Monday, April 18, 2016

Playstation Vita Cheats - Corpse Party: Blood Drive

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Faint Light (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 00.
Aesthetics (Silver Trophy) --- Unlocked all images in the Gallery of Spirits.
Book of Shadows (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 06.
Bravery (Gold Trophy) --- Obtained every ending to every chapter.
Breakdown (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 05.
Conclusion (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared the true ending to each chapter.
Darkening (Bronze Trophy) --- Received a Game Over by succumbing to the Darkening.
Determination (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 07.
Finality (Platinum Trophy) --- Obtained all other trophies.
Gratitude (Silver Trophy) --- Unlocked all Soulful Testimonies from the voice cast.
Imperator (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 09.
Last Waltz (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlocked EX Chapter 01.
Martuba (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlocked EX Chapter 02.
Memories, Like Beautiful Dreams (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlocked EX Chapter 04.
Mortality (Bronze Trophy) --- Received a Game Over by dying from injuries.
Omen (Bronze Trophy) --- The curse is growing...
Opulence (Silver Trophy) --- Unlocked all music tracks in the Cursed Phonograph.
Outspokenness (Silver Trophy) --- Unlocked all voice files in the EVP Machine.
Pain (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 03.
Pillars of the Six Demons (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 04.
Regrets (Bronze Trophy) --- Experienced an unfortunate end.
Reignition (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlocked EX Chapter 08.
Release (Gold Trophy) --- Located every name tag.
Reparations (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 10.
Respective Desires (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 02.
Returning (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 01.
Satsuki's Heart (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlocked EX Chapter 07.
Separation (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlocked EX Chapter 06.
The Unconceding (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlocked EX Chapter 03.
Threading the Needle (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlocked EX Chapter 05.
Ties Severed, Ties Mended (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtained all endings in Chapter 08.
Wisdom (Silver Trophy) --- Unlocked all entries in the Encyclopedia Obscura.

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Character (Silver Trophy) --- Cleared any chapter (except Chapter 1) without suffering any mental pollution.
Obliteration (Gold Trophy) --- Used up every available Talisman in Chapter 9.
Purity (Silver Trophy) --- Cleared Chapter 9 without purifying a single wandering spirit.
Reconciliation (Gold Trophy) --- Understood all of the Queen's words.
Resolution (Silver Trophy) --- Cleared any chapter without injury.
Shadows (Gold Trophy) --- Cleared any chapter in the dark.

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