Monday, March 20, 2017

Xbox One Cheats - Unmechanical: Extended Edition

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Above Average Intelligence (66 GP) --- Finish game without using hints.
Escapist (66 GP) --- Finish the game by escaping.
Freediver (42 GP) --- At the beginning of the game, find a way to submerge under water.
Inner Peace (30 GP) --- Balance an object on your head for 10 seconds.
Like the Beat of a Heart (66 GP) --- It lives!
Loopist (30 GP) --- Make 4 loops with the helicopter in succession.
Metal Meltdown (66 GP) --- A way out?
Nothing but Net (66 GP) --- Throw a piece of coal into the oven without the piece touching anything, flying for 3 seconds.
Promotion (66 GP) --- Become a new janitor.
Rest in peace (66 GP) --- Save yourself at the end of Extended.
Self-sacrifice (66 GP) --- Sacrifice yourself at the end of Extended.
Something About Magic (66 GP) --- Form a pentagram with the laser reflectors.
That's Why Helicopters Need Elevators (76 GP) --- Some things are just way too heavy.
Typical (30 GP) --- Get hit in the head with a lavarock 5 times without using the tractor beam.
We Are in a Hurry (66 GP) --- Pass the adjustable pumps without adjusting the pumps.
We Need to Go Deeper (66 GP) --- No way out, but forward.

You Have Tunneled into a New Area (66 GP) --- Deeper and deeper.

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