Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - MX Vs. ATV Supercross Encore

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
250 East (Bronze Trophy) --- Place 3rd or higher in the 250 East Career
250 West (Bronze Trophy) --- Place 3rd or higher in the 250 West Career
450 Championship (Silver Trophy) --- Place 3rd or higher in the 450 Championship Career
Ace in the Hole (Bronze Trophy) --- Win 10 Holeshots
ATV Championship (Silver Trophy) --- Place 3rd or higher in the ATV Championship Career
ATV East (Bronze Trophy) --- Place 3rd or higher in the ATV East Career
ATV West (Bronze Trophy) --- Place 3rd or higher in the ATV West Career
Coming on Strong (Bronze Trophy) --- Lap an Opponent in a Race
Endurance (Silver Trophy) --- Complete 25 Online Playlist matches
Greatest of All Time (Gold Trophy) --- Place 1st in all tracks in career
High Miles (Bronze Trophy) --- Ride for over 100 miles in Free Ride
Inverted (Bronze Trophy) --- Land a backflip
Long Jumper (Silver Trophy) --- Land a jump distance of 200 feet or greater
Long Live the King (Gold Trophy) --- Place 1st in 25 Online Playlist matches
MX vs ATV Championship (Silver Trophy) --- Place 3rd or higher in the MX vs ATV Championship Career
MX vs ATV East (Bronze Trophy) --- Place 3rd or higher in the MX vs ATV East Career
MX vs ATV West (Bronze Trophy) --- Place 3rd or higher in the MX vs ATV West Career
On the Right Track (Silver Trophy) --- Finish a race without going off track
Ouch (Silver Trophy) --- Wreck 50 times
Platinum trophy (Platinum Trophy) --- Win all bronze, silver, and gold trophies
Showboat (Bronze Trophy) --- Pull off three unique stunts in a Race Event
Showtime (Gold Trophy) --- Pull off 100 stunts
Step Into the Arena (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete an Online Playlist match
Stoppie Master (Silver Trophy) --- Pull a stoppie over 25 feet
To the Victor... (Silver Trophy) --- Place 1st in an Online Playlist match with 11 human opponents
Trickster (Bronze Trophy) --- Perform any airborne trick and land successfully
Tuning In (Bronze Trophy) --- Equip an upgrade part
Wheelie King (Silver Trophy) --- Pull a wheelie over 150 feet
World Class (Gold Trophy) --- Finish 50 races online

You are Legend (Gold Trophy) --- Place 1st in any Race on All Time difficulty

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