Thursday, December 22, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - Penarium

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
All your coin are belong to me! (Bronze) --- Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 5000 coins.
Booster (Bronze) --- You have collected a minimum of 6 cards.
Cheer up kiddo! (Bronze) --- You have beaten the first balloon challenge in campaign mode.
Collector (Bronze) --- You have collected a minimum of 14 cards.
Coming up in the world (Bronze) --- Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 2500 coins.
Completely smashed! (Bronze) --- You have smashed a minimum of 150 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Death wish (Bronze) --- You have died at least 1000 times in any single player mode.
I can't take this anymore... (Bronze) --- You have died at least 250 times in any single player mode.
It's on like... (Bronze) --- You have beaten the boulder madness challenge in campaign mode.
Keep on smashing (Bronze) --- You have smashed a minimum of 100 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Lotion? (Bronze) --- You have beaten the first cauldrons challenge in the campaign mode.
Middle classy (Bronze) --- Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 1000 coins.
Smash some more! (Bronze) --- You have smashed a minimum of 50 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Smash them! (Bronze) --- You have smashed a minimum of 20 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Spare some change? (Bronze) --- Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 500 coins.
Survivor of dragons (Bronze) --- You have beaten the Dragon's Nest challenge in campaign mode.
This is getting awkward... (Bronze) --- You have died at least 50 times in any single player mode.
You have seen nothing yet (Bronze) --- You have died at least 5 times in any single player mode.

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Dramatic conclusion... (Bronze) --- You have completed the third arena in campaign mode.
How it all started... (Bronze) --- You have completed the first arena in campaign mode.

The story unfolds... (Bronze) --- You have completed the second arena in campaign mode.

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