Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Nintendo 3DS Cheats - Asphalt 3D: Nitro Racing

How to Drift
To assist you to drift, you've got to push the brake button and make a fast turn. For more drift points you'll be able to turnaround, return to right just before the start line, turnaround, and then drift like crazy

Change free race
It is possible to select another challenges "Free race game" simple press your B button and those another with your A button.

Custom Supercars
Lamborghini Murcielago SV "Italia"
1. Buy all performance upgrades for car. Unlock perf. upgrades by leveling up.
2. Select "Paint" from the Career menu.
3. Choose the last paint box and slide the sliders until they turn Green.

Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Interceptor
1. Buy all performance upgrades.
2. Select "Paint" and choose White.

Lamborghini Gallardo SL Polizia
1. Buy all performance parts.
2. Select "Paint".
3. Choose the last box, and slide the sliders until they turn Light Blue.

BMW M3 GTS "Berlin"
1. Buy all performance upgrades.
2. Go to "Paint".
3. Choose the last box. Slide the sliders to Yellow.

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