Monday, December 5, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - Pure Pool

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
8-Ball Century (30 GP) --- Win 100 games of 8-Ball
8-Balled (10 GP) --- Win an 8-Ball game
9-Ball Century (30 GP) --- Win 100 games of 9-Ball
9-Balled (10 GP) --- Win a 9-Ball game
A Chain of Accolades (10 GP) --- Gain 10 accolades of the same type
Accolade Century (30 GP) --- Gain 100 accolades of the same type
Almost an angel (20 GP) --- Win 3 consecutive games of 8-Ball without fouling
Amateur 8-Ball Champ (30 GP) --- Win the amateur 8-Ball career
Amateur 9-Ball Champ (30 GP) --- Win the amateur 9-Ball career
Bank Rolled! (30 GP) --- Win a game with a bank shot
Banked It! (20 GP) --- Play a bank shot and pot
Can I Have My Ball Back? (10 GP) --- Knock a ball off the table
Challenge Accepted (10 GP) --- Play 4 different challenges
Cue'd Up (10 GP) --- Complete the tutorial
Did you mean to do that? (10 GP) --- Win by the opponent potting the black illegally
DNA Sample (10 GP) --- Download a players DNA
Don't give up your day job! (30 GP) --- 8-ball your opponent in a game of 8 Ball
Doubled (20 GP) --- Play a double shot and pot
Get out of that one. (10 GP) --- Put an opponent in a snooker
In different league (20 GP) --- Win a pool league
League of Your Own (10 GP) --- Create a pool league
Master 8-Ball Champ (30 GP) --- Win the master 8-Ball career
Master 9-Ball Champ (30 GP) --- Win the master 9-Ball career
Mixed Accolades (10 GP) --- Gain 10 different accolades
More Mixed Accolades (20 GP) --- Gain 25 different accolades
On a Roll (20 GP) --- Complete a 6 online game win streak
Perfect indeed! (20 GP) --- Clear the table in the Perfect Potter challenge
Pro 8-Ball Champ (30 GP) --- Win the pro 8-Ball career
Pro 9-Ball Champ (30 GP) --- Win the pro 9-Ball career
Pure Pool Grand Master (100 GP) --- Reach 'Grand Master' rank
Pure Pool Pro (20 GP) --- Reach 'Pro' rank
Pure Pool Talented (10 GP) --- Reach 'Talented' rank
Pure Pool Veteran (30 GP) --- Reach 'Veteran' rank
Putting it Out There (10 GP) --- Issue a challenge
Racking them up (10 GP) --- Complete a 3 online game win streak
Ricochet (20 GP) --- Pot 3 or more balls off the break
Showing them how it's done (30 GP) --- Complete a 9 online game win streak
Stars in Your Eyes (30 GP) --- Win 100 Stars in career mode
That the best you've got? (10 GP) --- Get out of a snooker
The bigger they are.. (10 GP) --- Beat a player with a higher rank
The Ultimate Accolade (50 GP) --- Gain at least 1 of each accolade
They're seeing double! (30 GP) --- Win a game with a double shot
Whirlwind (30 GP) --- Clear the table in 8-Ball in less than 70 seconds
Winning the Hard Way (30 GP) --- Win a game of 9-Ball with the 1-Ball still on the table

DLC Achievements - Snooker
Complete one of the following Snooker DLC achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
80, not out.. (10 GP) --- Make a break of over 80
It's the Championship shot (20 GP) --- Complete the snooker career
Like a Hurricane (10 GP) --- Get below 60 seconds in the Snooker Colours challenge
Maximum break (30 GP) --- Score the maximum of 147 in a single turn
Total Snooker (10 GP) --- Get over 50 points in the Snooker Breakpoint challenge
Where's the cueball going? (10 GP) --- Pot the Black ball and the Cueball

Secret DLC Achievements - Snooker
Complete one of the following Secret Snooker DLC achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:

Interesting. You're better than Steve! (10 GP) --- Win more than 73 games

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