WD5S --- XD5S
6 --- J1BT --- K1BT --- L1BT --- M1BT
7 --- K2CV --- L2CV --- M2CV --- N2CV
8 --- N3DW --- P3DW --- Q3DW --- R3DW
9 --- M4FX --- N4FX --- M4FX --- P4FX
10 --- X5GZ --- Z5GZ --- 05GZ --- 15GZ
11 --- C6H0 --- D6H0 --- F6H0 --- G6H0
12 --- D7J1 --- F7J1 --- G7J1 --- H7J1
13 --- F8K2 --- G8K2 --- H8K2 --- J8K2
14 --- FGL3 --- GGL3 --- HGL3 --- JGL3
15 --- JFM4 --- KFM4 --- LFM4 --- MFM4
Bonus --- LRTN --- MRTN --- NRTN --- PRTN
Note: The bonus level is based on Origin Systems' offices.

Playstation 4 Cheats - Woah Dave!

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
2 Buck Chuck (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect two hundred pennies!
ABRAHAAAAAAAM! (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect five hundred pennies!
Boom Shakka Lakka! (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 10 or more enemies with 1 Woah Block!
Call Me Aaron Burr (Gold Trophy) --- Collect one thousand pennies!
Don't Even Bat an Eye (Bronze Trophy) --- Hit an Eyebat!
Four Big Bills! (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect four hundred pennies!
Hot Woah on Woah Action! (Bronze Trophy) --- Destroy a Woah Block with another Woah Block!
Pass the Buck (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect one hundred pennies!
Pennies From Heaven! (Bronze Trophy) --- Earn your first penny!
Three Dollar Dave! (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect three hundred pennies!
Xenophobe (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill a UFO!

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Beam Me Up, Dave! (Bronze Trophy) --- Get killed by a UFO beam!
I'm not saying it was Aliens... (Bronze Trophy) --- Let two platforms get blasted by UFOs!
Poo! (Bronze Trophy) --- Enter POO as your initials!
Right in the Toilet! (Bronze Trophy) --- Throw a Woah Block in the Lava!
Woah No, UFO! (Bronze Trophy) --- Let a Woah Block get blasted by a UFO!

Easy "Woah No, UFO!" achievement or trophy
Play under the Bonkers difficulty setting to have UFOs appear very often. Hold a Woah block and stand underneath a UFO when it is about to fire.

Joy Ride - Achievement or Trophy Guide
Oddly-colored UFOs will sometimes appear in Deluxe mode. Destroy one, then board the empty UFO and fly around.

Fast Draw - Achievement or Trophy Guide
Rare aliens will only appear in Deluxe mode. They will hatch from black-and-white eggs and run very fast. They will die when they touch the lava. You must be ready to kill them the moment they pop out. Having a Woah block ready to use makes this easier.

Call Me Aaron Burr - Achievement or Trophy Guide
Play in Peoria and wait until the mothership arrives after you collect $2.00. Do not destroy the mothership. After its three laser shots, it will throw skulls and the occasional egg. Kill the eggs with the skulls and collect the coins. You can also throw the skulls under the laser shots to make coins appear. This will require some time, but will be easier than to play through the entire level. The mothership is not dangerous due to its slow speed. Just reach it with all three lives.

Save Fort Bragg! - Achievement or Trophy Guide
In Deluxe mode, collect $2.00 to have a mothership Boss appear. To defeat it, wait until it shoots skulls out, then throw the skulls back to the ship while it is still open. To make this easier, destroy all the enemies before the Boss appears. Normal items will stop appearing during the Boss fight, making it difficult to remain alive if you are still being chased by enemies. Defeating the Boss will reward you with a rare "Dave" block, which will not only kill all enemies but also raise the destroyed platforms back into place.

Save Peoria! - Achievement or Trophy Guide
In Deluxe mode, collect $2.00 to have a mothership Boss appear. To defeat it, wait until it shoots skulls out, then throw the skulls back to the ship while it is still open. To make this easier, destroy all the enemies before the Boss appears. Normal items will stop appearing during the Boss fight, making it difficult to remain alive if you are still being chased by enemies. Defeating the Boss will reward you with a rare "Dave" block, which will not only kill all enemies but also raise the destroyed platforms back into place.

Save West Haven! - Achievement or Trophy Guide
In Deluxe mode, collect $2.00 to have a mothership Boss appear. To defeat it, wait until it shoots skulls out, then throw the skulls back to the ship while it is still open. To make this easier, destroy all the enemies before the Boss appears. Normal items will stop appearing during the Boss fight, making it difficult to remain alive if you are still being chased by enemies. Defeating the Boss will reward you with a rare "Dave" block, which will not only kill all enemies but also raise the destroyed platforms back into place.

Atari Jaguar Cheats - Protector

Hold Pause + 4 + 5 + 6 at the title screen. The sound of an explosion will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the process to disable its effect. The "I'm Hit!" audio will confirm correct code entry.

75 Credits:
Pause game play, then hold 3 + 1 + 6. Release the buttons. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Rapid fire:
Pause game play, then hold 6 + 7 + 8. Release the buttons. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Insane wave:

Complete the 10 Easy waves. You can now select Insane wave at the "Options" menu.

Playstation Vita Cheats - Tales Of Hearts R

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
200-Hit Combo (Silver Trophy) --- Hit after hit after hit after hit after hit! You lay it on so thick and fast, the enemy doesn't stand a chance!
Arena Cleaner (Silver Trophy) --- Congratulations! You've sliced and diced your way through the arena, both alone and with a party by your side! This glorious achievement will surely stand unchallenged for millenia! Oh, uh. Don't look now, but that guy's staring at you kind of angrily.
Balloonatic (Bronze Trophy) --- You've popped more balloons than there are stars in the sky! You're a stone-cold, certifiable balloonatic!
Boo! (Silver Trophy) --- This award commemorates your uncanny ability to be taken unawares. You don't let the surprise grind your Spiria down, though-you thrive on it!
Challenge Champ (Silver Trophy) --- No matter what it takes, you'll rise to the challenge! It's high time you were rewarded for your go-getting attitude!
Chase Link Ace (Silver Trophy) --- Come on! Just one more second! And another! And another! Your unflappable perserverance has finally paid off!
Counteractivist (Silver Trophy) --- Bash, bang, pow! Your timing couldn't be more perfect! You don't fear enraged attacks-you welcome them with open arms!
Cross Chase Ace (Silver Trophy) --- A band of companions working in perfect harmony, and connected by unbreakable bonds-bonds that go beyond mere individuals and out into the fabric of the universe itself.
Globetrotter (Bronze Trophy) --- You've seen every inch of the whole wide world with your own two eyes, and this award proves it. It's a big old place out there, but as you now know, there's nothing to fear.
Item Hoarder (Silver Trophy) --- Your fine eye for a fine item has led to your being awarded this momentous accolade. You've experienced every effect the various objects of the world have to offer, and bathed in their beauty to your heart's content!
M2K (Bronze Trophy) --- Day after day, from the dawn's early light to the setting of the sun, you slayed every single beast that crossed your path. Looking back, it's hard to tell now if your epic journey of slaughter took forever or the twinkling of an eye.
Maestrochef (Silver Trophy) --- You've spent more time in the kitchen than the Wonder Chef himself! He must be over the moon to have such a dedicated pupil as you! Maybe you'll be as buff as him one day, too!
Manic Clearance (Silver Trophy) --- Congratulations! Not many people manage a clearance at the Manic difficulty level! The only thing left for you now is to take a plunge into the Unknown.
Marker Marker (Silver Trophy) --- You've tracked down every item marker out there, no matter how well-hidden. Is there nothing in this world you can't find?
Master of Hearts (Platinum Trophy) --- Proof of a perfect completion of Tales of Hearts R. Thanks for playing! Your love and dedication are hugely appreciated!
Max. Level Allstars (Silver Trophy) --- Awarded for training every character up to achieve their maximum potential. From here on out, it's just about learning how best to put that potential into practice!
Monster Collector (Silver Trophy) --- You have sought out creatures of all shapes and sizes and diligently recorded their every detail. It's high time your monstrous menagerie was appreciated in all its gory glory!
Namcoin Classic Collection (Gold Trophy) --- You've collected every single Namcoin out there. Citrine is so happy she could die! Just don't go losing them before you hand them over to her, you hear?
Spiria Superior (Silver Trophy) --- The strength of the bonds between us is the source of our greatest strength. Let the Spiria shine on!
Unbreakable Bond: Ines and Gall (Bronze Trophy) --- This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Ines and Gall. The power of parental love pumps through both these fierce fighters' veins like an unstoppable force!
Unbreakable Bond: Kohaku and Beryl (Bronze Trophy) --- This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kohaku and Beryl. Want to see how powerful the ties of friendship can really be? Better hold on to your hats-this is going to be explosive!
Unbreakable Bond: Kohaku and Hisui (Bronze Trophy) --- This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between the Hearts siblings. He may be a loudmouth, but it's all born of love, and why can't a big brother love his little sister more than anybody else?
Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Beryl (Bronze Trophy) --- This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kor and Beryl. The sight of somebody single-mindedly chasing their dream is enough to spur anybody on. May her dreams of artistic greatness come true!
Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Chalcedony (Bronze Trophy) --- This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kor and Chalcedony. Over the course of their many battles, both against one another and by each other's sides, they have learned an enormous amount. May the friendship between these brothers in arms last a thousand years!
Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Kohaku (Bronze Trophy) --- This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kor and Kohaku, adding unassailable courage to the already formidable arsenal of spiritual weapons at our fair heroine's disposal.
Unbreakable Bond: Kunzite and Gall (Bronze Trophy) --- This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kunzite and Gall. Just because he's a machine doesn't mean he can't have a Spiria, as anyone who has felt this mechanical warrior's warmth can attest.
Unknown Clearance (Silver Trophy) --- Congratulations! You cleared the game at Unknown-the most hardcore difficulty level of all! There's not an enemy out there you can't take to pieces with ease!
Victory over Amethyst (Bronze Trophy) --- This supposedly world-famous hero would have you believe that you defeated him more through luck than anything else, but you know the real story.
Victory over Chalcedony (Bronze Trophy) --- This nasty bundle of bowl-haircutted bad attitude has a Soma that lets him fly around in the air. He'd better give that piece of Kohaku's Spiria Core back, or he'll be sorry!
Victory over Chalcedony's Crew (Bronze Trophy) --- A pitched battle filled with fierce Soma-on-Soma action has finally drawn to a close and we won!
Victory over Chlorseraph (Bronze Trophy) --- This ultimate mechanoid warrior was armed with an enormous green sword. Your defeat of him is proof that if you work together, you can overcome even the most insanely powerful opponents.
Victory over Creed (Gold Trophy) --- He fought a bitter battle over two long millennia to save the one he loved and the world of Minera from whence he came. But when the moment of his end finally arrived, it was thanks to him that Kor was able to connect with the very first Spiria of all.
Victory over Faldealmeus (Gold Trophy) --- Though you suffered greatly at the hands of this gargantuan gatekeeper with his massive firepower and wide-ranging attacks, it only served to make the battle all the more of an exciting challenge, didn't it?
Victory over Hubert and Pascal (Silver Trophy) --- This curious duo took to the field in their cute costumes and showed that they were more than just a pair of comedians.
Victory over Incarose Alt (Bronze Trophy) --- Though she combined the arms and speed of Chlorseraph with the armor and power of Clinoseraph, she was ultimately alone, and unable to call on a power higher than her own.
Victory over Silver (Bronze Trophy) --- You took Soma in hand and fought with all your might to try and make one who spoke of an "ideal" world see sense. And it seems you succeeded.
Victory over the Grim Keeper (Bronze Trophy) --- This hateful being likes nothing more than to watch his faithful scythe swing about the place causing mayhem. If Gall hadn't showed up just in the nick of time, he may have stopped Kor and co. at the very first hurdle.
Victory over the Sandworm (Bronze Trophy) --- This self-satisfied slitherer was probably so full of beans as he wriggled his way beneath the sands because he'd swallowed a shard of unadulterated joy.
Victory over the Seraphim (Bronze Trophy) --- Chlorseraph of the green blade, and Clinoseraph of the blue shield-seraphic siblings whose awe-inspiring twin attacks had to be seen to be believed.
Victory over Xeromized Striegov (Bronze Trophy) --- This unseemly character claimed to be a person of refinement, but proved that he would go to any lengths to satisfy his ugly appetites.

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Manic Clearance (Silver) --- Congratulations! Not many people manage a clearance at the Manic difficulty level! The only thing left for you now is to take a plunge into the Unknown.
Unbreakable Bond --- Kor and Kohaku (Bronze)
Unbreakable Bond --- Kor and Beryl (Bronze)
Unbreakable Bond --- Kor and Chalcedony (Bronze)
Unbreakable Bond --- Kohaku and Hisui (Bronze)
Unbreakable Bond --- Kohaku and Beryl (Bronze)
Unbreakable Bond --- Ines and Gall (Bronze)
Unbreakable Bond --- Kunzite and Gall (Bronze)
Unknown Clearance (Silver) --- Congratulations! You cleared the game at Unknown-the most hardcore difficulty level of all! There's not an enemy out there you can't take to pieces with ease!
Victory over Amethyst (Bronze) --- This supposedly world-famous hero would have you believe that you defeated him more through luck than anything else, but you know the real story.
Victory over Chalcedony (Bronze) --- This nasty bundle of bowl-haircutted bad attitude has a Soma that lets him fly around in the air. He'd better give that piece of Kohaku's Spiria Core back, or he'll be sorry!
Victory over Chalcedony's Crew (Bronze) --- A pitched battle filled with fierce Soma-on-Soma action has finally drawn to a close and we won!
Victory over Chlorseraph (Bronze) --- This ultimate mechanoid warrior was armed with an enormous green sword. Your defeat of him is proof that if you work together, you can overcome even the most insanely powerful opponents.
Victory over Creed (Gold) --- He fought a bitter battle over two long millennia to save the one he loved and the world of Minera from whence he came. But when the moment of his end finally arrived, it was thanks to him that Kor was able to connect with the very first Spiria of all.
Victory over Faldealmeus (Gold) --- Though you suffered greatly at the hands of this gargantuan gatekeeper with his massive firepower and wide-ranging attacks, it only served to make the battle all the more of an exciting challenge, didn't it?
Victory over Hubert and Pascal (Silver) --- This curious duo took to the field in their cute costumes and showed that they were more than just a pair of comedians.
Victory over Incarose Alt (Bronze) --- Though she combined the arms and speed of Chlorseraph with the armor and power of Clinoseraph, she was ultimately alone, and unable to call on a power higher than her own.
Victory over Silver (Bronze) --- You took Soma in hand and fought with all your might to try and make one who spoke of an "ideal" world see sense. And it seems you succeeded.
Victory over the Grim Keeper (Bronze) --- This hateful being likes nothing more than to watch his faithful scythe swing about the place causing mayhem. If Gall hadn't showed up just in the nick of time, he may have stopped Kor and co. at the very first hurdle.
Victory over the Sandworm (Bronze) --- This self-satisfied slitherer was probably so full of beans as he wriggled his way beneath the sands because he'd swallowed a shard of unadulterated joy.
Victory over the Seraphim (Bronze) --- Chlorseraph of the green blade, and Clinoseraph of the blue shield-seraphic siblings whose awe-inspiring twin attacks had to be seen to be believed.

Victory over Xeromized Striegov (Bronze) --- This unseemly character claimed to be a person of refinement, but proved that he would go to any lengths to satisfy his ugly appetites.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Sega Saturn Cheats - Crows: The Battle Action

Extra continues:
Hold L and press R at the main menu to increase the number of continues by one. A total of nine continues may be set.

Playstation 4 Cheats - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
All In (Bronze Trophy) --- Play three hero cards in one round of gwent and win the match.
Armed and Dangerous (Silver Trophy) --- Find and equip all the elements of one set of witcher gear.
Bombardier (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect the formulae for 6 different bomb types.
Bookworm (Bronze Trophy) --- Read 30 books, journals or other documents.
Brawl Master (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete all fistfighting quests in Velen, Skellige and Novigrad.
Brawler (Silver Trophy) --- Defeat Olaf, the Skellige champion of unarmed combat.
Butcher of Blaviken (Silver Trophy) --- Kill at least 5 opponents in under 10 seconds.
Can't Touch This! (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 5 foes in a fight without taking damage (except for Toxicity) and without using the Quen Sign.
Card Collector (Bronze Trophy) --- Acquire all gwent cards available in the base version of the game.
Dendrologist (Bronze Trophy) --- Acquire all the Abilities in one tree.
Environmentally Unfriendly (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 50 opponents using the environment (e.g. swamp gas, insects or objects).
Even Odds (Silver Trophy) --- Kill 2 monsters you have a contract on without using Signs, potions, mutagens, oils or bombs.
Fast and Furious (Bronze Trophy) --- Win all the horse races in the game.
Fire in the Hole (Bronze Trophy) --- Destroy 10 monster nests using bombs.
Fist of the South Star (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat an opponent in a fistfight without taking any damage.
Geralt and Friends (Bronze Trophy) --- Win a round of gwent using only neutral cards.
Globetrotter (Bronze Trophy) --- Discover 100 fast travel points.
Gwent Master (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat Tybalt and win the gwent tournament held at the Passiflora.
Humpty Dumpty (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 10 opponents by knocking them off somewhere high with the Aard Sign.
Kaer Morhen Trained (Bronze Trophy) --- Perform 10 effective counterattacks in a row without getting hit or parrying.
Let's Cook! (Bronze Trophy) --- Learn 12 potion formulae.
Master Marksman (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 50 human and nonhuman opponents by striking them in the head with a crossbow bolt.
Munchkin (Gold Trophy) --- Reach character development level 35.
Mutant (Bronze Trophy) --- Fill all mutagen slots.
Overkill (Silver Trophy) --- Make an opponent suffer from bleeding, poisoning and burning simultaneously. Do this 10 times.
Passed the Trial (Bronze Trophy) --- Finish the game on any difficulty.
Pest Control (Silver Trophy) --- Destroy all monster nests in the Velen / Novigrad region, or in Skellige.
Power Overwhelming (Bronze Trophy) --- Have all possible Place of Power bonuses active at the same time.
Ran the Gauntlet (Silver Trophy) --- Finish the game on the "Blood and Broken Bones!" or "Death March!" difficulty levels.
That Is the Evilest Thing... (Bronze Trophy) --- Ignite the gas produced by a Dragon's Dream bomb using a burning opponent. Do this 10 times.
The Enemy of My Enemy (Bronze Trophy) --- Use the Axii Sign to force one opponent to kill another. Do this 20 times.
The Limits of the Possible (Platinum Trophy) --- Collect all trophies.
Walked the Path (Gold Trophy) --- Finish the game on the "Death March!" difficulty level.

Gwent Neutral Cards
- Decoy: Purchased for 20 Crowns from Quartermaster's Baron's Store in Crow's Perch in Velen.
- Decoy: Purchased for 20 Crowns from a Trader at Seven Cats Inn in Novigrad Gustfields.
- Decoy: Purchased for 50 Crowns from an Innkeeperess in the White Orchard Tavern.
- Commander's Horn: Purchased for 10 Crowns from an Innkeeper at Inn at the Crossroads in Velen.
- Commander's Horn: Purchased for 10 Crowns from a Store Trader at Passiflora in Novigrad.
- Commander's Horn: Purchased for 20 Crowns from Stjepan at The Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt in Novigrad.
- Scorch: Purchased for 50 Crowns from an Innkeeper, Cunny of the Goose in Novigrad.
- Scorch: Purchased for 50 Crowns from an Innkeeper at New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde Harbor in Skellige.
- Scorch: Purchased for 50 Crowns from an Innkeeper at Urialla Village, An Skellig in Skellige.
- Biting Frost: Starting card.
- Biting Frost: Starting card.
- Biting Frost: Randomly awarded.
- Impenetrable Fog: Randomly awarded.
- Impenetrable Fog: Starting card.
- Impenetrable Fog: Randomly awarded.
- Torrential Rain: Randomly awarded.
- Torrential Rain: Randomly awarded.
- Torrential Rain: Randomly awarded after winning from the Crafter or Merchant.
- Clear Weather: Starting card.
- Clear Weather: Starting card.
- Clear Weather: Randomly awarded after winning from the Crafter or Merchant.
- Geralt of Rivia: Purchased for 50 Crowns from Thaler at the Seven Cats Inn in Novigard. It is a Close Combat Hero card.
- Vesemir: Purchased for 20 Crowns from Vivaldi at the Bank of Vivaldi, Hierarch Square in Novigard.
- Yennefer of Vengerberg: Ranged Card with Medic ability. Purchased for 50 Crowns from Stjepan at The Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt in Novigrad.
- Cirilla Fiona Elen Rianno: Close Combat Hero Card. Purchased for 50 Crowns from a Scoia'Tael Trader and Camp in Novigrad Forest.
- Triss Merigold: Closed Combat Hero Card. Purchased for 20 Crowns from Lambert at The Nowhere Inn in Novigrad.
- Dandelion: Closed Combat Card. Win a match during the masquerade ball at Vegelbud Estate in Novigrad Gustfields.
- Zoltan Chivay: Randomly awarded after winning from the Crafter or Merchant.
- Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff: Randomly awarded after winning from the Crafter or Merchant.
- Villentretenmerth: Randomly awarded after winning from the Crafter or Merchant.
- Avallac'h: Hero Card with Spy ability. Purchased for 20 Crowns from Gremita at Gedyneith, Ard Skelling in Skellige.

Gwent Northern Realm Cards
- Vernon Roche: Hero Card. Acquired from Hadko the Card Prodigy at Midcopse in Velen for 50 Crowns.
- John Natalis: Hero Card. Acquired from Ravvy at Golden Sturgeon Tavern in Novigrad for 50 Crowns.
- Esterad Thyssen: Hero Card. Acquired from Dijkstra at the Bathhouse in Novigrad for 50 Crowns.
- Philippa Eilhart: Randomly earned after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Thaler Siege: Acquired from the Innkeeper at Arinbjorn in Skellige for 20 Crowns.
- Ves: Starting card.
- Siegfried of Denesle: Starting card.
- Yarpen Zigrin: Starting card.
- Sigismund Dijkstra: Close Combat Spy Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from The Bloody Baron, Phillip Strenger at Crow's Perch in Velen.
- Keira Metz: Starting card.
- Sile de Tansarville: Starting card.
- Sabrina Glevissig: Starting card.
- Sheldon Skaggs: Starting card.
- Dethmold: Starting card.
- Prince Stennis: Starting card.
- Trebuchet: Starting card.
- Trebuchet: Starting card.
- Poor Faing Infantry: Starting card.
- Poor Faing Infantry: Closed Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Shopkeeper in Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff in Velen.
- Poor Faling Infantry: Closed Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Trader in Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff in Velen.
- Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter: Longed Ranged Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Innkeeperess at White Orchard Tavern in the White Orchard.
- Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter: Longed Ranged Bond Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Trader in Claywich Village, The Mire in Velen.
- Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter: Longed Ranged Bond Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from shopkeeper in Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff in Velen.
- Redanian Foot Soldier: Starting card.
- Redanian Foot Soldier: Starting card.
- Catapult: Bond Siege Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Innkeeperess at White Orchard Tavern in the White Orchard.
- Catapult: Bond Siege Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Store Trader in Passiflora in Novigrad.
- Ballista: Starting card.
- Ballista: Starting card.
- Kaedweni Siege Expert: Starting card.
- Kaedweni Siege Expert: Starting card.
- Kaedweni Siege Expert: Starting card.
- Blue Stripes Commando: Closed Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Innkeeperess at White Orchard Tavern in the White Orchard.
- Blue Stripes Commando: Closed Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Shopkeeper in Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff in Velen.
- Blue Stripes Commando: Closed Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Quartermaster's Baron's Store in Crow's Perch
- Siege Tower: Randomly earned card.
- Dun Banner Medic: Medic Card. Starting card.

Gwent Nilfgaard Cards
- Letho of Gulet: Close Combat Hero Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from the Boatbuilder in Oreton in Velen.
- Menno Coehoorn: Close Range Hero Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads in Velen.
- Morvran Voorhis: Siege Hero Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Marquise Serenity in Passiflora in Novigrad.
- Tibor Eggebracht: Long Range Hero Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Olivier at Kingfisher Inn in Novigrad.
- Albrich: Long Range Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from a trader in Crow's Perch in Velen.
- Albrich: Long Range Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from a trader in Crow's Perch in Velen.
- Assire var Anahid: Long Range Card. Acquired during the prologue.
- Cynthia: Long Range Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from Quartermaster's Baron's Store in Crow's Perch in Velen.
- Fringilla Vigo: Long Range Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Caesar Bilzen's home while on a quest in Novigrad.
- Morteisen: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from the Shopkeeper at Midcopse, Spitfire Bluff in Velen.
- Rainfarn: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff in Velen
- Renuald aep Matsen: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. It is a Ranged Card.
- Rotten Mangonel: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. It is a Siege Card.
- Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant. It is a Closed Combat Spy Card.
- Stefan Skellen: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Sweers: Long Range Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire in Velen.
- Vanhemar: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Vattier de Rideaux: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Vreemde: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Puttkammer: Long Range Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire in Velen.
- Archer Support: Long Range Medic Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff in Velen.
- Archer Support: Long Range Medic Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire in Velen.
- Black Infantry Archer: Long Range Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from a trader in Claywich Village, The Mire in Velen.
- Siege Support: Siege Medic Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at The Golden Sturgeon in Novigrad.
- Black Infantry Archer: Long Range Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff in Velen.
- Heavy Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion: Siege Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from a trader at Midcopse in Spitfire Bluff in Velen.
- Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion: Siege Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from a trader in Crow's Perch in Velen.
- Impera Brigade: Close Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from a trader in Crow's Perch in Velen.
- Impera Brigade: Close Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads in Velen.
- Impera Brigade: Close Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from a trader at the Seven Cats Inn in Novigrad.
- Impera Brigade: Close Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from the Innkeeper at Cunny of the Goose in Novigrad.
- Nausicaa Cavalry Brigade: Close Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Quartermaster's Baron's Store in Crow's Perch in Velen.
- Nausicaa Cavalry Brigade: Close Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads in Velen.
- Nausicaa Cavalry Brigade: Close Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from a trader in Crow's Perch in Velen.
- Combat Engineer: Siege Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads in Velen.
- Young Emissary: Close Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Cunny of the Goose in Novigrad.
- Young Emissary: Close Combat Bond Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from a trader at the Seven Cat's Inn in Novigrad.

Gwent Scoia'tael Cards
- Eithne: Long Range Hero Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Zoltan at Rosemary and Thyme in Novigrad.
- Saskia/Saesenthessis: Long Range Hero Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Vernon Roche at the Temerian Resistance Camp in Novigrad.
- Isengrim Faoiltiarna: Close Combat Morale Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from inside Zed's home during a quest in Novigrad.
- Iorveth: Long Range Hero Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from a druid after the quest, in Gedyneith, Ard Skellig in Skellige.
- Dennis Cranmer: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Milva: Long Range Morale Card. Acquired after winning tournament at masquerade ball in Vegelbud Estate in Novigrad.
- Ida Emean: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Filavandrel: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Yaevinn: This Close Combat Agile Card is acquired for 50 Crowns from Sjusta the Tailor at Kaer Trolde Harbor, Ard Skellig in Skellige.
- Toruviel: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Riordain: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Ciaran aep Easnillien: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Barclay Els: Close Combat Agile Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Golden Sturgeon in Novigrad.
- Hav'caaren Medic: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Hav'caaren Medic: Long Range Medic Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Cunny of the Goose in Novigrad.
- Hav'caaren Medic: Long Range Medic Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Olivier at Kingfisher Inn in Novigrad.
- Vrihedd Brigade: Close Combat Agile Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Stjepan at The Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt in Skellige.
- Vrihedd Brigade: Close Combat Agile Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Olivier at Kingfisher Inn in Novigrad.
- Dol Blathanna Scout: Close Combat Agile Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Golden Sturgeon in Novigrad.
- Dol Blathanna Scout: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Dol Blathanna Scout: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Dwarf Skirmisher: This Close Combat Muster Card is acquired for 10 Crowns from Stjepan at The Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt in Skellige.
- Dwarf Skirmisher: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Dwarf Skirmisher: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Mahakaman Defenders: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from a Store Trader in Passiflora in Novigrad.
- Mahakaman Defenders: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Stjepan at The Alchemy Inn, Oxenfurt in Skellige.
- Mahakaman Defenders: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from a trader at the Seven Cats Inn in Novigrad.
- Mahakaman Defenders: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at the Golden Sturgeon in Novigrad.
- Mahakaman Defenders: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Olivier at Kingfisher Inn in Novigrad.
- Elf Skirmisher: Long Range Muster Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from the Innkeeper at Urialla Village, An Skellig in Skellige.
- Elf Skirmisher: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Elf Skirmisher: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Vrihedd Cadet: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Dol Blathanna Archer: Long Range Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from a Store Trader in Passiflora in Novigrad.
- Hav'caaren Medic: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from a trader at the Seven Cats Inn in Novigrad.
- Hav'caaren Medic: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Hav'caaren Medic: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Olivier at Kingfisher Inn in Novigrad.

Gwent Monsters Cards
- Draug: Close Combat Hero Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Crach an Craite, Kaer Trolde, Ard Skellig in Skellige.
- Kayran: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Imlerith: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Leshen: Long Range Hero Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Ermion, Gedyneith, Ard Skellig in Skellige.
- Forktail: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Earth Elemental: Siege Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde Harbor in Skellige.
- Fiend: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at Arinbjorn in Skellige.
- Plague Maiden: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Griffin: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Werewolf: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at Urialla Village, An Skellig in Skellige.
- Botchling: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from the Innkeeper at New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde Harbor in Skellige.
- Frightener: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Ice Giant: Siege Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from the Innkeeper, Svorlag, Spikeroog in Skellige.
- Endrega: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Harpy: Long Range Agile Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper in Harviken tavern, Faroe in Skellige.
- Cockatrice: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Gargoyle: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Celaeno Harpy: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Grave Hag: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Fire Elemental: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Foglet: Close Combat Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from the Innkeeper, Svorlag, Spikeroog in Skellige.
- Wyvern: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Arachas Behemoth: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Arachas: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Innkeeper, Arinbjorn in Skellige.
- Arachas: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper at Urialla Village, An Skellig in Skellige.
- Arachas: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Innkeeper, Svorlag, Spikeroog in Skellige.
- Nekker: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns by defeating Lambert at the Nowhere Inn near the end of the quest.
- Nekker: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from Innkeeper, in Harviken tavern, Faroe in Skellige.
- Nekker: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Vampire: Ekimmara: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from Innkeeper, Svorlag, Spikeroog in Skellige.
- Vampire: Fleder: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Innkeeper, in Harviken tavern, Faroe in Skellige.
- Vampire: Garkain: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Vampire: Bruxa: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns by winnning a match at the masquerade ball at Vegelbud Estate in Novigrad.
- Vampire: Katakan: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from Jarl Madman Lugos, Kaer Muire, Ard Skellig in Skellige.
- Ghoul: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 10 Crowns from Innkeeper, in Harviken tavern, Faroe in Skellige.
- Ghoul: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Ghoul: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Crone: Brewess: Randomly earned card after winning from Crafter or Merchant.
- Crone: Weavess: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 50 Crowns from the Seer (Old Sage) at Benek in Velen.
- Crone: Whispess: Close Combat Muster Card. Acquired for 20 Crowns from the Innkeeper, Arinbjorn in Skellige.

Gwent Leader Cards
- The Steel-Forged: Acquired during "Passiflora" quest.
- The Siegemaster: Acquired during the main quest "Imperial Audience" by defeating Nilfgaardian Nobleman.
- Lord Commander of the North: Defeat the Innkeeperess at White Orchard Tavern.
- King of Temeria: Starting card
- The Relentless: Acquired during the "Passiflora" quest.
- The White Flame Dancing on the Graves of His Foes: Complete Gwent: Skellige Style.
- The Emperor of Nilfgaard: Purchased from the Innkeeper, Inn at the Crossroads.
- His Imperial Majesty: Starting card.
- Queen of Dol Blathanna: Acquired during the "Passiflora" quest.
- The Beautiful: Complete Big City Players to earn this card.
- Daisy of the Valley: Purchased from the Innkeeper, Cunny of the Goose.
- Pureblood Elf: Starting card.
- Destroyer of Worlds: Acquired during the "Passiflora" quest.
- Bringer of Death: Complete Velen Players to acquire this card.
- King of the Wild Hunt: Acquired from the Innkeeper, New Port Inn, Kaer Trolde Harbor.
- Commander of the Red Riders: Starting card.

Crafting Alcohols
- Alcohest: Empty bottle + Cherry cordial + Nilfgaardian lemon + Balisse Fruit
- Dwarven Spirit: Empty Bottle + 2x Mahakaman Spirit + White myrtle Petals
- White Gull: + Empty Bottle + Redanian Herbal + Cherry Cordial + + Mandrake Cordial + Arenaria

Crafting Monster Remains
- Drowner Brain: Monstrous Brain + Monstrous Blood
- Ghoul's Blood: 2x Monstrous Blood
- Nekker Blood: 2x Monstrous Blood
- Rotfiend Blood: 3x Monstrous Blood
- Leshen Resin: 3x Monstrous Blood + 3x Resin
- Devourer's Blood: 4x Monstrous Blood
- Alghoul Bone Marrow: Monstrous Bone + Monstrous Blood
- Nekker Claw: 2x Monstrous Claw
- Harpy Talons: 3x Monstrous Claw
- Alghoul Claw: 4x Monstrous Claw
- Specter Dust: 2x Monstrous Dust
- Gargoyle Dust: 3x Monstrous Dust
- Harpy Eggs: Monstrous Egg + Monstrous Feather
- Endrega Embryo: Monstrous Egg + 2x Monstrous Essence
- Cockatrice Egg: Monstrous Egg + 2x Chitin Scale
- Griffin's Egg: Monstrous Egg + 3x Monstrous Feather
- Wyvern Egg: Monstrous Egg + Monstrous Claw + 2x Chitin Scale
- Crystalized Essence: 5x Monstrous Essence
- Elemental Essence: 5x Monstrous Essence
- Dark Essence: 3x Monstrous Essence
- Light Essence: 2x Monstrous Essence
- Water Essence: 4x Monstrous Essence
- Essence of Wraith: 3x Monstrous Essence
- Nekker Eye: 2x Monstrous Eye
- Arachas Eyes: 3x Monstrous Eye
- Erynia Eye: Monstrous Eye + 2x Monstrous Feather
- Cyclops' Eye: Monstrous Eye + 3x Monstrous Blood
- Fiend's Eye: 3x Monstrous Eye + 2x Monstrous Hair
- Harpy Feathers: 2x Monstrous Feather
- Griffin Feathers: 3x Monstrous Feather + Monstrous Dust
- Lock of Lamia Hair: 4x Monstrous Hair
- Nightwraith Hair: Monstrous Hair
- Nekker Heart: Monstrous Heart + Monstrous Blood
- Endrega Heart: 2x Monstrous Heart
- Gargoyle Heart: 2x Monstrous Heart + Monstrous Dust
- Golem's Heart: 2x Monstrous Heart + Monstrous Essence
- Necrophage Hide: Monstrous Hide + 2x Monstrous Blood
- Troll Hide: Monstrous Hide + 2x Monstrous Hair
- Werewolf Hide: Monstrous Hide + 3x Monstrous Hair
- Ekimmara Hide: 2x Monstrous Hide
- Berserker hide: 2x Monstrous hide + Monstrous saliva
- Chort hide: 2x Monstrous hide + 2x Monstrous hair
- Cave troll liver: Monstrous liver + Monstrous blood
- Nekker warrior's liver: Monstrous liver + 2x Monstrous blood
- Basilisk hide: Monstrous plate + Chitin scale
- Forktail hide: Monstrous plate + 2x Chitin scale
- Wyvern hide: Monstrous plate + 2x Chitin scale
- Vampire saliva: 2x Monstrous saliva
- Werewolf saliva: 4x Monstrous saliva
- Drowner tongue: Monstrous tongue + Monstrous saliva
- Cockatrice stomach: 2x Monstrous blood + Monstrous saliva
- Foglet teeth: 3x Monstrous tooth
- Hag tooth: 3x Monstrous tooth + Monstrous saliva
- Water hag tooth: 3x Monstrous tooth + 2x Venom extract
- Vampire fang: 2x Monstrous tooth + Vampire saliva
- Arachas venom: 2x Venom extract
- Basilisk venom: 3x Venom extract

Crafting Substances
- Aether: White Gull + Verbena + Ergot seeds + Han fiber + Puffball + Longrube
- Albedo: White Gull + Crow's eye + Allspice + Mistletoe + Beggartick blossoms + Pringrape
- Hydragenum: White Gull + Verbena + Ergot seeds + Ranogrin + Green mold + Nostrix
- Nigredo: White Gull + Crow's eye + Han fiber + Hellebore petals + Hornwort + Balisse fruit
- Quebrith: White Gull + Verbena + Puffball + Longrube + Nostrix + Pringrape
- Rebis: White Gull + Verbena + Ergot seeds + Allspice + Mistletoe + Ranogrin
- Rubedo: White Gull + Crow's eye + Han fiber + Mistletoe + Puffball + Green mold
- Vermilion: White Gull + Verbena + Ergot seeds + Han fiber + Beggartick blossoms + Bryonia
- Vitriol: White Gull + Bloodmoss + Allspice + Ranogrin + Hellebore petals + Hornwort

Crafting Potions
Black Blood
Effect: Damage vampires and necrophages after receiving damage.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 2x Sewant mushrooms + 4x Ghoul's blood

Enhanced Black Blood
Effect: Damage vampires and necrophages after receiving damage.
Ingredients: Alcohest + Black Blood + Hellebore petals + 5x Sewant mushrooms + 5x Ghoul's blood

Superior Black Blood
Effect: Damage vampires and necrophages after receiving damage.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced Black Blood + 5x Hellebore petals + 5x Sewant mushrooms + Han fiber + Nostrix Rebis

Effect: Slows time immediately after killing an enemy.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 5x White myrtle petals + Golem's heart

Enhanced Blizzard
Effect: Greatly slows time immediately after killing an enemy.
Ingredients: Alcohest + Blizzard + Celandine + 5x White myrtle petals + Golem's heart

Superior Blizzard
Effect: Slows time immediately after killing an enemy, and stamina cost reduced with 3x Adrenaline Points.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced Blizzard + Celandine + 4x White myrtle petals + Sewant mushrooms + Buckthorn Rebis

Effect: See in darkness.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 4x Berbercane fruit + 2x Water essence

Enhanced Cat
Effect: See in darkness for increased duration.
Ingredients: Alcohest + Cat + 5x Berbercane fruit + Cortinarius + 3x Water essence

Superior Cat
Effect: See in darkness for even greater duration.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced Cat + 4x Berbercane fruit + 4x Cortinarius + Moleyarrow + Allspice + Aether

Full Moon
Effect: Increases maximum Vitality.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 2x Wolfsbane + Dark Essence

Enhanced Full Moon
Effect: Increases maximum Vitality for longer period of time.
Ingredients: Alcohest + Full Moon + 2x Crow's eye + 5x Wolfsbane + 2x Dark Essence

Superior Full Moon
Effect: Increases maximum Vitality for even longer durations of time.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced Full Moon + Mistletoe + Verbena + 4x Crow's eye + 4x Wolfsbane + Quebrith

Golden Oriole
Effect: Immune to Poisons.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 4x Blowball + Light Essence

Enhanced Golden Oriole
Effect: Immune to Poisons for longer duration.
Ingredients: Alcohest + Golden Oriole + 6 + Blowball + Celandine + 2x Light Essence

Superior Golden Oriole
Effect: Immune to Poisons for longer duration and Poisons start healing.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced Golden Oriole + 4x Blowball + 4x Celandine + Han fiber + Ranogrin + Quebrith

Killer Whale
Effect: Increased breath supply while underwater.
Ingredients: 2x Dwarven spirit + 5x Balisse fruit + 6 + Buckthorn + 5x Drowner tongue

Maribor Forest
Effect: Generate Adrenaline Points faster.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 3x Berbercane fruit + Alghoul bone marrow + 4x Drowner tongue

Enhanced Maribor Forest
Effect: Generate Adrenaline Points faster for extended durations of time.
Ingredients: Alcohest + Maribor Forest + 5x Berbercane fruit + Crow's eye + 2x Drowner tongue

Superior Maribor Forest
Effect: Generate Adrenaline Points faster and generate Adrenaline Point.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced Maribor Forest + 4x Berbercane fruit + 4x Crow's eye + Hellebore petals + Ribleaf Vermilion

Petri's Philter;;;
Effect: Increases Sign intensity.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 5x Arenaria + Specter Dust

Enhanced Petri's Philter
Effect: Increases Sign intensity for longer duration.
Ingredients: Alcohest + Petri's Philter + 6 + Arenaria + Buckthorn + 2x Specter Dust

Superior Petri's Philter
Effect: Increases Sign intensity and have special effects.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced Petri's Philter + 4x Arenaria + 4x Buckthorn + Longrube + Ranogrin + Rubedo

Effect: Increased Vitality regeneration.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 5x Celandine + 4x Drowner brain

Enhanced Swallow
Effect: Increased Vitality regeneration for longer duration.
Ingredients: Alcohest + Swallow + 6 + Celandine + 4x White myrtle petals + 5x Drowner brain

Superior Swallow
Effect: Increased Vitality regeneration for even greater duration.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced Swallow + 6 + Berbercane fruit + 6 + White myrtle petals + 4x Celandine + 4x Crow's eye + 2x Vitriol

Tawny Owl
Effect: Faster Stamina regeneration.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 2x Verbena + Arachas venom

Enhanced Tawny Owl
Effect: Faster Stamina regeneration for longer duration.
Ingredients: Alcohest + Tawny Owl + 4x Verbena + 2x Wolfsbane + Arachas venom

Superior Tawny Owl
Effect: Faster Stamina regeneration which never expires during the night.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced Tawny Owl + 4x Verbena + 4x Wolfsbane + Fool's parsley leaves + Mandrake root + Sewant mushrooms

Effect: Increases Attack Power.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 2x Cortinarius + Endrega embryo

Enhanced Thunderbolt
Effect: Increases Attack Power for longer duration.
Ingredients: Alcohest + Thunderbolt + 2x Cortinarius + Fool's parsley leaves + 2x Endrega embryo

Superior Thunderbolt
Effect: Increases Attack Power for longer duration and have 100% Critical Hits chances in storms.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced Thunderbolt + 4x Cortinarius + 4x Fool's parsley leaves + Verbena + Bryonia + Quebrith

White Honey
Effect: Clears Toxicity.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Honeysuckle

Enhanced White Honey
Effect: Clears Toxicity.
Ingredients: Alcohest + White Honey + 2x Honeysuckle + White myrtle petals

Superior White Honey
Effect: Clears Toxicity.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced White Honey + 4x Honeysuckle + 4x White myrtle petals + Balisse fruit + Hellebore petals + Vitriol

White Raffard's Decoction
Effect: Restores Vitality.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 2x Ribleaf + 4x Nekker heart

Enhanced White Raffard's Decoction
Effect: Restores larger portion of Vitality.
Ingredients: Alcohest + White Raffard's Decoction + 4x Ribleaf + Bryonia + 5x Nekker heart

Superior White Raffard's Decoction
Effect: Restores Vitality completely and grants immunity briefly.
Ingredients: White Gull + Enhanced White Raffard's Decoction + 4x Ribleaf + 4x Bryonia + Pringrape + Bison grass + Vermilion

Ursine pheromones
Effect: Ursines do not attack.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Berbercane fruit + Ergot seeds + Hellebore petals

Drowner pheromones
Effect: Drowners do not attack.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Drowner brain + Sewant mushrooms + Puffball

Nekker pheromones
Effect: Nekkers do not attack.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Green mold + Drowner brain + Moleyarrow

Crafting Decoctions
Katakan decoction
Effect: Increases critical hit chance.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Katakan mutagen + Verbena + Arenaria

Arachas decoction
Effect: Damage is taken on the basis of armor and amount of weight carried.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Arachas mutagen + White myrtle petals

Cockatrice decoction
Effect: One extra Alchemy use.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Cockatrice mutagen + Crow's eye

Archgriffin decoction
Effect: Unknown.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Archgriffin mutagen + Ribleaf + + Blowball

Water hag decoction
Effect: Increased damage at maximum vitality.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Water hag mutagen + Berbercane fruit

Nightwraith decoction
Effect: Maximum vitality increases with each kill.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Nightwraith mutagen + Mistletoe + Sewant mushrooms

Ekimmara decoction
Effect: Damage enemies to regenerate vitality.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Ekimmara mutagen + White myrtle petals + Mandrake root

Chort decoction
Effect: Resist Stagger and Knockdown.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Chort mutagen + Puffball + Cortinarius

Foglet decoction
Effect: Increases Sign Intensity during cloudy weather.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Foglet mutagen + Fool's parsley leaves + + Blowball

Wyvern decoction
Effect: Each hit increases Attack Power.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Wyvern mutagen + Moleyarrow + Celandine

Doppler decoction
Effect: Increases critical hit damage from behind.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Doppler mutagen + Han fiber + Longrube

Troll decoction
Effect: Regenerates Vitality outside of combat.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Troll claw + Crow's eye + Honeysuckle

Noonwraith decoction
Effect: Immunity against Knockdown, Hypnosis, Stun and Blindness effects.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Noonwraith mutagen + Ginatia petals + Ergot seeds

Succubus decoction
Effect: Attack Power continues to increase as the fight progresses.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Succubus mutagen + Green mold + Allspice

Alghoul decoction
Effect: Gain quick Adrenaline Points until attacked by an enemy.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + 5x Lesser red mutagen + Alghoul bone marrow + Buckthorn

Fiend decoction
Effect: Increases the amount of weight that can be carried by witchers.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Fiend mutagen + Hellebore petals + Fool's parsley leaves + Arenaria

Forktail decoction
Effect: Combine fast, strong, and sign to increase Attack Power.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Forktail mutagen + Moleyarrow + Bryonia

Grave hag decoction
Effect: Vitality is regenerated after every enemy killed.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Grave hag mutagen + Longrube + Cortinarius

Wraith decoction
Effect: Quen shield protects against attacks which drain one-third of vitality.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Wraith mutagen + Blowball + Nostrix

Earth elemental decoction
Effect: Increases resistance against Vitality-depleting critical effects.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Earth elemental mutagen + Balisse fruit + Pringrape

Ekhidna decoction
Effect: Stamina consumption regenerates vitality.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Ekhidna mutagen + Ribleaf + Berbercane fruit

Ancient leshen decoction
Effect: Sign cast regenerates stamina.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Ancient leshen mutagen + Mandrake root + Ginatia petals + Honeysuckle

Basilisk decoction
Effect: Random beneficial effect appears at dawn and dusk.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Basilisk mutagen + Blowball + Fool's parsley leaves + Beggartick blossoms

Werewolf decoction
Effect: Sprinting and jumping outside combat does not consume any stamina.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Werewolf mutagen + Beggartick blossoms + Hop umbels

Nekker warrior decoction
Effect: Mounts do not panic.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Nekker warrior mutagen + Fool's parsley leaves + Ranogrin

Leshen decoction
Effect: Damage taken is reflected back towards the attacker.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Leshen mutagen + Moleyarrow + Pringrape

Griffin decoction
Effect: Taking damage raises damage resistance.
Ingredients: Dwarven spirit + Griffin mutagen + Oil + Bryonia + Wolf's liver

Reliever's decoction
Effect: Increases damage dealt and decreases damage taken against wraiths.
Ingredients: 5x Dwarven spirit + 4x Lesser red mutagen + 4x Lesser green mutagen + 4x Lesser blue mutagen + Essence of wraith

Crafting Oils
- Enhanced beast oil: 5x Ursine fat + Beast Oil + Ursine hide + Celandine + Puffball + Bison grass
- Superior beast oil: Alchemy paste + Enhanced beast Oil + Cockatrice stomach + Celandine + Puffball + Bison grass + Rubedo
- Cursed oil: Dog tallow + 4x Wolfsbane
- Enhanced cursed oil: Ursine fat + Cursed Oil + Ekimmara hide + Puffball + Wolfsbane + Balisse fruit + Wolf's liver
- Superior cursed oil: Alchemy paste + Enhanced cursed Oil + Ekimmara hide + Cave troll liver + Wolfsbane + Mistletoe + Rubedo
- Hanged Man's Venom: Dog tallow + 4x Arenaria
- Enhanced Hanged Man's Venom: Ursine fat + Hanged Man's Venom + Ekimmara hide + Nekker eye + Fool's parsley leaves + Arenaria + Mandrake root
- Superior Hanged Man's Venom: Alchemy paste + Enhanced Hanged Man's Venom + Ekimmara hide + Devourer's blood + Fool's parsley leaves + Mandrake root + Quebrith
- Hybrid oil: Dog tallow + 4x White myrtle petals
- Enhanced hybrid oil: Ursine fat + Hybrid Oil + Erynia eye + Ginatia petals + White myrtle petals + Hornwort + Bryonia
- Superior hybrid oil: Alchemy paste + Enhanced hybrid Oil + Erynia eye + Ginatia petals + White myrtle petals + Bison grass + Albedo
- Insectoid oil: Dog tallow + 4x Ranogrin
- Enhanced insectoid oil: Ursine fat + Insectoid Oil + Endrega heart + Puffball + Ranogrin + Hornwort + Honeysuckle
- Superior insectoid oil: Alchemy paste + Enhanced insectoid Oil + Endrega heart + Puffball + Hornwort + Bloodmoss + Hydragenum
- Elementa oil: Dog tallow + 4x Puffball
- Enhanced elementa oil: Ursine fat + Elementa Oil + Ekimmara hide + Puffball + Allspice + Honeysuckle + Buckthorn
- Superior elementa oil: Alchemy paste + Enhanced elementa Oil + Ekimmara hide + Essence of wraith + Allspice + Honeysuckle + Albedo
- Necrophage oil: Dog tallow + 4x Beggartick blossoms
- Enhanced necrophage oil: 4x Ursine fat + Necrophage Oil + Rotfiend blood + Beggartick blossoms + Arenaria + Pringrape + Cortinarius
- Superior necrophage oil: 5x Alchemy paste + Enhanced necrophage Oil + Devourer's blood + Beggartick blossoms + Arenaria + Pringrape + Hydragenum
- Specter oil: Ursine fat + 4x Arenaria
- Enhanced specter oil: Ursine fat + Specter Oil + Essence of wraith + Arenaria + Mistletoe + Wolf's liver
- Superior specter oil: Alchemy paste + Enhanced specter Oil + Essence of wraith + Longrube + Mistletoe + Ergot seeds + Rebis
- Vampire oil: 2x Dog tallow + 4x Ducal Water
- Enhanced vampire oil: 2x Ursine fat + Vampire Oil + Fifth Essence Wine Stone Cortinarius Wolfsbane + Ribleaf
- Superior vampire oil: 2x Alchemy paste + Enhanced vampire Oil + Fifth Essence Wine Stone Cortinarius Wolfsbane + Vermilion
- Draconid oil: Dog tallow + 4x Ergot seeds
- Enhanced draconid oil: Ursine fat + Draconid Oil + Cockatrice stomach + Nekker warrior's liver + Moleyarrow + Arenaria + Bryonia
- Superior draconid oil: Alchemy paste + Enhanced draconid Oil + Cockatrice stomach + Nekker warrior's liver + Arenaria + Bryonia + Albedo
- Ogroid oil: Ursine fat + 4x Ginatia petals
- Enhanced ogroid oil: 2x Ursine fat + Ogroid Oil + Cave troll liver + Arenaria + Ranogrin + Ginatia petals + Ribleaf
- Superior ogroid oil: 2x Alchemy paste + Enhanced ogroid Oil + Cave troll liver + Arenaria + Ranogrin + Ribleaf + Aether
- Relict oil: Dog tallow + 5x Mistletoe
- Enhanced relict oil: Ursine fat + Relict Oil + Water hag tooth + Cave troll liver + Beggartick blossoms + Hop umbels + Green mold
- Superior relict oil: 4x Alchemy paste + Enhanced relict Oil + Devourer's blood + Hop umbels + Beggartick blossoms + Green mold + Nigredo

Crafting Bombs
- Dancing Star: Saltpeter + 2x Sulfur
- Enhanced Dancing Star: Stammelford's Dust + Dancing Star + Phosphorus + Sulfur + Sewant mushrooms + Hellebore petals + Nostrix
- Superior Dancing Star: Alchemists' powder + Enhanced Dancing Star + 2x Phosphorus + 2x Sulfur + 2x Sewant mushrooms + 2x Nostrix Nigredo
- Devil's Puffball: Saltpeter + 2x Sewant mushrooms
- Enhanced Devil's Puffball: Stammelford's Dust + Devil's Puffball + Calcium equum + Endrega heart + Sewant mushrooms + Ginatia petals + Green mold
- Superior Devil's Puffball: Alchemists' powder + Enhanced Devil's Puffball + 2x Calcium equum + 2x Endrega heart + 2x Sewant mushrooms + 2x Ginatia petals + Rebis
- Dimeritium Bomb: 5x Saltpeter + 2x Optima mater
- Enhanced Dimeritium Bomb: Stammelford's Dust + Dimeritium Bomb + Optima mater + Powdered pearl + Blowball + Ginatia petals + Bloodmoss
- Superior Dimeritium Bomb: Alchemists' powder + Enhanced Dimeritium Bomb + 2x Optima mater + 2x Powdered pearl + 2x Puffball + 2x Bloodmoss + Nigredo
- Enhanced Dragon's Dream: Stammelford's Dust + Dragon's Dream + Phosphorus + Optima mater + Mistletoe + Allspice + Bryonia
- Superior Dragon's Dream: Alchemists' powder + Enhanced Dragon's Dream + 2x Phosphorus + 2x Optima mater + 2x Allspice + 2x Bryonia + Aether
- Grapeshot: 2x Saltpeter + 2x Calcium equum
- Enhanced Grapeshot: Stammelford's Dust + Grapeshot Calcium equum + Blowball + Crow's eye + Longrube
- Superior Grapeshot: Alchemists' powder + Enhanced Grapeshot + 2x Calcium equum + 2x Sulfur + 2x Longrube + 2x Hop umbels + Nigredo
- Samum: Saltpeter + 2x Celandine
- Enhanced Samum: Stammelford's Dust + Samum Phosphorus + Foglet teeth + Celandine + Blowball
- Superior Samum: Alchemists' powder + Enhanced Samum 2x Phosphorus + 2x Foglet teeth + 2x Celandine + 2x Hellebore petals + Aether
- Moon Dust: Saltpeter + 2x Quicksilver solution
- Enhanced Moon Dust: Stammelford's Dust + Moon Dust + Quicksilver solution + Sulfur + Hop umbels + Blowball + Honeysuckle
- Superior Moon Dust: Alchemists' powder + Enhanced Moon Dust + 2x Quicksilver solution 2x Sulfur + 2x Hop umbels + 2x Blowball + Nigredo
- Northern Wind: Saltpeter + Ducal Water + Powdered pearl + 2x Allspice
- Enhanced Northern Wind: Stammelford's Dust + Northern Wind + 2x Ducal Water + Powdered pearl + Fool's parsley leaves + Verbena + 2x Allspice
- Superior Northern Wind: Saltpeter + Enhanced Northern Wind + 3x Ducal Water + 2x Powdered pearl + 2x Verbena + 3x Allspice + Quebrith.

Power Overwhelming - Trophy Guide
Places of Power are the static glowing stones found in various location. Each place of power corresponds to one of your signs (Axii, Yrden, Quen, Igni and Aard). Once you have activated the stone, you will recieve bonuses for the corresponding sign. After activating the stone, an icon appears at the top of the screen indicating the remaining time for that particular bonus effect. You must have five places of power activated simultaneously. The starting area in "White Orchard" has six of the stones. Search the area to find five different stones, then use your horse or fast travel to activate all of them before the previous ones expire. Note: There are two "Quen" places of power at this location; make sure you do not use the "Quen" stone twice.

Even Odds - Trophy Guide
The first contract available is "The Devil by the Well" in White Orchard, but may be difficult to complete without using oils and signs. Instead, consider doing this on the griffin in White Orchard. It is an easier fight, and will count as a contract even though it is required by the main questline. Another option is the werewolf at Velen during the "Wild At Heart" secondary quest. Although the quest does not appear as a contract in the journal, it also counts.

Environmentally Unfriendly - Trophy Guide
The environment can be used in several ways to kill enemies.
- Swamp Gas: Ignite using the Igni sign.
- Explosive Barrels: Ignite using the Igni sign or by attacking it. It will explode after a few seconds for a large amount of area of effect damage.
- Stack of Barrels: Topple over onto enemies using the Aard sign.
- Insects (Hornet Nest): Can be destroyed to unleash hornets on nearby enemies.

The Enemy of My Enemy - Trophy Guide
For the Axii Sign to turn an opponent against another, the Tier 2 Axii Skill "Puppet" is required. The first level will temporarily turn a target into an ally and give them a 60% damage boost, which can be upgraded two more times to 60%. Find a group of enemies and weaken all but the strongest one. Then, use Axii on that strong enemy.

Can't Touch This! - Trophy Guide
Find a group of underwater Nekkers, then use your crossbow to kill them with one hit.

Witcher Signs
The following signs have the listed effect and upgrades.

Aard Sign: Far Reaching Aard
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Increases Aard's range by 1 yard.

Aard Sign: Aard Sweep
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Decreases knockdown chance by 21% and effects everyone within area-of-effect.

Aard Sign: Aard Intensity
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Increases Aard Sign intensity by 5%.

Aard Sign: Shock Wave
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Allows players to deal +40 damage with Aard.

Igni Sign: Melt Armor
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Igni Sign also allows players to weakens enemy armor.

Igni Sign: Firestream
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Emits a continuous stream of fire that damages enemies.

Igni Sign: Igni Intensity
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Increases Igni Sign intensity by 5%.

Igni Sign: Pyromaniac
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Increases the chance to Burning by 20%.

Yrden Sign: Sustained Glyphs
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Increases Sign duration by 5 seconds.

Yrden Sign: Magic Trap
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Damages and slows all enemies within a 10 yard radius and destroys projectiles passing through this area.

Yrden Sign: Yrden Intensity
SYrden Sign: tamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Increases Yrden Sign intensity by 5%.

Yrden Sign: Supercharged Glyphs
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Enemies lose points of Vitality or Essence after every second.

Quen Sign: Exploding Shield
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Knocks back enemies after the effect ends.

Quen Sign: Active Shield
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Damage absorbed by the shield replenishes players' Vitality.

Quen Sign: Quen Intensity
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Increases Quen Sign intensity by 5% after every level.

Quen Sign: Quen Discharge
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Reflects a fixed amount of damage back towards the attacker.

Axii Sign: Delusion
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Increases Axii's effectiveness in dialogues and the targeted enemies don't advance towards Geralt.

Axii Sign: Puppet
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Allows players to turn an enemy into an ally for a limited duration of time.

Axii Sign: Axii Intensity
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Increases Axii Sign intensity by a certain percentage.

Axii Sign: Domination
Stamina Regeneration: 0.5 seconds per level.
Effect: Allows players to influence two enemies at the same time.

A Glyph of Infusion is required to craft a Lesser Glyph. They can be found or purchased from merchants. You can also purchase Glyph of Infusion Diagram and craft them yourself. To create a Greater Glyph you must combine multiple Lesser Glyphs.
- Lesser Glyph of Aard: Increases Aard Sign Intensity by 2%.
- Greater Glyph of Aard: Increases Aard Sign Intensity by 10%.
- Lesser Glyph of Axii: Increases Axii Sign Intensity by 2%.
- Greater Glyph of Axii: Increases Axii Sign Intensity by 10%.
- Lesser Glyph of Igni: Increases Igni Sign Intensity by 2%.
- Greater Glyph of Igni: Increases Igni Sign Intensity by 10%.
- Lesser Glyph of Quen: Increases Quen Sign Intensity by 2%.
- Greater Glyph of Quen: Increases Quen Sign Intensity by 10%.
- Lesser Glyph of Yrden: Increases Yrden Sign Intensity by 2%.
- Greater Glyph of Yrden: Increases Yrden Sign Intensity by 10%.

Horse upgrades
Purchase and equip the indicated item to Roach to gain the corresponding effect.
- Saddle: Costs 100. Increases total Stamina by 20.
- Enhanced Saddle: Costs 125. Increases total Stamina by 25.
- Superior Saddle: Costs 150. Increases total Stamina by 30.
- Mastercrafted Saddle: Costs 175. Increases total Stamina by 35.
- Racing Saddle: Costs 200. Increases total Stamina by 40.
- Enhanced Racing Saddle: Costs 225. Increases total Stamina by 45.
- Superior Racing Saddle: Costs 250. Increases total Stamina by 50.
- Mastercrafted Racing Saddle: Costs 275. Increases total Stamina by 55.
- Zerrikanian Saddle: Costs 300. Increases total Stamina by 60.
- Enhanced Cavalry Saddle: Costs 325. Increases total Stamina by 65.
- Superior Cavalry Saddle: Costs 350. Increases total Stamina by 70.
- Mastercrafted Cavalry Saddle: Costs 375. Increases total Stamina by 75.
- Cavalry Saddle: Costs 400. Increases total Stamina by 80.
- Horse Blinders: Costs 100. Decreases Panic speed by 20.
- Racing Horse Blinders: Costs 125. Decreases Panic speed by 40.
- Zerrikanian Blinders: Costs 150. Decreases Panic speed by 60.
- Saddlebags: Costs 100. Increases weight-carrying capacity by 30.
- Rugged Saddlebags: Costs 175. Increases weight-carrying capacity by 70.
- Zerrikanian Saddlebags: Costs 350. Increases weight-carrying capacity by 100.

Duplicate items
Go to any monster nest, and loot everything in the nest except for one item. You can leave any item, but you must leave one item or this will not work. Turn the camera in a 360 degree circle or walk a short distance away from the nest, and then loot the nest again for all items to have respawned. Repeat this as many times as desired. Sell all the items you get from this exploit for lots of crowns. The game has a cap of 65,535 crowns. Thus, stay under that number to avoid losing any crowns. If you meditate for five days, the shops will get all their money (crowns) back. Alternately, go to the Loan Shark in Navigrad since his money comes back each time you leave. You can also buy florens so he has more money, and then just convert florens to crowns at the bank in Novigrad. Note: This glitch was performed on an unpatched version of the game.

Easy Money
- Find the merchant at Hierarch Square in Novigrad and purchase all of his Shells and Sea Shells. Talk to him again after you have depleted his stock and you will find that he has more to sell. Keep buying as many as you can afford and carry.
- Take the shells with you and visit the armorer, who is located next to the merchant. Dismantle your Shells to receive Pearls.
- Sell the Pearls to the armorer until he runs out of money.
- Meditate for 5 days. The armorer should have 1000 coins again. Sell him more Pearls.
- Repeat the process as often as you like.

More Money
- When you're in the town of Midcopse, before you cross the Woesong Bridge out of town, jump over the livestock fence into the grass pasture with the cows.
- Kill all the cows in the pasture. You can kill them with one swing from your sword, but using fire magic is usually a lot faster, since cows do tend to run away from imminent death.
- After killing all the cows, you must meditate for at least 2 hours at the spot where you killed them. This can be done from the pause menu, by going to the "Meditation" section and setting the clock to over 2 hours ahead from the current in-game time. Meditating for this long will respawn the cows by the time you're done meditating, at which point you can kill them again!
- After doing this a few times, you can sell the cow hides for quick cash! (And you get to keep the rest of the cow meat for healings.) There's actually a Merchant to sell the cow hides to right by the road next to the cow pasture you're standing in. Talk to the merchant and when you're in the merchant/shopkeeper's Shop inventory, go to the "Other" tab to find the "Cow Hide", so you can sell all of yours to the merchant for Crowns coin.
- Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you have enough money. Or until you realize you're creating a massive cow graveyard and it starts to creep you out.

Easy Crowns
Before crossing the Woesong Bridge to leave the town of Midcopse, jump over the fence to enter a grass pasture with some cows. Kill all the cows at that location. Consider using fire magic instead of your sword to not have to chase them. Then, meditate for over two hours where you killed them by pausing game play, selecting "Meditation", and advancing the time by two hours. This will force the cows to respawn. Kill the cows again and repeat the process to accumulate a large amount of cow hides, as well as meat for healing. When satisfied, find the merchant near the road next to the cow pasture. Talk to the merchant, then select the "Other" tab from his shop's inventory to find the "Cow Hide" option to sell all of your hides to him. Repeat the process as many times as desired .

Use the following trick to earn about 1,000 Crowns per minute. Purchase all the Shells and Sea Shells from the merchant at Hierarch Square in Novigrad. Talk to him afterwards and repeat the process until you have as many Shells and Sea Shells you can afford or carry. Visit the armorer found next to the merchant. Dismantle the Shells to get Pearls. Sell the Pearls to the armorer until he runs out of money. Meditate for five days to allow the armorer time to get more Crowns. Sell him more Pearls and repeat the process. Note: This can only be done during the day, when merchants are present. It costs 8 Crowns to dismantle a Shell, which results in a Pearl that can be sold for 109 Crowns.

Infinite food
Go to the place at the Clan Tordarroch Forge in The Skellige Isles, and kill all the goats. Next off, practice meditation for 1 hour for the goats to respawn. Practice meditation once again for another hour if they do not come back. Kill all the goats once more. Repeat this procedure as often times as preferred. Loot all the goat corpses to get lots of goat goat, milk, and meat conceal. Keep in mind: Goat hides are solid.

Infinite run
While sprinting, jump right away prior to your stamina is empty, then release [Sprint] When you land, your stamina will certainly be close or complete to complete. A 2nd after you land, press [Sprint] once more. You will certainly not lose your stride if timed properly.

Easy XP
Go to the place "Velen - No Man's Land", which is southwest of Novigrad. Go under the water (near the trashed ships), and start contending the 3 Level 10 Drowners with your crossbow to one-hit kill them. After eliminating the 3 Drowners, merely turn the cam in a 360 degree circle, and they should keep respawning. They are safeguarding a close-by chest-- so do not open the chest or the Drowners will certainly stop respawning. The game will just auto-aim at them so you can quickly kill them without much effort if you keep shooting your crossbow in the direction of the Drowners. When you run out of breath, you will certainly also require to come up for air. The Level 10 Drowners deserve 7 XP each. You can reach Level 11 in roughly 30 minutes using this farming technique if you are Level 9. Keep in mind: If the Drowners do not respawn, move around a little or turn the electronic camera in the opposite direction to obtain them to respawn.

All In-Game Keys locations
- Cellar Key: You will get this during the "The Apiarian Phantom" (Contract); this will open cellar in house, where wild hunt hound has his lair.
- Bald Mountain Key: You will get this during the "Bald Mountain" (Main Quest); this will access the bottoms of Bald Mountain dungeons.
- Key to Whoreson Junior's Estate: You will get this during the "Get Junior" (Main Quest); you can open Whoreson's estate in Oxenfurt with it.
- Igor's Key: You will get this during the "Get Junior" (Main Quest) to open the Igor's chest in Whoreson's underground arena.
- Bedroom Key: You will get this during the "Kaer Morhen" (Main Quest); to access the bedroom in Kaer Morhen tower.
- Stable Key: You will get this during the "Payback" (Main Quest); this will let you access stables in Novigrad in order to let Ciri into stables.
- Sewer Key: You will get this during the "The Great Escape" (Main Quest) this key will opens passage between sewers under prison to Oxenfurt sewers
- Cell Key: You will get this during the "The Great Escape" (Main Quest), you will need this key to Margaritta laux Antille's cell in Oxenfurt prison. You can also open other cells with it
- Hendrik's Key: You will get this during "The Nilfgaardian Connection" (Main Quest) to open hatch in Hendrik's house
- Laboratory Key: You will get this during "Cat School Gear" (Scavenger Hunt), you will need it to laboratory' door under Temple Island.
- Padlock Key: You will get this during "In Wolf's Clothing" (Secondary Quest) to open doors in Freya's Garden.
- Key - (Piece 1): This key is apart in 3 pieces, you need to find all 3 of them to make the key - You will get this during "Now or Never" (Secondary Quest), this piece can be found in Novigrad sewers.
- Key - (Piece 2): This is 2 of 3 piece of key, find all 3 of them to make the key - You will get this during "Now or Never" (Secondary Quest), this piece can be found in Novigrad sewers.
- Key - (Piece 3): This is 3 of 3 piece of key, find all 3 of them to make the key - You will get this during "Now or Never" (Secondary Quest), this piece can be found in Novigrad sewers.
- Lizard Figurine: You will get this during the "Of Dairy and Darkness" (Secondary Quest), this will open a portal during the quest.
- Bull Figurine: You will get this during the "Of Dairy and Darkness" (Secondary Quest), this will open a portal during the quest.
- Snake Figurine: You will get this during the "Of Dairy and Darkness" (Secondary Quest), this will open a portal during the quest.
- Key to Cellar: You will get this during the "Possession" (Secondary Quest), this will open a cellar in Udalryk's old house.
- Chest Key: You will get this during the "The Price of Honor" (Secondary Quest), this will open a chest of Agda, drown with a vessel in Sunken.
- Niellen's Key: You will get this during the "Wild at Heart" (Secondary Quest), this will open Niellen's chest, you can find it in his hideout located in the woods.
- Old Key: You will get this during the "Ruins, Hidden Treasure, You Know..." (Treasure Hunt) to open treasure chests.
- Old Key: You will get this during the "X Marks the Spot" (Treasure Hunt) to open treasure chests.

That Is the Evilest Thing - Achievement / Trophy Guide
Obtain the formula to craft bombs from The Herbalist's Hut Signpost to the north-east of Oxenfurt. It will sells the required ingredients. After you are done crafting, find an enemy or group of enemies. Cast Igni. After it begins to burn them, throw a Dragon's Dream Bomb at the enemy. This will ignite the gas from the bomb and cause an explosion. Repeat the process as many times as needed.

Oh My God! You Killed the Kayran! You Bastards! - Achievement Guide
Drink a mongoose potion before you enter the arena, just after splitting from Sile. Also have the Kayran trap, which is crafted in town with a component from Loredo's compound. Also have extra vigor (points, recharge bonus). The giant Kayran has six tentacles. Because the center two cannot be attacked, stay away from the middle of the area. The Kayran also has a poison attack, which is mitigated by the mongoose potion. The poison is also concentrated in the center of the area. The other four tentacles can be attacked after they become temporarily pinned to the ground. Use the Kayran trap to pin one of them. The remaining two can be done with the Yrden sign. If you could not craft the Kayran trap, use the sign to pin all three tentacles. Use the sign, get the tentacle to hit it, and a pulsating spot of color will appear on the tentacle. Attack it until the tentacle is severed. After those three three tentacles are severed, the Kayran will sweep one of the remaining tentacles across the battlefield and start a Quick Time Event. You must jump on and hold to the tentacle. After you are brought across the Kayran's body, another Quick Time Event will start that you must be completed sucessfully before you hit the column. Then run to run to the left and on the ramp formed by the collapsed bridge up to the Kayran's head, and you will kill it. Note: There are two body part collection points that can be found for loot.

Necromancer - Achievement / Trophy Guide
During the end of Chapter 2 on Roche's path, Dethmold will send you into a kingslayer's mind. You must act out some of his memories. Save the game before starting the process. There are six segments that must be completed. Because you must be successful on your first attempt, reload the saved game if you fail and get kicked out of the memory.
- Kill harpies without dying.
- For the traps on the ground, follow Serrit's footsteps and path precisely. Walk, and do not run.
- When sneaking through the camp, you cannot be seen. Follow the person on the left and remain out of sight until you can move past him and the tents.
- When walking ahead, nothing special needs to be done.
- Kill the soldiers without dying to earn "Necromancer". There will be another fight that follows.

Master Marksman - Achievement / Trophy Guide
A kill may not always count as a head shot, even if you fire at the enemy point blank in the face. Humans, dwarfs and elves will count as valid targets. Killing drowners will not count. You can damage your target with other weapons, but the killing blow must be a headshot with a crossbow bolt. A successful headshot is indicated by the screen shaking at the moment of death, with yellow text on the left side confirming a critical hit was made. Consider farming kills at the Devil's Pit in Velen. Lure enemies to the gate. They will not move past the gate if you do not get too close. Then, begin shooting them. To stop the enemy from moving around use the Axii sign then fire a free aim kill shot. After killing all the enemies, fast travel to another location, then return to respawn more targets.

Humpty Dumpty - Achievement / Trophy Guide
Go to the Devil's Pit area of Velen. After entering the camp, use the stairs to throw people into the pit. Lure to the edge of the stairs, then cast Aard to knock them down. Kill any enemies armed with the two-handed weapons, as they cannot be tossed easily. After the camp has been cleared of enemies, fast travel out of the area then return to the Devil's Pit fast travel point to respawn them. Spending 3 points in the first Aard upgrade, Far-Reaching Aard, may be useful as it will the spells range by three yards.

Kaer Morhen Trained - Achievement / Trophy Guide
- You can score ten counters in a row easily while practicing with Vesemir after the Quen and Igni sequence during the tutorial.
- During any of the fist fights, you can time counters much easier than when facing multiple enemies.

Full Crew - Achievement / Trophy Guide
When you complete the "Ugly Baby" main quest, the side quest "Brothers in Arms" will start. The required people can be found as follows. Note: Letho is optional, because he may have already been killed due to events from The Witcher 2.

- Letho: Reardon Manor (near Lindenvale). Complete "The Fall of House Reardon" side quest.
- Keira Metz: Complete "For the Advancement of Learning" side quest by telling her to go to Kaer Morhen.

- Vernan Roche and Ves: Temeria Partisan Hideout. Complete the "An Eye for an Eye" side quest.
- Zolton Chivay: Rosemary and Thyme.
- Triss Merigold: Complete the "Now or Never" main quest.

- Hjalmar an Craite: Kaer Trolde. Ask the person who is ruler.
- Ermion: Gedyneith.

Hearts Of Stone DLC: Runewright
Go northeast of Velen in Upper Mill and start the "Enchanting: Start-up Costs" quest. Speak with a man and offer him 5,000 Crowns to purchase new tools for him. He will now offer his Runewright services to you. You also can upgrade the Runewright to become more powerful by spending more Crowns.
- Level 1 Runewright: 5,000 Crowns.
- Level 2 Runewright: 10,000 Crowns.
- Level 3 Runewright: 15,000 Crowns.

Runewords and Glyphwords recipes
Level 1 Weapons
Preservation: Lesser Svarog, Lesser Devana, Lesser Morana
Dumplings: 2x Pyerog, Tvarog
Placation: Lesser Devana, Lesser Morana, Lesser Stribog

Level 1 Armor
Deflection: Lesser Aard, Lesser Warding, Lesser Reinforcement
Heft: Lesser Quen, Lesser Mending, Lesser Reinforcement
Depletion: Lesser Aard, Lesser Axii, Lesser Reinforcement
Usurpation: Lesser Axii, Lesser Binding, Lesser Reinforcement
Ignition: Lesser Igni, Lesser Yrden, Lesser Warding

Level 2 Weapons
Rejuvenation: Perun, Svarog, Stribog
Elation: Dahzbog, Veles, Devana
Severance: Zoria, Veles, Perun

Level 2 Armor
Rotation: Igni, Binding, Reinforcement
Entanglement: Yrden, Axii, Binding
Beguilement: Axii, Igni, Mending
Protection: Quen, Yrden, Warding
Balance: Axii, Mending, Reinforcement

Curator of Nightmares - Achievement / Trophy Guide
Play the "Scenes From a Marriage" quest. The first nightmare can be missed, while the rest that follow are part of the storyline. The first nightmare can be found in the courtyard gazebo of the Painted World. It is directly ahead after you enter the Painted World. Use your Witcher's senses to find the correct objects and give them to the corresponding person. If you make a wrong choice you can try again.

I Wore Ofieri Before It Was Cool - Achievement / Trophy Guide
Talk to the Ofiery merchant and complete the treasure hunt "From Ofier: Distant Shores" to get and craft the Ofieri armor diagrams. Purchase "Diagram: Ofieri Saber" from the Ofiery merchant for 2,205 crowns and use it to craft the Ofieri Saber. Challenge the Ofiery merchant to a race "Swift as a Western Wind" to win the Ofieri saddle. Purchase the Saddlebags and Horse Blinders from the Ofieri Merchant.

Rad Steez, Bro! - Achievement / Trophy Guide
This can be done in Skellige. Fast travel to the "Distillery". Save the game and begin sliding. If needed, reload from the saved game and try again.

Shopaholic - Achievement / Trophy Guide
You will only need about 1,000 gold in order to purchase three items. Keep selecting one dialog.

When It's Many Against One... - Achievement / Trophy Guide
After recreating Iris' nightmares, during the same quest you must fight her biggest nightmare as a quest Boss. There are more than one enemies, although only one can usually attack you at one time. Manually trigger all of them at once and kill them. To activate them, hit them. You cannot kill any of enemies before they are all activated. Consider doing this under the easiest difficulty setting and activating all the enemies from a far distance with a crossbow.

Pulp Fiction reference
Complete the "Family Matters" quest, then enter the Bloody Baron's Castle. Reach the basement via the central staircase to encounter two guards having a conversation. Listen closely to hear them reenacting the "Gimp" scene from Pulp Fiction.

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