Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Playstation Vita Cheats - Lets Fish! Hooked On

To unlock the following PSVita Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Decent Weight! (Bronze) --- Weighed in a total of over 22 lbs. in Challenge Mode.
Aiming for Further Glory... (Silver) --- Cleared World Tour Mode with Kano.
Endangered Species (Gold) --- Caught total of over 500 fish in Challenge Mode.
Full Tacklebox (Gold) --- Acquired every of the lures types.
Got Room for Improvement! (Bronze) --- Started World Tour Mode with Jamie.
Half full Tacklebox (Silver) --- Acquired half of every lure types.
Halftime! (Bronze) --- Cleared half of the courses in Challenge Mode
Hardcore Fishing Gal! (Bronze) --- Play Jamie in Challenge Mode 5 times.
Hardcore Fishing Guy! (Bronze) --- Play Ryuji in Challenge Mode 5 times.
Hardcore Fishing Lady! (Bronze) --- Play Kano in Challenge Mode 5 times.
Hardcore Fishing Mage Apprentice! (Bronze) --- Play Ai in Challenge Mode 5 times.
Impressive! (Bronze) --- Caught more than a total of 50 fish in Challenge Mode.
It Begins! (Bronze) --- Started Challenge Mode.
Just as Good as You Know Who... (Silver) --- Cleared World Tour Mode with Jamie.
Kazaam! (Bronze) --- Started World Tour Mode with Ai.
Let's Fish! Hooked On Champion (Platinum) --- Collected every trophies
Love, Dreams, Passion & Courage (Gold) --- Cleared World Tour Mode with every playable character.
None shall escape! (Bronze) --- Caught every type of fish in Challenge Mode.
One down... (Bronze) --- Acquired your first lure.
Ranking Champ! (Silver) --- Caught 20 super-big fish in Challenge Mode.
Ranking Killer! (Bronze) --- Caught 10 super-big fish in Challenge Mode.
Save the World with Fishing and Magic! (Silver) --- Cleared World Tour Mode with Ai.
Son of a Legend! (Bronze) --- Started World Tour Mode with Ryuji.
That's a Big'un! (Bronze) --- Caught your first super-big fish in Challenge Mode.
That's a Lot of Fish! (Gold) --- Weighed in a total of over 2,200 lbs. in Challenge Mode.
That's Plenty! (Silver) --- Caught more than a total of 250 fish in Challenge Mode.
That's Quite Heavy! (Silver) --- Weighed in a total of over 220 lbs. in Challenge Mode.
The Greatest Challenge! (Silver) --- Cleared every of the courses in Challenge Mode.
The True Battle Begins Now! (Silver) --- Cleared World Tour Mode with Ryuji.
The World's Toughest Challenge! (Bronze) --- Started World Tour Mode with Kano.

Total Domination! (Gold) --- Collected every of the stars in Challenge Mode

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