Saturday, January 28, 2017

Xbox One Cheats - So Many Me

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
1UP (20 GP) --- In the Chono Castle, Stomp on enemies' head 10 times, without falling or creating a stone block
CHUGGA.. CHUGGA (10 GP) --- Meet Woodword
Cosplay Champion (80 GP) --- Acquire 42 costumes
Dream.Build.Play (30 GP) --- Dream.Build.Play
Impossible (100 GP) --- Reach 100% completion
In the Fire (10 GP) --- Unlock both gates at Volcano's entrance
Jellosaur (10 GP) --- Use the Gene Splicer to create Jellosaur
Kill a Bird with So Many Stones (50 GP) --- Defeat a Duffon
Lumos (80 GP) --- Turn on every light in Chrono Castle
My Green Knight (30 GP) --- Rescue a girl
One Giant Leap for MEkind (15 GP) --- Walk around the moon
Platformer Veteran (80 GP) --- Collect every coin in Chrono Castle
Power of the Ancients (80 GP) --- Craft 10 artifacts
Save the World (100 GP) --- Finish the game
Spectrum (15 GP) --- Have 3 different Transmuter Fruits on 3 ME at the same time
Spider Sense (80 GP) --- Finish Chrono Castle XI with both coin bubbles collected
The One (40 GP) --- Finish Chrono Castle XII without turning on Etherizer
Unity (80 GP) --- Acquire every ME
Vengeance (50 GP) --- Defeat the rival
Yes, I'm ME too! (10 GP) --- Acquire the first ME

You Let Us Down (30 GP) --- Fail your friends

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