To unlock the following PS4
Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
(1+4)x (Bronze Trophy) --- Get
a multiplier of 5x
(10+1.5+3.5)x (Gold Trophy)
--- Get a multiplier of 15x
(5+5)x (Silver Trophy) --- Get
a multiplier of 10x
1CC (Gold Trophy) --- Complete
Arcade mode without losing all lives, on Experienced difficulty
Carry on, nothing to see here
(Silver Trophy) --- Complete all levels on Experienced difficulty
Certified electrician (Bronze
Trophy) --- Complete Ceres
Congratulations on your
driver's licence! (Bronze Trophy) --- Reach the end-boss of any level using
boost only
Conqueror (Silver Trophy) ---
Complete all levels
Cool trophy! (Gold Trophy) ---
Complete Mefitis
Denied! (Bronze Trophy) ---
Save a human from Abductor's beam
Elected official (Bronze
Trophy) --- Complete Acis
Fire (Bronze Trophy) --- Fully
upgrade the main gun
How do I stop this thing?!
(Silver Trophy) --- Kill 50 enemies with one boost
Humanist (Gold Trophy) ---
Save all humans
I came, I saw, I blew stuff up
(Platinum Trophy) --- Get all trophies
Let fly! (Bronze Trophy) ---
Throw a human to the escape pod
Masterful dodger of revenge
bullets and stuff alike (Silver Trophy) --- Complete a level on Master
Micromanagement (Silver
Trophy) --- Save two humans within a span of one second
O to the D (Silver Trophy) ---
Kill 100 enemies during Overdrive
Pilot of Ferox (Bronze Trophy)
--- Complete the game with Ferox
Pilot of Nemesis (Bronze
Trophy) --- Complete the game with Nemesis
Pilot of Phobos (Bronze
Trophy) --- Complete the game with Phobos
Power (Bronze Trophy) ---
Fully upgrade the overdrive
Savior (Bronze Trophy) ---
Save a human
Savior of Acis (Bronze Trophy)
--- Save all humans on Acis
Savior of Ceres (Bronze
Trophy) --- Save all humans on Ceres
Savior of Decima (Bronze
Trophy) --- Save all humans on Decima
Savior of Febris (Bronze
Trophy) --- Save all humans on Febris
Savior of Mefitis (Bronze
Trophy) --- Save all humans on Mefitis
Store no more (Silver Trophy)
--- Complete Decima
The true RESOGUN starts
here... (Gold Trophy) --- Complete all levels on Veteran difficulty
To the max! (Bronze Trophy)
--- Fully upgrade the ship
Winter is not coming (Silver
Trophy) --- Complete Febris
You have completed basic
training! (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete all levels on Rookie difficulty
Unlock Hero Mode
For this beat game mode on
master and dn't lose any lives.
Master difficulty
Complete all levels under the
Veteran difficulty mode in single player Arcade
DLC Trophies -
Construction Kit
To unlock the following
Construction Kit DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Burning times (Silver) ---
Complete a level on Master difficulty without using bombs, overdrive or boost
with a custom ship.
I like what I'm seeing
(Bronze) --- Like a ship.
I'm back and I bought a friend
(Bronze) --- Complete the game in local co-op with your friend, without dying.
I'm overburdened (Bronze) ---
Complete a level with a custom made ship, with zero Agility.
Look, I made this! (Bronze)
--- Create a ship and share it.
NAVDML (Silver) --- Complete
Mefitis on Veteran difficulty with a custom ship, with every ability set to
No-verdrive (Bronze) ---
Complete a level with a custom made ship, with zero Overdrive.
Not 42, but close enough
(Bronze) --- Create and save a custom ship with exactly 1337 cubes.
Not even a dent (Bronze) ---
Complete a level with a custom made ship, without dying.
The loneliness of a short
distance runner (Bronze) --- Complete a level with a custom made ship, with
zero Boost.
Took this thing on a test
flight (Bronze) --- Complete Arcade mode with a custom made ship, at Veteran
difficulty level.
DLC Trophies - Heroes
To unlock the following Heroes
DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Don't Leave Me! (Silver) ---
Destroy 10 consecutive Sentinels before they escape in Survival mode.
Don't make me pull the
trigger! (Bronze) --- Survive for 5 minutes in Demolition mode.
I came in like a Resogun
(Silver) --- Accumulate a total Wrecking combo of 1,000 in Demolition mode.
Live to die another day (Gold)
--- Survive to see the dawn of the 5th day in Survival mode.
Save the last humans (Bronze)
--- Lifetime total of 1,000 humans saved in Survival Mode.
You have recovered (Bronze)
--- Collect a Fallen Hero in Survival mode.
DLC Trophies - Challengers
To unlock the following
Challengers DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
50 down, I don't know how many
to go (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete 50 feats
Golden gun (Bronze Trophy) ---
Obtain a gold medal in 10 different challenges
I've got 99 problems but this
trophy ain't one (Silver Trophy) --- Complete 100 feats
It comes after 29 and right
before 31 (Bronze Trophy) --- Reach rank 30
Medallist (Bronze Trophy) ---
Obtain any medal in 10 different challenges
Midleveling crisis (Bronze
Trophy) --- Reach rank 40
Silver bullet (Bronze Trophy)
--- Obtain a silver medal in 10 different challenges
Then what? (Silver Trophy) ---
Reach rank 50
DLC Trophies - Defenders
To unlock the following
Defenders DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Boosted! (Bronze Trophy) ---
Hold Super Boost for 15 seconds in Protector mode
Destruction Preventer (Silver
Trophy) --- Kill 10 Destroyers in one run in Protector mode
Flipper (Bronze Trophy) ---
Flip the level 6 times in Protector mode
I eat asteroids for breakfast
(Gold Trophy) --- Complete Commando mode
I need your Headband,
Sunglasses and Minigun (Bronze Trophy) --- Get Headband, Sunglasses and Minigun
in one run in Commando mode
There's someone in my house
eating my birthday cake (Silver Trophy) --- Keep your house undamaged for 5
minutes in Commando mode
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