Friday, April 8, 2016

Nintendo Wii U Cheats - Splatoon

Multiplayer mode gear sets
Defeat the final Boss in the single player campaign to unlock the Hero Suit Replica and Octoling Suit Replica sets in multiplayer mode. Each set has a hat, shirt, and shoes.

End credits tablet
Defeat the final Boss, then speak to cuttlefish to receive a stone found in the Octovalley. It will let you view the credits and access the extra paint mini-game.

Gear Abilities
Each brand of gear have a common ability and an uncommon ability. The common ability is five times likely to appear as a sub-ability. The uncommon ability is half as likely to appear as a sub-ability when compared to other brands.Each brand of gear have a common ability and an uncommon ability. The common ability is five times likely to appear as a sub-ability. The uncommon ability is half as likely to appear as a sub-ability when compared to other brands.

Common Ability: None.
Uncommon Ability: None.

Common Ability: None.
Uncommon Ability: None.

Common Ability: Ink Saver (Sub).
Uncommon Ability: Ink Recovery Up.

Common Ability: Special Duration Up.
Uncommon Ability: Ink Saver (Sub).

Common Ability: Defense Up.
Uncommon Ability: Damage Up.

Common Ability: None.
Uncommon Ability: None.

Common Ability: Swim Speed Up.
Uncommon Ability: Defense Up.

Common Ability: Run Speed Up.
Uncommon Ability: Swim Speed Up.

Common Ability: Quick Respawn.
Uncommon Ability: Special Saver.

Splash Mob
Common Ability: Ink Saver (Main).
Uncommon Ability: Run Speed Up.

Common Ability: Damage Up.
Uncommon Ability: Ink Saver (Main).

Common Ability: Special Charge Up.
Uncommon Ability: Special Duration Up.

Common Ability: Ink Recovery Up.
Uncommon Ability: Quick Super Jump.

Common Ability: Special Saver.
Uncommon Ability: Special Charge Up.

Common Ability: Quick Super Jump.
Uncommon Ability: Quick Respawn.

The following weapons may be acquired after reaching the indicated level and paying the listed Power Egg price. Some weapons also require a specific Sunken scroll. You can test out the weapons by visiting Sheldon at the Ammo Knights shop in Inkopolis.

Splattershot Jr.
Level: 1
Sub Weapon: Splat Bomb
Special Weapon: Bubbler

Level: 2
Cost: 500
Sub Weapon: Burst Bomb
Special Weapon: Bomb Rush

Custom Splattershot Jr.
Level: 2
Cost: 800
Sub Weapon: Disruptor
Special Weapon: Echolocator
Single Player Scroll: Octostomp Scroll

Splat Roller
Level: 3
Cost: 1,000
Sub Weapon: Suction Bomb
Special Weapon: Killer Wail

Splat Charger
Level: 3
Cost: 1,000
Sub Weapon: Splat Bomb
Special Weapon: Bomb Rush

Tentatek Splattershot
Level: 4
Cost: 2,000
Sub Weapon: Suction Bomb
Special Weapon: Inkzooza

Kelp Splat Charger
Level: 4
Cost: 2,500
Sub Weapon: Sprinkler
Special Weapon: Killer Wail
Single Player Scroll: Octonozzle Scroll

.52 Gal
Level: 5
Cost: 3,000
Sub Weapon: Splash Wall
Special Weapon: Killer Wail

Classic Squiffer
Level: 6
Cost: 5,000
Sub Weapon: Point Sensor
Special Weapon: Bubbler

Krak-On Splat Roller
Level: 7
Cost: 3,000
Sub Weapon: Squid Beacon
Special Weapon: Kraken

Aerospray MG
Level: 7
Cost: 4,500
Sub Weapon: Seeker
Special Weapon: Inkzooza
Single Player Scroll: Octowhirl Scroll

Jet Squelcher
Level: 8
Cost: 4,000
Sub Weapon: Splash Wall
Special Weapon: Inkstrike

Level: 9
Cost: 3,500
Sub Weapon: Disruptor
Special Weapon: Killer Wail

Splattershot Pro
Level: 10
Cost: 8,000
Sub Weapon: Splat Bomb
Special Weapon: Inkstrike

.52 Gal Deco
Level: 11
Cost: 4,500
Sub Weapon: Seeker
Special Weapon: Inkstrike

New Squiffer
Level: 11
Cost: 4,500
Sub Weapon: Ink Mine
Special Weapon: Inkzooza
Single Player Scroll: Octomaw Scroll

.96 Gal
Level: 12
Cost: 7,600
Sub Weapon: Sprinkler
Special Weapon: Echolocator

Level: 13
Cost: 3,500
Sub Weapon: Splat Bomb
Special Weapon: Bomb Rush

Aerospray RG
Level: 13
Cost: 16,800
Sub Weapon: Ink Mine
Special Weapon: Inkstrike
Single Player Scroll: Octowhirl Scroll

Rapid Blaster
Level: 14
Cost: 10,000
Sub Weapon: Ink Mine
Special Weapon: Bubbler

Custom Jet Squelcher
Level: 15
Cost: 7,900
Sub Weapon: Burst Bomb
Special Weapon: Kraken

Dynamo Roller
Level: 15
Cost: 7,900
Sub Weapon: Sprinkler
Special Weapon: Echolocator
Single Player Scroll: Octobot King Scroll

Dual Squelcher
Level: 16
Cost: 9,800
Sub Weapon: Splat Bomb
Special Weapon: Echolocator

Custom Blaster
Level: 17
Cost: 6,800
Sub Weapon: Point Sensor
Special Weapon: Bubbler

Kelp Splatterscope
Level: 17
Cost: 7,800
Sub Weapon: Sprinkler
Special Weapon: Killer Wail

E-Liter 3K
Level: 18
Cost: 12,500
Sub Weapon: Burst Bomb
Special Weapon: Echolocator

Rapid Blaster Deco
Level: 19
Cost: 14,800
Sub Weapon: Suction Bomb
Special Weapon: Bomb Rush

Forge Splattershot Pro
Level: 20
Cost: 19,800
Sub Weapon: Point Sensor
Special Weapon: Inkzooza

Gold Dynamo Roller
Level: 20
Cost: 25,000
Sub Weapon: Splat Bomb
Special Weapon: Inkstrike
Single Player Scroll: Octobot King Scroll

Sunken Scrolls
Sunken scrolls can be found in single player mode at the following location or Boss battle. They contain background information about the war between the Inklings and Octarians. Additionally, those obtained from Boss battles can be turned into Sheldon at Ammo Knights to unlock new weapons.

Zone 1
- Level 1 "Octotrooper Hideout": Find the area with five Octotroopers. Spray one of the pillars with ink and climb on top to attack the enemies from that perch. Find the tallest pillar. ink one of its sides, then swim up to reach the scroll crate.
- Level 2 "Lair of the Octoballs": Stand on the mesh catwalk, then look down. You should see a platform with the scroll crate and launchpad. Switch to squid form and fall on that platform. Break the crate to collect the scroll, then use the launchpad to get back up.
- Level 3 "Rise of the Octocopters": While on your way to the second platform, swim to the nearby pillar. Spray ink on the pillar with the scroll crate, then switch to squid form and jump towards the painted side. Swim to the top and break the crate to collect the scroll.
- Boss Battle: "The Mighty Octostomp": After defeating Octostomp, enter the middle of the explosion to find the scroll. It unlocks the Custom Splattershot Jr.

Zone 2
- Level 4 "Gusher Gauntlet": Get on top of the tall mesh platform near the Zapfish. Destroy the Octotrooper standing on top, guarding the scroll crate.
- Level 5 "Floating Sponge Garden": Shrink the sponge, switch to squid form and fall through the netting to reach the scroll. If you cannot shrink the sponge any smaller, you can also fall off the side of the platform and carefully drift towards the lower platform that has the scroll crate.
- Level 6 "Propeller Lift Playground": Instead of standing on the propeller lift found early in the level, blast it so it rises up. Drop through the opening that the lift covered to find the scroll, then use the launchpad to get back up.
- Level 7 "Spreader Splatfest": After encountering two Octocopters on the main platform, walk on the Spreader and turn around to find a hidden area. Walk off the Spreader and break the scroll crate.
- Level 8 "Octoling Invasion": Use the ramp close to the Zapfish to reach a catwalk. The scroll can be found behind that ramp.
- Level 9 "Unidentified Flying Object": Defeat the Octodiver by the Gusher. The scroll crate is found under the yellow bridge.
- Boss Battle: "The Dreaded Octonozzle": Defeat Octonozzle to collect the scroll. It unlocks the Kelp Splat Charger.

Zone 3
- Level 10 "Inkrail Skyscape": Progress until you find a wall with three Inkrails. Jump on the center Inkrail and ride it to the other (back) side of the platform to reach a hidden area with the scroll.
- Level 11 "Inkvisible Avenues": Reach the second platform and stand near the launchpad. Look down and off the side. Shoot ink in that direction to find a hidden platform. Jump down to it and search for the scroll under the ramp.
- Level 12 "Flooder Junkyard": Reach the second platform then turn to the right. Follow the Inkrail to reach the scroll.
- Level 13 "Shifting Splatforms": Get close to the shifting blocks on the third platform, but do not climb up. Instead, follow the path to the right to find the scroll.
- Level 14 "Octoling Assault": Approach the Gusher but do not use it. Instead, continue to the right along the narrow path to find the scroll crate.
- Level 15 "Undeniable Flying Object": Reach the checkpoint, then turn around and break the scroll crate.
- Boss Battle: "The Rampaging Octowhirl": Defeat Octowhirl to get the scroll. It unlocks the Aerospray MG and the Aerospray RG.

Zone 4
- Level 16 "Propeller-Lift Fortress": Get on the Propeller Lift and travel across the water. During the trip, ink the tallest part of the wall then jump on it. Swim up the wall to reach the top, then turn around to find the scroll.
- Level 17 "Octosniper Ramparts": Eliminate the Octosnipers then return to the cargo net. Turn into squid form and fall through it to find the scroll.
- Level 18 "Spinning Spreaders": Take out the Octocopters and use the Spreader to reach the single platform. Shoot ink on it, then swim and jump towards the platform to find the scroll.
- Level 19 "Tumbling Splatforms": Fall off the yellow grate, then turn around to find crates near a hidden alcove. Among those crates is the orange scroll crate.
- Level 20 "Octoling Uprising": Instead of using the Inkrail that brings you to the Zapfish, fall through the mesh ramp to find the scroll crate.
- Level 21 "Unwelcome Flying Objects": Reach the launchpad and destroy both Octobombers. Return to the corridor with another Octobomber. Take it out then break the scroll crate.
- Boss Battle: "The Ravenous Octomaw": Defeat Octomaw to get the scroll that unlocks the New Squiffer.

Zone 5
- Level 22 "Splat-Switch Revolution": Find the launchpad in front of a platform. Instead of using it, use the splat switch to transform the blocks . Eliminate the Octotroopers before turning into squid form and swimming along those blocks to reach the back to find the scroll.
- Level 23 "Spongy Observatory": After passing the second checkpoint, look over the edge of the platform to find another platform. Use the sponges to swim down, then jump on that platform to find the scroll crate.
- Level 24 "Pinwheel Power Plant": Reach the third platform, then ink the second pinwheel. Ride to reach the next platform. Turn into squid form and jump to reach it and the scroll.
- Level 25 "Far-Flung Flooders": Use the hidden launchpad to reach a platform that has two Flooders. The scroll crate can be found in the center of that area.
- Level 26 "Octoling Onslaught": Go to the Inkrail and follow the path past it to find the scroll crate. Note: Consider inking the area to slow down the Elite Octoling that appears after you collect the scroll.
- Level 27 "Unavoidable Flying Object": Search the dead end and eliminate the Octosniper. Turn into squid form and swim up the ledge to find the scroll.
- Boss Battle: "Enter the Octobot King": Take the second propeller lift to find the scroll when DJ Octavio is not there and defeat the Boss. The scroll unlocks the Dynamo Roller.

Mario and The Legend Of Zelda series references
In the "Urchin Underpass" map, you can find retro style mosaic artwork of Bloopers from the Mario series and Octoroks from The Legend Of Zelda series on opposite sides.

Wii U reference

When outside the Battle Dojo in Inkopolis, look through the window to see a white Wii U gamepad and a gray Pro controller to the left. Look to the right to see the black version of the controller.

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