To unlock the following PS4
Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Block Buster (Bronze Trophy)
--- Smash 25 blocks with a single flight of Boba
Congratulations! (Platinum
Trophy) --- You have unlocked the Platinum Trophy!
Courage of Jedi (Bronze
Trophy) --- Path of the Jedi completed
Death Star - The Force (Bronze
Trophy) --- Death Star: Get 3,180,000 points
Disturbing Misobedience
(Bronze Trophy) --- Death Star completed
Falcon Escape (Bronze Trophy)
--- 100% destruction with Falcon (in Single Player Mode)
Fatal Attraction (Bronze
Trophy) --- Lift 500 blocks with gravitational field disruptor
Fly Bird Fly (Bronze Trophy)
--- 5000 birds launched
Force Learner (Bronze Trophy)
--- 2000 blocks thrown with Force
Hoth - The Force (Bronze
Trophy) --- Hoth: Get 3,450,000 points
Hyperspace (Bronze Trophy) ---
100% destruction with Falcon 50 times (in Single Player Mode)
Imperial Entanglement (Bronze
Trophy) --- Stormtrooper popped with Tie Fighter's wing (in Single Player mode)
Jedi Initiate (Bronze Trophy)
--- 50 blocks smashed with saber
Jedi Knight (Bronze Trophy)
--- 500 blocks smashed with saber
Jedi Master (Bronze Trophy)
--- 2000 blocks smashed with saber
Lack of Faith (Bronze Trophy)
--- Level restarted 100 times
Magnificent Grumble (Bronze
Trophy) --- 300 blocks smashed with Chewbacca
Mighty Launch (Bronze Trophy)
--- Mighty Falcon Launched (in Single Player Mode)
Mynock Tangle (Bronze Trophy)
--- Mynock popped with another mynock in 6 levels (in Single Player Mode)
Path of the Jedi - The Force
(Gold Trophy) --- Path of the Jedi: Get 3,250,000 points
Pork side of the Force (Bronze
Trophy) --- Fail level 10 times with one pig left (in Single Player Mode)
Probe Explorer (Bronze Trophy)
--- 1 droid level found
Probe Gatherer (Bronze Trophy)
--- 5 droid levels found
Prominent Jedi (Bronze Trophy)
--- Three lasers deflected with saber (in Single Player Mode)
Simple Pigs and Nonsense
(Bronze Trophy) --- 300 stormtroopers popped
Skilled Pilot (Bronze Trophy)
--- 500 blocks smashed with Pilot
Star Bird Fan (Bronze Trophy)
--- Angry Birds Star Wars played for 5 hours
Target Shooter (Bronze Trophy)
--- Three pigs shot with a single blaster shot (in Single Player Mode)
Tatooine - The Force (Bronze
Trophy) --- Tatooine: Get 2,380,000 points
That's No Moon (Bronze Trophy)
--- Tatooine completed
The Birds Will Be With You
(Bronze Trophy) --- 10 levels completed with one bird
There's No-one Here (Bronze
Trophy) --- Stormtrooper shot another trooper (in Single Player mode)
Transport Is Away (Bronze
Trophy) --- Hoth completed
True Star Bird Fan (Bronze
Trophy) --- Angry Birds Star Wars played for 15 hours
Ultimate Laser Shooter (Bronze
Trophy) --- 1000 blocks smashed with blaster laser
Walking Carpet (Bronze Trophy)
--- Same turret shot Chewbacca 6 times with a direct hit (in Single Player
Secret Trophies
To unlock the following PS4 -
Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
All too easy (Gold Trophy) ---
Exclusive Levels: Three stars in all levels
Death Star - All Stars (Silver
Trophy) --- Death Star: Three stars in all levels
Hoth - All Stars (Silver Trophy)
--- Hoth: Three stars in all levels
Impressive (Bronze Trophy) ---
Collect your first character sticker
Jettisoned Jetpacks (Bronze
Trophy) --- Collect all 5 Jetpacks
Most Impressive (Bronze
Trophy) --- Collect 10 character stickers
No more training do you
require (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlock 5 different bonus scores within the
multiplayer mode
Path of the Jedi - All Stars
(Silver Trophy) --- Path of the Jedi: Three stars in all levels
Star Bird Addict (Gold Trophy)
--- Angry Birds Star Wars played for 30 hours
Tatooine - All Stars (Silver
Trophy) --- Tatooine: Three stars in all levels
Thank the maker! (Bronze
Trophy) --- Unlock your first secret from the Extras menu
The circle is now complete
(Silver Trophy) --- Complete the Exclusive Levels
The Force is strong (Bronze
Trophy) --- Unlock all of the bonus scores within the multiplayer mode
There is no try (Bronze
Trophy) --- Play a multiplayer game with a total of four people
Well, look at you! (Bronze
Trophy) --- Earn your first bonus score in a multiplayer match
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