Sunday, April 10, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - Call Of Duty: Ghosts - Onslaught

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Egg-stra XP! (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the Egg-stra XP challenge and then destroy a hive in the Onslaught DLC package.
Nightfall Completionist (Silver Trophy) --- Complete all challenges and kill the Breeder in Nightfall.
Pea Shooter (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill a Rhino with only a pistol in Nightfall.
Phantom Exterminator (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 5 Phantoms in one game.
Pushing Ahead (Bronze Trophy) --- Gain access to the Compoung area in Nightfall.
Speed Slayer (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the Breeder in less than 5 minutes in Nightfall.
Survived Nightfall (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the Breeder for the first time in Nightfall.
Throttled Survival (Silver Trophy) --- Kill the Breeder while using a Relic in Nightfall.
Turnabout is Fair Play (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 50 Cryptids with the Venom-X weapon in Nightfall.
Undiscovered Truths (Bronze Trophy) --- Find all the intel hidden in Nightfall.

Weapon Facility (Bronze Trophy) --- Gain access to the Facility in Nightfall.

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