Sunday, June 18, 2017

Atari Jaguar Cheats - I-War

Bonus options:
Press 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 at the main menu to activate an expanded options menu. Note: The option to toggle texture mapping does not function in the retail version of the game.

Level passwords:
Enable the "Bonus options" code and select the level codes selection. Enter one of the following level codes to begin game play at the corresponding level.
Level --- Name --- Password
1 --- Alpha Matrix --- 3495823456
2 --- Data Core --- 7983456383
3 --- Central Web --- 5282259782
4 --- Outer Ring --- 9452382725
5 --- Home Node --- 7357286586
6 --- Core Dump --- 3985615345
7 --- Internal Store --- 6315678561
8 --- Vector Five --- 1238261234
9 --- AI Reserve --- 3982612389
10 --- Safe Segment --- 4826178962
11 --- Code Segment --- 2397856123
12 --- Parallel Area --- 3482623457
13 --- Logic Switch --- 8563457634
14 --- Gate Two --- 8278634589
15 --- Binary Path --- 5785623456
16 --- Damage Vector --- 5234545214
17 --- Restore Buffer --- 9238471472
18 --- Energy Grid --- 8957235957
19 --- Defense Segment --- 2359834235
20 --- Decision Vector --- 7892597223

21 --- Override Central Block --- 7891237892

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