Saturday, November 5, 2016

3DO Interactive Multiplayer Cheats - Way Of The Warrior

Fox's secret cools pose:
Begin game play In two player versus mode. Have Fox win the first round of the match. Then, have Fox hit his opponent with the Voodoo Dizzy Dust move ten times in the second round. Each time, the opponent must not be hit while dizzy, but allowed to recover normally. Do not use the Dust again until they recover. When Fox defeats his opponent in this round, the game will cut to the countdown for rematch screen. However, Fox will be wearing a wig.


Fox's secret cools pose:
Begin game play In two player versus mode. Have Fox win the first round of the match. Then, have Fox hit his opponent with the Voodoo Dizzy Dust move ten times in the second round. Each time, the opponent must not be hit while dizzy, but allowed to recover normally. Do not use the Dust again until they recover. When Fox defeats his opponent in this round, the game will cut to the countdown for rematch screen. However, Fox will be wearing a wig.


 [Ripped from the FAQ -- find it for lots of info and tips. I got all the secret stuff from it, though (hopefully :)]

4 player Game
Select 2 player vs.mode. The right player selects a character then he holds "down right",a,b,c,and the start button,The left player holds "up left"and both shift keys then hits start.This will work with up to 4 players.

Secret characters
o Boss codes:
    o To play as KULL: Enter a name of "A Gavin", date of Jun 11 1970
    o To play as HIGH ABBOT: Use a name of "J Rubin", date Jan 6 1970 Then go to VS mode, and move your character box to the right of Crimson Glory. It will move over and you'll be able to play as that boss. It doesn't matter which player you enter the name for, both will work. You can also enter both names, move the box right again to move from High Abbot to Kull (or vice versa).

 o Other characters:
    o To play as BLACK DRAGON: Use a name of "Wyvern", date 3/9/1927
    o To play as SWAMI: Use a name of "Gulab", date 2/29/1900
    o To play as MAJOR TROUBE: Use a name of "Bad Boy", date 2/4/1908
    o To play as VOODOO: Use a name of "Evil", date 6/6/1966


 o The secret characters form a ladder. You must beat each one in order to be able to fight the next.
 o To get to BDRAGON, you need to play a perfect second match (second fight). You definitely must finish with a 2nd wind, and Andy may have put other requirements in as well, judging from comments made on the net.
 o To get to MTROUBLE, you have to do the same with the 4th match, AND you must have beaten BLACK DRAGON.
 o Same applies for VOODOO.
 o And there is another totally different secret character (not just a color and attitude change) which comes last.

Secret backgrounds
These new levels will be available at the select screen.
"TUGAWAR" date 4/16/64 2-player only
"PARANOID" date May 5 1975
"SPEED" date 8/8/80
"Taj Mahal" date 1/1/1

Dragon's Goofy picture and David Liu's message to Internet users
David Liu: To get to Dragon's goofy picture and hear me make fun of all of us ("Internet people have NO life"), I think you have to finish the match using only A and C in the last round.

 Heal (A) - 140 pts  (10%?)   }   BACK + A or B or C
 Heal (B) - 300 pts  (20%?)   }
 Heal (C) - 800 pts? (100%?)  }
 Untouchable(Gaines, Nikki) - 440 pts - LS+RS
 Power Up(Nobunaga,Nikki)   - 380 pt    A+B+C
 Shrink (almost all)        - 340      Down+B
 Super Power Up (Nob., Drag.)-about 2,400 Fwd Sweep + RS (?)
+Speed Up - (Kon, Dragon)   - 340       A rapidly
 No jump  - (Dragon, others)-           DF + C
+Confusion - (Fox, others) -   420      Up + A + B

General Info About the Moves and the fatalities:
 o "Sweep forward" means a fireball type motion, D,DF,F.
 o For the cliffs fatality, you have to kick your opponent toward the middle of the screen.
 o Bridge Fatality - This is easy - just do the move listed and off they go: Make an uppercut into the grave.
 o Pit fatality - This is easy too - if you make it to the 3rd round, the bridges connecting the floating platform to the walls go away. If you step off or are pushed, you're instantly dead. Be careful, you can jump or walk off by accident.
 o Roof fatality - Do the listed move (uppercut) FROM BEHIND the other character. (jump over them if you have to). <-- -="" a="" all="" and="" characters="" check.="" checked="" computer="" cross.="" do="" easy="" for="" i="" it="" jason="" listed="" magics="" need="" not="" o:p="" of="" only="" or="" points="" positively="" s="" saw="" since="" skull="" some="" the="" them="" to="" ton="" try="" under="" use="" you="">
 o For fatalities with a taunt, do the taunt, wait for it to finish THEN do the fatality motion.
 o Defensive bonus - According to David Liu, this an anti-cheese feature. When someone tries to cheese you with Turbo punch, or any other rapid move, KEEP blocking. After you see 15 hits, you'll hear "Defensive Bonus" or something similar, get skull points, and the blue stars will appear more quickly and in the same place. This is the time to counter-attack.

Normal Moves:
 o Fan Throw - sweep forward + LS for fast, A for slow.
 o Low fan throw - DF, LS + A
 o Torpedo - Charge back, forward + RS for fast, C for slow. HOLD BUTTON FOR LONGER RANGE - IF YOU LET GO YOU WON'T GO ANYWHERE.
 o Spin attack - Back + LS. (Note - timing on these types of moves is hard)
 o Invisibilty (no skull cost) - Back + LS + A
 o Spinning wheel attack - from at least 1 body length away, sweep back + RS
 o Fly - JUMP, then B rapidly
 o Diving Torpedo - Jump,then DF + LS
 o Swan Dive - Jump, then D+RS
 o Bounce - Jump, then DOWN + C

 o HAT'S OFF - TAUNT, sweep forward, LS+A.
 o YOU'RE GROUNDED - Jump at opponent, then D + RS + C when you're right over him.
 o DOJO/ROOF/BRIDGE - Use close, F+RS attack. (unblockable instead of throw)
 o CLIFFS - Use air torpedo.

 o Make Opponents bleed - TAUNT, Down + B (300-400 skull points)
 o Instant death (removes all opponent's energy) - TAUNT, sweep forward + C (1200 skull points)

     The Ninja
Normal Moves:
 o Storm Attack: Sweep forward, LS for quick, A for slow.
 o Head Butt - You get close and push toward + C. He grabs the back of the other guy's head and butts it. Blood comes out and the enemy gets dizzy.
 o Teleport: DOWN, A + B + C
 o Hurricane Kick - Sweep back, RS
 o Spin kick - Back + RS
 o Flying Spin kick - Jump, Back + RS
 o Slide - DF + C
 o Mid-air diving kick - Jump back, DF + C
 o Uppercut - DB + LS
 o Knife Attack - A + C
 o Forward leaping kick - F + RS (<-- big="" can="" damage="" get="" if="" it="" o:p="" off="" you="">
 o Auto Dizzy - Close, forward + C
 o Reptile style inviso: Hop back, LS+RS while hopping. This costs no skull points, and lasts until the Ninja is hit - it doesn't seem to wear off.

 o REVERSE HARA-KIRI: Okay, ya gotta be REAL close, like right next to the dude. Sweep Forward, then A+C. Remember that like most special moves with sweeps, you finish the sweep BEFORE hitting the buttons.
 o STORM FATALITY: Sweep forward, LS+A
 o DOJO/ROOF/BRIDGE - Uppercut or knife attack.
 o CLIFFS - Mid-air diving kick.

 o Heal 1 : - TAUNT, Back + A
 o Heal FULL: TAUNT, Back + C
 o Shrink+ - TAUNT, DOWN + B
 o Blues Sparkles fall off ennemy and his controls are screwed up: Taunt, then up + A + B + C cost = 340.

Normal Moves:
 o Fireball - Sweep forward then A for slow, LS for fast.
 o Shadow Kick - Charge back, then F + RS (HOLD RS for distance)
 o Split Kick - B+C (can be done in air, jump straight up first)
 o Groin punch - A+B
 o Triple Kick - Sweep back, RS
 o Hop back or forward - Back,Back or F,F
 o Forward hop kick - F, F +RS (2nd F and RS at the SAME TIME)
 o Liu Kang shadow/flying kick: Hop Forward, U+RS during hop. (Thanks David!)
 o Turbo Hands: A rapidly
 o Turbo Kick: C rapidly
 o Upwards air swipe - Jump, then U + LS
 o Diagonal Downard kick - DF,C after doing any air attack(Looks good for combos!)
 o Spin around auto dizzy - Close, F + LS

 o NO SEQUEL FOR YOU Kick: Taunt, Sweep back, C+RS
 o Spin around and decap: Taunt, CHARGE BACK (while taunting), F+LS
 o BRIDGE/DOJO/ROOF - Strong kick (C+RS)
 o CLIFFS - Diagonal downward kick.

 o Heal - TAUNT, and Back + A, B, or C , from least to most healing/skull pts.
 o SHRINK - TAUNT, Down + B
 o SUPER POWER-UP (1 hit to kill opponent!): TAUNT, forward sweep, LS=RS This is awesome, but takes at about 3,000 magic points!

Normal Moves:
 o Shiruken: Sweep forward, A for slow, LS for fast.
 o Super Shiruken (much larger and flashes): Tap A rapidly, forward sweep, contiune tapping A rapidly
 o Mid air shiruken: Jump forwrad, or back, and sweep forward + A
 o Slide kick - DF + C.
 o Jumping diagonal kick - Jump back, DF+C
 o Sword uppercut - Sweep back, LS
 o Long sword slice - Sweep forward, RS
 o Running charge - Charge Back, F + RS
 o Fast forward flying kick - F, F +RS (HOLD RS for distance)
 o Turbo sword - Back + A rapidly
 o Super slice - Sweep forward, center pad, hold RS.
 o Sword bounce - Jump, D + LS

 o Spin decap: Taunt, sweep back, LS +RS You need to be at least an inch away.
 o Slice in half: Charge back for 2 secs, then F + LS
 o BRIDGE/DOJO/ROOF: Sword uppercut (Sweep Back, LS)
 o CLIFFS: Downward diagonal kick (Jump back, DF+C)

 o Heal - TAUNT, Back + A, B, or C.
 o Shrink - TAUNT, D+B
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Sweep Back (NO BUTTON)
 o SUPER POWER-UP (1 hit to kill opponent!): TAUNT, forward sweep, LS=RS This is awesome, but takes at about 3,000 magic points!

      Major Gaines
Normal Moves:
 o Grenade - Sweep Forward + (A for line drive, SL for lob)
 o Low Rolling ball - DF + RS
 o High rolling ball - Charge Back, F + RS
 o Mid-air splash - Jump forward, then U + LS
 o Uppercut - DB + LS
 o Flying ball attack - F,F + RS
 o Bounce attack - Jump, Down + C

    o De-Boost: A + B +C
    o Ground lightning - A+B (also called the EARTHQUAKE move)
    o Sidewinder kick - F, F + RS

 o Back Breaker - BOOSTED: TAUNT, Close Forward + RS
 o Suplex throw - BOOSTED: TAUNT, Close Forward + LS + A
 o CLIFFS: Splash attack

 o Heal - TAUNT, Back + A, B, or C Untouchable - TAUNT, LS + RS (about 600 mp)
 o Untouchable - TAUNT, LS + RS (about 600 mp)
 o Confusion spell: - TAUNT, B + C
 o Make opponents bleed - TAUNT - down + B (300-400 skull points)

Normal Moves:
 o Voodo Dust(Instant Dizzy) - Sweep Forward, A
 o Sai Throw - Sweep forward, LS
 o Teleport - Down, A + B + C
 o Ball attack - DF + A or LS
 o Charging Knee - Charge Back, Forward + RS (HOLD RS for distance)
 o Downward diagonal kick - Jump back, DF + C
 o Backwards jumping kick - Jump, D + C
 o Uppercut kick - DB + RS
 o Spin Kick - Sweep Back, RS
 o Mid-air split throw: In-mid air, Right+LS

 o Floor Slam - TAUNT, Close Forward, LS + A
 o Grab and Lift - TAUNT, Close, sweep forward + A + B + C
 o DOJO/BRIDGE/ROOF - Uppercut kick (DB + RS)
 o CLIFFS - Diagonal kick (DF + C)

 o Heal - TAUNT + Back and A, B, or C
 o Shrink - TAUNT, Down + B
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Backwards Sweep
 o Confusion - TAUNT, Up + A+B
 o Speed Up - TAUNT, A rapidly

      Shaky Jake
Normal Moves:
 o Knife throw - Sweep forward, LS
 o Torpedo - Charge back, forward + RS (HOLD RS FOR DISTANCE)
 o Air Torpedo - Jump back, DF + RS
 o Spin attack - BACK + LS
 o Wheel attack - sweep back, RS
 o Whiskey Flame - Sweep forward, RS
 o Stick Uppercut - Sweep Back, LS
 o Stick throw - Close, DF, LS
 o Teleport - Down, A + B +C
 o Stick pogo - Jump, D + C

 o Whiskey Char - TAUNT, Sweep forward, C + RS
 o "Hang around" - Charge back, F+LS
 o DOJO/BRIDGE/ROOF - Stick upercut
 o CLIFFS - Air Torpedo

 o Heal - TAUNT ,Back, + A, B, or C
 o Shrink - TAUNT, Down + B
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Sweep back
 o No Jump - TAUNT, DF + C

     Nikki Chan
Normal Moves:
 o Torpedo - Charge back, forward + LS
 o Hair whip - Sweep forward, A (for slow) or LS (for fast).
 o Hair twirl - Hold Block, then hold LS
 o Spin kick - Sweep back, RS
 o Flip Kick - up + C (or up + RS, or up + RS + C ?)
 o Head stomp - Jump, then down + C
 o Straight up ball - DB, RS
 o Diving Punch - Jump straight up, DF+LS
 o Flip - F,F or B,B, THEN FROM FLIP:
    o Throw from flip - close + RS
    o Ball attack - LS from forward flip (when she's straight upside-down)
    o Flying kick - Up + RS from flip. Other version says: If you hit t he right shift and C button, she will do a handstand and split kick upside down.
 o Defensive ball - Backflip to edge of screen, UP
 o Split attack - RS+C from flip, upside down
 o Very Short slide at opponent - Forwarddown + C. Holding down C makes ythe slide move as long as you want.
 o Spins hair around head - Hold B then LS

 o "Your heart is mine!": Close, forward + A + B + C
 o Blown away: Taunt, charge back, Forward + RS + C
 o BRIDGE/DOJO/ROOF: Strong kick (C+RS)
 o CLIFFS: Flying Punch

 o Heal - TAUNT ,Back, + A, B, or C
 o Shrink - TAUNT, Down + B
 o Power Up - TAUNT, A + B + C
 o Untouchable - TAUNT, LS+RS

     Crimson Glory
Normal Moves:
 o Throw Bottle - Sweep forward, A (turns opponent green)
 o Mid air bottle throw - Jump, sweep forward + A
 o Throw match - Sweep forward, LS (must be done after opponent is green, unblockable and BIG DAMAGE!)
 o Clothesline - Jump, DF + A
 o Head Butt - You get close and push toward + C. He grabs the back of the other guy's head and butts it. Some blood comes out and the enemy gets dizzy.
 o Flying kick - Forward, Forward + RS
 o Grab and punch - Close forward, LS + A <--- allen="" o:p="" will="">
 o Block and grab - Hold BLOCK, then push Forward or Up/Forward when opponent tries to attack you. (Takes timing)
 o Throw Projectile on the ground while in the air - Just do the forward sweep while airborne and either A or RS (can't remember which right now).

 o "Sorry to burst your bubble" - Taunt, Sweep back, A+B+C (<-- ay="" kay="" o:p="">
 o "You don't have the stomach for this: TAUNT, Close Forward + RS (_not_ RS+C as posted by many)
 o DOJO/BRIDGE/ROOF - Uppercut
 o CLIFFS - Clothesline attack

Kull the Despoiler:
Normal Moves: Note that Kull can not jump or duck. He doesn't appear to have strong attacks (LS+A or RS+C) either.
 o Throw Hammer - Sweep forward, A for slow, LS for fast.
 o Slide - DF + C
 o Flying Knee - Charge back, forward + RS
 o Uppercut - DB + LS

 o Grind and maim - TAUNT, close, forward + A + B +C (<-patrick horio="" o:p="">
 o Head Explode - (Close) Sweep Backwards, then A+B+C
 o BRIDGE/ROOF/DOJO - Uppercut. (getting behind the guy on the roof is
   tricky, walk past while he's down).
 o CLIFFS - ??? (may not be possible, he can't jump)

 o Heal - TAUNT + Back and A, B, or C
 o Shrink - TAUNT, Down + B
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Backwards Sweep
 o Confusion - TAUNT, Up + A+B
 o Speed Up - TAUNT, A rapidly
 o Untouchable - TAUNT, LS+RS
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Sweep back
 o No Jump - TAUNT, DF + C
 o Power Up - TAUNT, A + B + C

High Abbot:
Normal Moves: Abbot can't jump straight up, duck, or do regular air attacks.
 o Air Kick - jump back ,DF + C
 o Fire - sweep foward, LS
 o Flaming breath - Sweep forward, LS
 o Ball attack 1 - DF + RS
 o Ball attack 2 - Charge back, F + RS
 o Tail Sweep - DB + LS
 o Bite - Close, Forward + C + RS
 o Diving claw attack - Jump back, DF + C

 o You're fired - TAUNT, sweep forward, LS + A
 o DOJO/ROOF/BRIDGE - Ball attack 1
 o CLIFFS - Diving claw attack

 o Heal - TAUNT + Back and A, B, or C
 o Shrink - TAUNT, Down + B
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Backwards Sweep
 o Confusion - TAUNT, Up + A+B
 o Speed Up - TAUNT, A rapidly
 o Untouchable - TAUNT, LS+RS
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Sweep back
 o No Jump - TAUNT, DF + C
 o Power Up - TAUNT, A + B + C
 o Super power up: TAUNT, Forward Sweep + RS (2,300 pts)

Swami, also known as Gulab:
 o Saw Blade - Sweep Forward + LS(fast) or A(slow)
 o Rope Teleport - Sweep Forward + B
 o Jumping Spin Punch - Back + LS
 o Low Spin Punch - DB + LS
 o Float - DF or D or DB
 o Mid-Air Diving Kick - Jump Back then DF + C
 o Bounce - Jump Over then Down + C
 o Auto Dizzy - Close Forward + A
 o Death Gaze - Forward + LS(long range) or A(short Range)
 o Slide Attack - DF + C
 o Quad Head Butt - Close Forward + RS
 o Choke Hold - Close Forward + LS + A
 o Knee Jab - Close Forward + C
 o Magic Sword 1 - Up + LS
 o Magic Sword 2 - Up then Down + LS
 o Slow Buzz Saw throw - Sweep Forward and A
 o Fast Buzz Saw Throw - Sweep Forward and LEFT Button
 o Eye daze - Forward twice and A . Also works with Left Button I think.
 o Flying Kick - Back Jump and Half moon(Down to Away) and C(Same as FOX)

 o Head Burst - Forward + A + B + C (From anywhere, close or far)

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