Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Nintendo 3DS Cheats - Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars

Cheat Mode
Use one of the following codes at the "Extra option" after pause game:
Code: --- Result:
N1CKR1 --- 10x Studs
2VG95B --- Aayla Secura
TY2BYJ --- Boba Fett
2KLW5R --- Bossk
25DGNM --- Character Studs
QD2C31 --- Character Studs 2
QH68AK --- Darth Maul
4GT3VQ --- Glow In The Dark
J46P7A --- Invincibility
8NVRWJ --- Mace Windu
FFBU5M --- Obi-Wan Kenobi (classic)
3F5L56 --- Perfect Deflect
2D3D3L --- Princess Leia
2D7JNS --- Regenerate Hearts
yzphuv --- Score X2
43t5e5 --- Score X4
sebhgr --- Score X6
byfsaq --- Score X8
6MZ5CH --- Stud Magnet
N1CKR1 --- Stud Multiplier X10
B1D3W3 --- Super Speeders

Character Codes
Use one of the following codes at the "Extra option" after pause game:
Code: --- Result:
2VG95B --- Aayla Secura
2VG95B --- Aayla Secura
G2BFEN --- Adi Gallia
272Y9Q --- Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
NG6PYX --- Admiral Yularen
2VJ9TH --- Ahsoka
F9VUYJ --- Anakin Skywalker
9AA4DW --- Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
RCTFLV --- Anakin's Jedi Starfighter
ZY3AE2 --- Arc-170 Starfighter (rapid fire)
YG9DD7 --- Asajj Ventress
AA279H --- AT-AP Walker
Z7H46T --- AT-RT
M2V1JV --- Aurra Sing
GEHX6C --- Bail Organa
YMWV33 --- BARC Speeder
BTVTZ5 --- Barriss Offee
5Y7MA4 --- Battle Droid
LSU4LJ --- Battle Droid Commander
9U4TF3 --- Bib Fortuna
TY2BYJ --- Bobba Fett (Classic)
Q5Q39P --- Boil
2KLW5R --- Bossk
574226 --- C-3PO
NHME85 --- Cad Bane
D8SNGJ --- Captain Antilles (Classic)
MW3QYH --- Captain Rex
GD6FX3 --- Captain Typho
5C62YQ --- Chancellor Palpatine
66UU3T --- Chewbacca (Classic)
HQ7BVD --- Clone Pilot
7GFNCQ --- Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
NP5GTT --- Clone Trooper
7CB6NS --- Commander Bly
SMN259 --- Commander Cody
U25HFC --- Commander Fil
JRPR2A --- Commander Ponds
QEGU64 --- Commando Droid
5XZQSV --- Commando Stone
EWR7WM --- Count Dooku
QH68AK --- Darth Maul
QH68AK --- Darth Maul (Classic)
QXY5XN --- Darth Sidius (Classic)
FM4JB7 --- Darth Vader (Classic)
NMJFBL --- Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
9MUTS2 --- Destroyer Droid
MB9EMW --- Dr Nuvo Vindi
NACMGG --- Dwarf Spider Droid
JB9E5S --- Echo
WUFDYA --- Eeth Koth
WSFZZQ --- Gammorean Guard
7FNU4T --- General Grievous
GAFZUD --- Geonosian Guard
PJ2U3R --- Geonosian Solar Sailor
EDENEC --- Geonosian Starfighter
2C8NHP --- Gold Super Battle Droid
C686PK --- Gonk Droid
NH2405 --- Grand Moff Tarkin
FUW4C2 --- Greedo (Classic)
77QEJL --- H-Type Nubian Yacht
T7XF9Z --- Hailfire Droid
KFDBXF --- Han Solo (Classic)
G65KJJ --- Heavy Super Battle Droid
WXUTWY --- Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
EUB8UG --- Hevy
5A7XYX --- Hondo Hohnaka
NPGG24 --- Hyena Bomber
EABPCP --- IG-86
5W6FGD --- Imperial Guard (Classic)
5KZQ4D --- Jango Fett
MESPTS --- Jar Jar Binks
HRX2UK --- Jedi Shuttle
AYREC9 --- Jek
HGBCTQ --- Ki-Adi-Mundi
PYWJ6N --- Kit Fitso
H68D3K --- Kit Fitso's Jedi Starfighter
ERAEWE --- Lando Calrissian (Classic)
SM3Y9B --- LEP Servent Droid
3NEUXC --- Lieutenant Thire
TKCYUZ --- Lok Durd
PG73HF --- Luke Skywalker (Classic)
MKUYQ8 --- Luminara Uunduli
R35Y7N --- Lurman Villager
V4WMJN --- Luxury Droid
8NVRWJ --- Mace Windu
8NVRWJ --- Mace Windu
2KEF2D --- MagnaGuard
HJ5HHD --- Magnaguard Starfighter
BET7CU --- Medical Frigate (torpedoes)
S6GRNZ --- MSE-6
ZKXG43 --- Nahdar Vebb
6LT4QL --- Neimodian Shuttle
BJB94J --- Neimoidian
QFYXMC --- Nute Gunray
J9HNF9 --- Obi-Wan Kenobi
FFBU5M --- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
5U9FJK --- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
25FMVT --- Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter
7NEC36 --- OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
DB7ZQN --- Onaconda Farr
SZ824Q --- Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
8X87U6 --- Padme Amildala
BH2EHU --- Pirate Ruffian
Z567HR --- Pirate Saucer (missiles)
3NQGYL --- Pirate Speeder Tank
BUD4VU --- Plo Koon
L4LCDV --- Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
4592WM --- Poggle The Lesser
2D3D3L --- Princess Leia (Classic)
U2T4SP --- Probe Droid
ZQRN85 --- Queen Neeyutnee
LKHD3B --- Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
RZ5HUV --- R2-D2
Z87PAU --- R3-S6
5MXSYA --- R4-P17
7PMC3C --- R6-H5
PZMQNK --- Rebel Commando (Classic)
BQCXWR --- Republic Attack Shuttle
J3MFJZ --- Republic Cruiser (missiles and torpedoes)
J2JNDD --- Republic Dropship (rapid fire)
C7M3DU --- Republic Gunship
2KLW5R --- Robonino
P8Z9M5 --- RX-200 Tank
4PTP53 --- Rys
MELL07 --- Savage Opress
EPBPLK --- Senate Commando
S4Y7VW --- Senate Commando (Republic)
EA4E9S --- Senator Kharrus
9Q7YCT --- Senator Philo
G4N7C2 --- Shahan Alama
5C62YQ --- Sionver Boll
KDDQVD --- Slave I
7RL23G --- Soulless One (rapid fire)
59UU88 --- STAP
3RE9XV --- Starhawk Speeder Bike
XPY46K --- Stealth Ship (missiles and torpedoes)
HPE7PZ --- Stormtrooper (Classic)
MJKDV5 --- Super Battle Droid
RYLVNW --- Super Tank
FYVSHD --- Tee Watt Kaa
MHG3XB --- The Halo (rapid fire)
T4K5L4 --- The Twilight
JSBLJS --- Trident Assault Craft (missiles and torpedoes)
HEBHW5 --- Turk Falso
GC2XSA --- Tuscan Raider (Classic)
PE7FGD --- TX-20
QGENFD --- Undead Geonosian
AKA9BB --- V-19 Torrent Starfighter
EGQQ4V --- Vader's Apprentice (Classic)
7W7K7S --- Vulture Droid
VRUVSZ --- Wag Too
ZP8XVH --- Wat Tambor
BNJE79 --- Waxer
DRGLWS --- Wedge Antilles (Classic)
4VVYQV --- Whorm Loathsom
MP9DRE --- Workout Clone Trooper
LQ2SVT --- Xanadu Blood (rapid fire)
XTL6Y3 --- Y-Wing Starfighter

CSQTMB --- Yoda

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