Friday, April 15, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Achieve Everything (40 GP) --- Unlock All Achievements
All Bastard Weapons Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all bastard weapons in public multiplayer matches.
All Bows Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all bows in public multiplayer matches.
All Crossbows Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all crossbows in public multiplayer matches.
All Daggers Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all daggers in public multiplayer matches.
All Heavy Blunts Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all heavy blunt weapons in public multiplayer matches.
All Javelins Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all javelins in public multiplayer matches.
All Light Weapons Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all light weapons in public multiplayer matches.
All One-handed Axes Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all one-handed axes in public multiplayer matches.
All One-handed Blunts Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all one-handed blunt weapons in public multiplayer matches.
All One-handed Sharps Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all one-handed sharp weapons in public multiplayer matches.
All Polearms Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all polearms in public multiplayer matches.
All Spears Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all spears in public multiplayer matches.
All Two-handed Axes Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all two-handed axes in public multiplayer matches.
All Two-handed Swords Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock all two-handed swords in public multiplayer matches.
Archer Veteran's Helmet (40 GP) --- Become a Veteran Archer in public multiplayer matches.
Bastard Weapon Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a bastard weapon in public multiplayer matches.
Bow Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a bow in public multiplayer matches.
Crossbow Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a crossbow in public multiplayer matches.
Dagger Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a dagger in public multiplayer matches.
Five Star Archer (40 GP) --- Get 10 headshots with a ranged weapon in a single public multiplayer game before map rotation
Heads Together (40 GP) --- Decapitate two opponents with one swing in a public multiplayer match.
Heavy Blunt Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a heavy blunt weapon in public multiplayer matches.
Javelin Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a javelin in public multiplayer matches.
Knight Veteran's Helmet (40 GP) --- Become a Veteran Knight in public multiplayer matches.
Light Weapon Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a light weapon in public multiplayer matches.
Man-At-Arms Veteran's Helmet (40 GP) --- Become a Veteran Man-At-Arms in public multiplayer matches.
One-handed Axe Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a one-handed axe in public multiplayer matches.
One-handed Blunt Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a one-handed blunt weapon in public multiplayer matches.
One-handed Sharp Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a one-handed sharp weapon in public multiplayer matches.
Polearm Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a polearm in public multiplayer matches.
Reach level 10 (40 GP) --- Gather enough points to reach Level 10 in public multiplayer matches.
Reach level 20 (40 GP) --- Gather enough points to reach Level 20 in public multiplayer matches.
Reach level 5 (20 GP) --- Gather enough points to reach Level 5 in public multiplayer matches.
Rotisserie Chef (20 GP) --- Decapitate an opponent who is on fire in a public multiplayer match.
Spear Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a spear in public multiplayer matches.
Swordsmith (40 GP) --- Unlock all swords in public multiplayer matches.
Two-handed Axe Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a two-handed axe in public multiplayer matches.
Two-handed Sword Unlocked (20 GP) --- Gather enough experience to unlock a two-handed sword in public multiplayer matches.

Vanguard Veteran's Helmet (40 GP) --- Become a Veteran Vanguard in public multiplayer matches.

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