Friday, January 13, 2017

Playstation 4 Cheats - Puddle

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Eating is cheating (Bronze Trophy) --- Don't trigger any nausea during the Slightly acid level.
Every drop matters (Silver Trophy) --- Finish a level with exactly the right amount of liquid.
Gold rush (Gold Trophy) --- Earn 48 gold medals.
Green peace (Bronze Trophy) --- Push the second bulb inside the sundews without letting the particles fall inside.
Make yourself scarce (Bronze Trophy) --- Take the shortcut in the level Wastewater.
Quack Quack (Silver Trophy) --- It's time for the crash test.
Roundabout (Bronze Trophy) --- Finish the Nova level by only turning in one direction.
Say "truck" (Bronze Trophy) --- Make sure your fire engine remains undamaged.
Souvenir (Bronze Trophy) --- Keep your glass ball intact in the Tahiti level.
The Wages of Fear (Bronze Trophy) --- Finish a level after at least 10 nitroglycerine explosions.
Total reaction (Silver Trophy) --- Finish all levels.

Waiter (Bronze Trophy) --- Don't drop any liquid from the tank in the 2011 vintage level.

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