Complete one of the following
achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Oh Snap! (199 GP) --- Play
Threes! in Snap Mode!
Sixlock (66 GP) --- Can you do
it with sixes?
Threelock (33 GP) --- End a
game with eight 3s on the board.
Trin (3 GP) --- Create a 3
Twelvelock (99 GP) --- You are
Duchess of the Twelves!
Secret Achievements
Complete one of the following
Secret achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Capt. Triad (66 GP) --- Create
a 384 card.
Terrence (99 GP) --- Create a
1536 card.
Threejay (66 GP) --- Create a
192 card.
Thumbert (3 GP) --- Create a 6
Torbus (33 GP) --- Create a 48
Traven (33 GP) --- Create a 96
Treycee (3 GP) --- Create a 12
Triferatu (66 GP) --- Create a
768 card.
Tristine (33 GP) --- Create a
24 card.
Volleo (99 GP) --- Create a
6144 card.
Whalend (99 GP) --- Create a
3072 card.
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