Sunday, January 8, 2017

Xbox One Cheats - Saints Row 4: Re-Elected

Cheat Mode
Pause your game and choose "Extras", then "Cheats", then "Add Cheat". Enter among the following codes to unlock the matching cheat option at the "Cheats" menu. A noise will certainly validate right code entry. Keep in mind that you have to manually save the game while cheats are active.
Code: --- Result:
cheese --- $100,000
givehovertank --- Alien hover tank
givehovercar --- Alien hover vehicle
givetrouble --- Alien jet bike
giveufo --- Alien UFO
unlockitall --- All unlockables
letsrock --- All weapons
ascii --- ASCII mode
bigheadmode --- Big Head mode
superblast --- Blast
superbuff --- Buff
goodygoody --- Clear Notoriety
superdfa --- Death From Above
noglitchcity --- Disable Glitch FX
nosupermove --- Disable Super Movement
nosuperpowers --- Disable Super Powers
nowardens --- Disable Warden spawns
fryhole --- Elevator to Heaven
evilcars --- Evil cars
fastforward --- Fast Forward
goldengun --- Golden Gun (one shot kills)
insanecity --- Insane city
instantwarden --- Instant Warden Notoriety
vroom --- Invincible player vehicle
mascot --- Mascot pedestrians
givemonster --- Monster Truck
hohoho --- Pimp and hos pedestrians
isquishyou --- Player Vehicle Smash
notrated --- Rated M++ (everything gibs)
repaircar --- Repair current vehicle
slowmo --- Slow motion
superstomp --- Stomp
runfast --- Super Sprint
supertk --- Telekinesis

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Real Cluster.... (30 GP) --- Find 100% of all Data Clusters.
About Time! (30 GP) --- Complete 'Welcome Back'.
Actor-Turned-Politician (25 GP) --- Do everything you can for your Veep -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
And I Ran... (10 GP) --- Super Sprint for 250,000 meters.
Back in the Day (10 GP) --- Spend 2 hours outside of missions with past Saints Row characters as your homies
Benjamin [CENSORED] King (25 GP) --- Do everything you can for Ben -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Betrayed (30 GP) --- Complete 'All Hands On Deck'.
Better This Way (10 GP) --- Customize the style of all the weapons on your radial.
Blast from the Past (20 GP) --- Complete 'A Game of Clones'.
Bringin' the Heat (10 GP) --- Kill 100 Aliens using the Fire Buff Super Power.
Chill Out (10 GP) --- Freeze and Shatter Kill 100 Aliens with the Freeze Blast Super Power.
Destroyer-In-Chief (10 GP) --- Complete 'The Saints Wing'.
Didn't Need to See Him Naked (20 GP) --- Complete 'Matt's Back'.
Don't Look Down (10 GP) --- Be airborne during Super Jumps for a combined 10 minutes of gameplay.
Don't Panic (30 GP) --- Complete 'The Real World'.
Elementary (10 GP) --- Choose a new element for all of your superpowers.
Epic Jump Quest (10 GP) --- Jump from the roof of 3 Count to the Nuke Plant, without touching the ground or other rooftops.
Experimental Tech (20 GP) --- Kill 25 Aliens with each: Dubstep, InflatoRay, Bounce Gun, Disintegrator, Abduction, and Black Hole.
First of Many (10 GP) --- Buy your first Upgrade from the Upgrade Store.
Fist Meet Ground (10 GP) --- Kill 100 Aliens with the Death From Above Super Power.
Fourth and Forty (40 GP) --- Spend over 40 hours in the Simulation.
Ghost in the Machine (20 GP) --- Download a new ally into a robotic body.
Half Way Home (25 GP) --- Complete all open world gameplay in two districts of the Simulated city of Steelport.
Here! Catch! (10 GP) --- Kill 100 Aliens with the Telekinesis Super Power.
How It Should Be (40 GP) --- Complete all open world gameplay in the entire Simulated city of Steelport.
I Am Become Death (30 GP) --- Kill 1000 Aliens with any combination of Super Powers.
Imperator (40 GP) --- Complete 'Grand Finale'.
Keymaster (30 GP) --- Complete 'Batteries Not Included'.
Machine Man (25 GP) --- Do everything you can for CID -- Quests and... everything.
Maximum Stopping Power (20 GP) --- Upgrade one weapon to the max.
On Her Saint's Secret Service (25 GP) --- Do everything you can for Asha -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Ooo A Piece of Candy! (10 GP) --- Find 100 Data Clusters.
Paranormal Bromance (25 GP) --- Do everything you can for Matt -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Poodle Skirt (30 GP) --- Complete 'Hello Teacup'.
Pounding the Pavement (10 GP) --- Kill 150 Aliens with the Stomp Super Power.
Saintified (5 GP) --- Create and save a character to your profile.
Saints & Sensibility (30 GP) --- Complete 'Grand Finale' after completing all Homie missions.
Switch Hitter (10 GP) --- Play for at least 2 hours as a male character AND 2 hours as a female character.
The Challenge King (30 GP) --- Complete ALL of the Challenges.
The Face of the Saints (25 GP) --- Do everything you can for Pierce -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
The Full Kinzie (25 GP) --- Do everything you can for Kinzie -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
The Two Shaundis (25 GP) --- Do everything you can for Shaundi -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
The Whole Story (20 GP) --- Find ALL Audio Logs.
There Is No Pancakes (10 GP) --- Complete 'A Pleasant Day'.
Where's My Cape? (20 GP) --- Purchase all Super Power upgrades.
Woah. (20 GP) --- Get your first Super Powers.
You Chose... Poorly (10 GP) --- Surrender when given the chance.
Zoo Keeper (10 GP) --- Kill 25 Wardens.

Secret Achievements
Complete one of the following Secret achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
*BEEP* YOU, CLAWZ! (15 GP) --- Complete all three missions.
A World Without Christmas (5 GP) --- Complete the holiday text adventure.
Bouncin' with an Old Friend (25 GP) --- Do everything you can for an old friend -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Our Gift to You (25 GP) --- Find the present in a holiday mission.
Zero Saints Thirty (10 GP) --- Complete 'Zero Saints Thirty'.

Alternate ending
Complete all of the following Loyalty missions.
- "Nytefall" mission for Matt Miller.
- "Girls Night Out" mission for Shaundi.
- "Pump Up the Volume" mission for Pierce.
- "King of the Dance" mission for Ben King.
- "Training Day" mission for Asha.
- "SR3 Wrap-up" mission for Johnny Gat.
- "The Girl Who Beat Cyrus" mission for Kinzie Kensington.

Developer room
Enter the Let's Pretend store in New Baranec, located in southwest Steelport. Go to the rear of the store and shoot the handle on the door to the right of the checkout counter. Enter the area behind the door to find a shooting gallery with pictures of the developers. You can also find a small but powerful pistol called the Loud Locust on a chair near the doorway.

Salem Broomstick vehicle
Climb to the top of the Zin Tower in Rosen Oaks.

Penetrator weapon
Go to Brickston and get to the bridge that leads east out of that neighborhood. Find the cave next to the water just north of the bridge. The Penetrator is hidden inside the cave. You must use super-powers to jump inside.

TK Mayhem
TK Mayhem is fairly difficult if you throw the balls at things. If you have unlimited Super Sprint however, you can pick a ball up with TK and use it as a battering ram with Super Sprint.

Easy "Epic Jump Quest" achievement or trophy
Getting to the Nuke Plant in a single glide is not possible, no matter what the height of the starting jump. However, although you cannot touch the ground or rooftops, you land on the sides of buildings, telephone poles, trees, etc. Run up the sides of those structures to continue your glide. Be careful about what buildings you run up, or you might not get enough height to reach the next building. Jump from the casino and while in the air, use your mobile phone to call an airplane then fly close to the Nuke Plant.

Easy "Fist Meet Ground" achievement or trophy
During the Hard "Super Power Beatdown" activity, the second wave is a King Of The Hill where many enemies try to attack from close proximity. There is no limit to the number of enemies in this wave. Spend some time killing enemies in this wave using your DFA power. You must complete the entire event within seven minutes for your kills to count.

Easy "He's Still on the Naughty List" achievement or trophy
During "The Santa Clawz" mission, fly to the giant Zinyak statue on Magarac Island. This is the same island where you controlled a statue to fight Paul. Once there shoot the presents in the statue's hand.

Easy "Saintified" achievement or trophy
Create Saints Row Community account. Log into the account through the "Community" option at the main menu or confirm your login during the following steps. During your initial character creation or at a Image As Designed clinic, select the "Character Gallery" option, then choose "Upload Character". Confirm your choice to earn "Saintified". Characters that are uploaded have be processed through your Saints Row Community account to be downloaded at a later date.

Easy "Super Power Team Up!" achievement or trophy
The DLC missions qualify towards your progress. In fact you can complete all installed DLCs in coop mode to earn "Super Power Team Up!" before completing the main storyline in coop mode.

Easy "Switch Hitter" achievement or trophy
You must play as both genders using the same character. To do this, undergo a sex change at a Image As Designed clinic after more than two hours of game play.

Beavis And Butthead reference
In the "Breaking The Law" mission you receive the Pyro elemental. This is a reference to Beavis And Butthead. Beavis was a pyromaniac who used to say "Fire Fire" while watching things burn, and "Breaking the law, breaking the law".

Chronicles Of Riddick reference
Upon killing Zinyak, Kinzie remarks that "You keep what you kill" is a classic. This is a reference to Chronicles Of Riddick, when Riddick killed the emperor who slaughtered his people.

Dead Island reference
One of Keith David's dialogue lines is "I was twelve hours into Dead Island now i'll never finish it. I can't forgive Zinyak for that".

The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy reference
The "Don't Panic" achievement or trophy is earned when the earth is blown up by Zinyak. It is a reference to the words "Don't Panic" written on the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy's book cover, in which Earth is blown up by an alien race.

Mass Effect 3 references
Besides the "romance skipping straight to sex" as a jab at Mass Effect 3's Romance system, during the Zin attack on the White House the Reaper laser sound effect can be heard.

Metal Gear Solid series references
You are supposed to sneak through one of the levels by shooting light bulbs, then the guards under them. When the light bulbs are shot, the guards get "WTF" over their heads, like the exclamation point in the Metal Gear Solid series. You can also sneak under a box and fight an evil twin, which all occurred in Metal Gear Solid.

Saints Row series references
The simulation "Leave It To The Saints" is a parody of Leave It To Beaver. One of the things the mother says is "Someone named Dex was here asking for you but I didn't recognize him so I sent him away." This is a reference to Dex, a former member of the Saints who turned security for Ultor turned terrorist in the Saints Row 2 DLC. He was supposed to appear in Saints Row The Third but what left out because "Newcomers to the series wouldn't recognize the character and they didn't want to alienate them". Kinzi remarks that Keith David's voice is similar to Julius. Keith David provided the voice for himself and Julius Little.

Streets Of Rage reference
During a level you play a side-scroller called "Saints of Rage".

They Live reference
During Keith David's Loyalty mission "He Lives", Roddy Piper attempts to beat sense into Keith David who is panicking about an alien invasion. Female Voice 2 (if not all of them) says "Put on the glasses Keith, we're not aliens". This is a reference to They Live, in which Roddy Piper tries to force Keith David to put on a pair of glasses that reveal aliens who are disguised as humans.

Weapon references
Almost every weapon customization is a pop culture reference. For example:
- The Captains pistol is from Firefly. Its plating form uses Shiny, which was a term for "good" on Firefly.
- There is a phaser that jokes about Star Trek's redshirts saying "Aliens never attack red", which was the opposite occurrence on Star Trek.

- Above the phaser is Han Solo's blaster, with a reference to the "Han shot first" meme.

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