Thursday, January 19, 2017

Playstation 4 Cheats - Puyo Puyo Tetris

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
100 Tetris (Bronze) --- Perform 100 Tetris clears.
200 Tetris (Silver) --- Perform 200 Tetris clears.
50 Tetris (Bronze) --- Perform 50 Tetris clears.
5REN (Bronze) --- Perform a 5 REN.
8REN (Bronze) --- Perform a 8 REN.
Adventure 100% (Gold) --- Complete 100% of Adventure mode.
Adventure 50% (Bronze) --- Complete 50% of Adventure mode.
Adventure 70% (Silver) --- Complete 70% of Adventure mode.
Arcade Domination (Bronze) --- Play all 5 Dream Arcade modes.
B2B100 (Silver) --- Perform 100 back 2 backs.
B2B25 (Bronze) --- Perform 25 back 2 backs.
B2B50 (Bronze) --- Perform 50 back 2 backs.
Clear the Board 100 Times (Bronze) --- Clear the board 100 times.
Clear the Board 150 Times (Silver) --- Clear the board 150 times.
Clear the Board 50 Times (Bronze) --- Clear the board 50 times.
Club Victory (Bronze) --- Win a Club match online.
Complete All Trophies (Platinum) --- Complete all other trophies.
Erase 1000 Puyos (Bronze) --- Erase 1000 Puyos.
Erase 1000 Tetriminoes (Bronze) --- Erase 1000 Tetriminoes.
Erase 10000 Puyos (Bronze) --- Erase 10000 Puyos.
Erase 10000 Tetriminoes (Bronze) --- Erase 10000 Tetriminoes.
Erase 100000 Puyos (Gold) --- Erase 100000 Puyos.
Erase 100000 Tetriminoes (Gold) --- Erase 100000 Tetriminoes.
Erase 3 Colors (Bronze) --- Erase 3 colors of Puyos at the same time.
Erase 4 Colors (Bronze) --- Erase 4 colors of Puyos at the same time.
Erase 50000 Puyos (Silver) --- Erase 50000 Puyos.
Erase 50000 Tetriminoes (Silver) --- Erase 50000 Tetriminoes.
Perform 100 3-Chain Combos (Bronze) --- Perform 100 3-chain combos.
Perform 100 4-Chain Combos (Bronze) --- Perform 100 4-chain combos.
Perform 100 5-Chain Combos (Bronze) --- Perform 100 5-chain combos.
Perform 100 6-Chain Combos (Bronze) --- Perform 100 6-chain combos.
Perform 150 7-Chain Combos (Silver) --- Perform 150 7-chain combos.
Perform 3 Perfect Clears (Bronze) --- Perform 3 perfect clears.
Perform a Perfect Clear (Bronze) --- Perform a perfect clear.
Puyo Puyo Training (Bronze) --- Play all 3 Training modes.
Puzzle League 10 Victories (Silver) --- Win 10 Ranked matches online.
Puzzle League Victory (Bronze) --- Win a Ranked match online.
Reach the End (Bronze) --- Complete Adventure mode once.
Win 10 Matches in Endless Battle (Bronze) --- Win 10 matches in Endless Battle in a row.
Win 15 Matches in Endless Battle (Silver) --- Win 15 matches in Endless Battle in a row.
Win 3 Matches in Endless Battle (Bronze) --- Win 3 matches in Endless Battle in a row.
Win 5 Matches in Endless Battle (Bronze) --- Win 5 matches in Endless Battle in a row.

Unlockable adventure mode characters
In adventure mode, clear all 10 stages in the following chapters to unlock certain characters to be playable in other modes.
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Draco-Centauros and Witch --- Clear Chapter 5
Ecolo and X --- Clear Chapter 7
Lemres and Satan --- Clear Chapter 6

Schezo and Feli --- Clear Chapter 4

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