Thursday, March 9, 2017

Xbox One Cheats - Toro

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A mi no me torea nadie (25 GP) --- You have successfully destroyed 15 or more doors in the run minigame
Capear el temporal (10 GP) --- You have made a combo of 9000 points or more
Coger al toro por los cuernos (15 GP) --- You have unlocked "Las Ventas" bullring
El mundo por montera (25 GP) --- You have unlocked all the bullrings
Eres un figura (25 GP) --- You have completed all the challenges from a single match
Maestro (150 GP) --- You have completed the career mode
Matador (75 GP) --- You have completed the 75% of the career mode
Mozo de espadas (25 GP) --- You have completed 25% of the career mode
No hay quinto malo (75 GP) --- You have done a combo of 4 different passes
Novillero (50 GP) --- You have completed the 50% of the career mode
Ole (10 GP) --- You have completed 25% of the challenges
Ole, ole (25 GP) --- You have completed 50% of the challenges
Ole, ole y ole (75 GP) --- You have completed 75% of the challenges
Que arte tienes! (25 GP) --- You have unlocked all the concepts
Rematar la faena (50 GP) --- You have completed a combo of 7 passes
Salto de la rana (25 GP) --- You have sent the bullrunner to the sky and scored more than 70 meters
Si el tiempo lo permite... (5 GP) --- You have played a quick game
Suerte y al toro! (5 GP) --- You have completed the tutorial
Tomar la alternativa (5 GP) --- You have created your first character
Va por ustedes (100 GP) --- You have completed all the challenges
Vestirse de luces (25 GP) --- You have unlocked all the suits

Secret Achievements
Complete one of the following Secret achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Agarrate los machos (50 GP) --- You have unlocked the Legendary Bull
Con porte y elegancia (60 GP) --- You have unlocked the Picassiano suit
Menudo revolcon (25 GP) --- You have been hit over 200 times
Por la puerta grande (40 GP) --- You have scored 50,000 or more points in a single combo

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