Unlock Characters
Bayonetta, Jeanne and Rodin
For this hold the buttons ZR,
press up, down, up, right, left, X, B, Y, A.
Hard mode difficulty
For this you need to beat the
game once under regular difficulty to unlock Difficult mode. You will certainly
also unlock the gallery and character bios...
Unlockable Wonder-Rodin
To unlock the following
Wonder-Rodin Characters, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Can We Take a Day off? ---
Enjoy all the rides in Operation 002-B as a team.
Full-Fledged Stomper ---
Obtain half of the underground items.
Junior Stomper --- Obtain a
hidden underground item.
Master Stomper --- Obtain all
the hidden underground items.
Operations 007-009 (Hard) ---
Complete Operations 007-009 on Hard.
The Harder They Fall! ---
Defeat the Vaaiki without letting it get big.
They are... The Wonderful 101!
--- Complete all stages.
Unlockable Wonder-Jeanne
To unlock the following
Wonder-Jeanne Characters, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Ah, Now That's Better --- Cut
down all the weeds growing in Operation 005.
Battling a Thousand! --- Use
the bat to hit away all the molecular disintegrator shots fired by Die-Tiekuu
without missing once.
GEATH May Cry --- Complete
half the Kahkoo-regah.
GEATHJERK Slayer --- Complete
all the Kahkoo-regah.
Return to Sender --- Deflect
10 beams using the Unite Sword.
Uniting Black Belt --- Land
three types of Unite Morph attacks in a single combo.
Wonderful Hero --- Complete
all stages on Hard difficulty.
Wonder-Bayonetta Characters
To unlock the following
Wonder-Bayonetta Characters, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
101% Wonderful Hero ---
Complete all stages on 101% Hard difficulty.
Custom Blocker --- Obtain all
the Custom Blocks.
Finders Keepers (Operation
004) --- Find all the Kahkoo-regah in Operation 004.
Lord of Tight Spaces --- Reach
all the hidden areas in Operation 004.
Nice Try! --- Earn an evade
bonus at least 10 times.
Platinum Paragon --- Earn a
Platinum of higher in all Operation Results screens.
Wonderfully Wonderful Player
--- Get all 100 bottle cap achievements.
Wonderful Ones Eyes
Hold down ZR during the
cutscene will enable you to see with the Wonderful Ones' masks and see their
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