Thursday, October 6, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - Middle-earth: Shadow Of Mordor

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Graug's Heel (10 GP) --- Capitalize on a Warchief's Fear.
A Mighty Doom (10 GP) --- Acquire a level 25 Rune.
A New Master (15 GP) --- Brand a Captain while in combat.
And it Burns, Burns, Burns (15 GP) --- Use the Detonate ability to burn 50 uruks.
Bearer of the Shining Lamp (20 GP) --- Collect 100% of the Ithildin.
Black Celebration (15 GP) --- Poison a Captain at his own Feast.
Burning Vengeance (15 GP) --- Perform an Execution on a flaming Berserker.
Crowned with Living Light (10 GP) --- Collect 50% of the Ithildin.
Divide and Conquer (15 GP) --- Eliminate the bodyguards of two Warchiefs, then draw them out and kill them.
Fire of Justice (30 GP) --- Complete all Urfael Legend Missions.
Fly you fools! (10 GP) --- Make 20 uruks flee by dropping Morgai Fly nests.
Height of Despair (10 GP) --- Use Strike From Above while at least 60 feet above your target.
Iron of Death (10 GP) --- Issue a Death Threat, and then successfully kill the target.
Legend of Shadow (10 GP) --- Complete a Dagger Mission and begin growing the legend of Acharn.
Legend of the Maker (10 GP) --- Complete a Bow Mission and begin growing the legend of Azkar.
Legend of Vengeance (15 GP) --- Complete a Sword Mission and begin growing the legend of Urfael.
Liberator (30 GP) --- Complete all Outcast Rescue Missions.
Lord and Master (10 GP) --- Brand all 5 Warchiefs.
Master of the Wilds (20 GP) --- Complete all Hunting Challenges.
Memories of Eregion (20 GP) --- Activate all Forge Towers.
No Power in Numbers (10 GP) --- Help a Captain survive a Recruitment Power Struggle, and then kill him and all his new recruits.
Paid in Blood (20 GP) --- Unlock 4 Dagger Rune slots.
Paths of the Dead (20 GP) --- Collect 25% of the Artifacts.
Power Vacuum (10 GP) --- Kill all 5 Warchiefs before any uruk take their place.
Ranger of Ithilien (20 GP) --- Complete all Survivalist Challenges.
Repaid in Blood (10 GP) --- Complete a Vendetta Mission.
Rise and Fall (20 GP) --- After an uruk kills you to become a Captain, help him become a Warchief, then kill him.
Scout of the Morannon (20 GP) --- Successfully complete a Survivalist Challenge.
Shadows of the Ancient Past (30 GP) --- Collect 100% of the Artifacts and listen to their memories.
Stinking Rebels (20 GP) --- Brand 5 Bodyguards of a Warchief, turning them against him in combat.
Strike True (20 GP) --- Unlock 2 Bow Rune slots.
The Bright Master (20 GP) --- Discover some of the Wraith's past.
The Cold Light (20 GP) --- Unlock 3 Sword Rune slots.
The Free Folk (15 GP) --- Complete an Outcast Rescue Mission.
The Last Shadow (30 GP) --- Complete all Acharn Legend Missions.
The Maker's Bow (30 GP) --- Complete all Azkar Legend Missions.
The Spirit of Mordor (20 GP) --- Start a Riot by commanding a Warchief to attack another Warchief.
The White Rider (15 GP) --- Liberate 30 slaves in 180 seconds while riding a caragor.
Thrill of the Hunt (20 GP) --- Successfully complete 4 Hunting Challenges.
Unleashed (10 GP) --- Free 5 caragors from cages.
You Will Obey (20 GP) --- Make an uruk yours.

Secret Achievements
Complete one of the following Secret achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Beyond Hope (Silver) --- Save Lithariel's life.
For My Brother (Silver) --- Kill the Great White Graug.
Gorthaur the Cruel (Silver) --- Destroy the Monument Gate and topple the statue of Sauron.
Ratbag the Great and Powerful (Silver) --- Get Ratbag promoted to Warchief.
The Bright Master (Bronze) --- Discover some of the Wraith's past.
The Hammer Falls (Silver) --- Kill The Hammer.
The Hand is Severed (Gold) --- Kill The Black Hand.
The Tower Crumbles (Silver) --- Kill The Tower.
The White Wizard (Silver) --- Lift Lady Marwen's curse.
To Rule them All (Silver) --- Witness the creation of The Rings of Power.

DLC Achievements - Lord of the Hunt
Complete one of the following Lord of the Hunt DLC achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Short Introduction (10 GP) --- Begin a new hunt with Torvin.
Ghuls Gone Wild (10 GP) --- Kill a Graug by dispatching your Ghuls on him.
Hot Flashes (20 GP) --- Catch a Ghul Matron on fire during the Lord of the Hunt campaign.
I Had To Put Him Down (20 GP) --- Kill a Caragath with an Execution.
Jaws of Shadow (30 GP) --- Complete 25 Caragath Stealth Kills.
Nom Nom Nom! (30 GP) --- Eat a captain with a Wretched Graug.
O Mother, Where Art Thou? (30 GP) --- Have 20 Branded Ghuls at one time.
Rattle the Hive (30 GP) --- Bait 10 Ghul mounds.
The Collector (40 GP) --- Have a dominated Caragath, Wretched Graug and Spitter Ghul simultaneously.
The Flames Make It Go Faster (10 GP) --- Activate the Blazing Steed.
The Hunt is my Mistress (50 points) --- Complete all objectives in the Test of the Wild.
The Most Dangerous Game (50 GP) --- Defeat all the Beastmaster Warchiefs.
Wretched Retch (20 GP) --- Use a Wretched Graug's Projectile Vomit on an Uruk Captain or Warchief.

DLC Achievements - The Bright Lord
Complete one of the following The Bright Lord DLC achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Battle Forged (20 GP) --- Maximize the power of the Ring by completing all of the One Ring missions.
Beyond Epic (30 GP) --- Get a Level 30 Rune in Test of the Ring.
Burning Shadow (30 GP) --- Shadow Brand 20 Uruks.
Dominion (30 GP) --- Wraith Flash Dominate 50 Uruks.
Eregion Reforged (40 GP) --- Build all the Forge Towers in Udun.
From Shadow to Shadow (20 GP) --- Stealth Brand a Captain.
Lord of the Ring (30 GP) --- Complete all objectives in the Test of The Ring.
The Scouring of Mordor (30 GP) --- Challenge the Dark Lord in Mordor.
The Silver Fist (50 GP) --- Brand 20 Uruks in 60 seconds.

Secret DLC Achievements - The Bright Lord
Complete one of the following Secret The Bright Lord DLC achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Betrayed (50 GP) --- The One Ring has returned to it's Maker.

Easy "Stinking Rebels" achievement or trophy
When close to the final missions, you will learn how to issue commands to branded units. Brand any existing bodyguards of a Warchief, then brand Captains who do not yet have a Warchief they are guarding. After branding a Captain, dominate it immediately and issue a command to have them try to become a bodyguard for that Warchief. The Captain will then need to complete a trial by ordeal mission to become a bodyguard. Once you have obtained five bodyguards for the same Warchief, enter that Warchief's mission. "Stinking Rebels" will be earned when you get him to appear.

Easy "Power Vacuum" achievement or trophy
Play Trials of War mode. It will be easy to kill Warchiefs before Uruks take their place.

No Power in Numbers" achievement or trophy guide
You do not need to brand a Captain beforehand. Simply enter any easy target's recruitment mission. Brand him before the first set of Uruks die. You can be seen by the enemy as long as you kill all the targets indicated by the yellow dot markers afterwards. After you brand the Captain, all the Uruks following him will be under his control, as if you had branded them yourself. Ensure that the Captain does not die from other groups of Uruks to allow success of the recruitment mission. When the mission ends, use the ability to kill all branded units on sight.

Height of Despair achievement or trophy guide
Go to a Forge tower, or ruins near campfires that have four floors (easier). If at a Forge tower, use Attract to bring enemies closer first. Stealth kill an enemy, and immediately climb back up and wait using stealth to check when you can stealth kill again. The enemies usually lose focus after short time, as long as there are not any archers that can spot you. "Height of Despair" will be earned after ten such kills.

Burning Vengeance achievement or trophy guide
After getting Double Charge and Fire Arrow, prepare by charging your hit counter on any enemy. Get in very close range of the Berserker, shoot Fire Arrow then immediately hit the combat execution. If not done fast enough, the Berserker can die from fire or get back up.
Have the Blade Master skill. Find a remote campfire that has a Berserker beside it. Sprint from behind and Wraith Stun it, then launch into an attack flurry. As the Berserker is pushed back into the fire, complete the execution.

A Mighty Doom achievement or trophy guide
Find a level 20 Warchief that has a vulnerability and a fear of fire. Let him kill you once. From his level 20 base, you will get +1 for knowing the weaknesses, +2 for warchief rank, +1 for exploiting his vulnerability (or +1 for using his fear), and +1 for the revenge kill.

Warchief interactions
A Warchief must be drawn out before he can be dominated or killed. Each Warchief requires a different tactic, which can be learned by taking on his Captains. If you kill a Warchief, you will gain 70 power points.
- Cry Havoc: Fighting and killing waves of enemies will force a Warchief to come out of hiding and fight your.
- Dishonored: Humiliate a Warchief by forcing his minions to abandon him. Wraith powers can be used to scare away the Uruks from their strongholds and abandon their leader.
- Killing Spree: Rapidly slaying a large number of Uruks will draw out their Warchief.
- Riot: Use the Dominate ability to force Warchiefs to start a riot against a hostile Captain or Warchief. You can use the chaos this causes to kill the target easier.
- Strike From Above: Kill yellow marked targets by surprising them from a high vantage point. This will force the Warchief to face you.
- Taunt and Kill Supporters: A Warchief can be forced to fight you by taunting him first, then killing a number of his supporters without taking any damage.
- Uncaged: A Warchief can be forced to fight you if the caged Caragors in his stronghold are freed.
- Vantage Point : A Warchief can be ambushed by stealthily infiltrating his stronghold then surprising him by attacking from a high vantage point.
- Warchief Supporters: Execute the yellow marked supporters of a Warchief in open combat to draw out him out. Ground or Combat executions are the best way to get the Warchief's attention.

Nemesis missions
All Nemeses start different missions randomly, when you start your own mission of their own, you spend time at the map screen, or die. The following types of missions are available for Nemeses:
- Ambush: Similar to a duel, however one Nemesis will fighting another with one of them being outnumbered by the ambush set by the other. Normally the ambushing Nemesis will win. You can change the outcome by defending the Uruk who is outnumbered. This can be a useful strategy when trying to dominate someone.
- Beast Hunt: Uruks will participate in beast hunts to display their skills to others. If a Nemesis is successful on the hunt, he will gain a power level. If he fails, the Nemesis will either die or develop a fear of the particular beast he was hunting. You can intervene and either kill the beast to level up the Nemesis, or take out the Nemesis while he is distracted by the beast.
- Betrayal: A Warchief's bodyguard can betray him and damage or kill him. If an initial assassination attempt is unsuccessful, the betrayer has to fight the Warchief and all his other followers, which probably ends with his death. If you intervene and kill the Warchief, the betrayer becomes the new Warchief and gains a power level. This is useful for drawing out a Warchief with the plan on killing him, especially if one of his bodyguards is already dominated by you.
- Duel: One Nemesis will battle another Uruk Nemesis to gain more power. The Nemeses can either go one on one or fight along with their followers. The winner will gain a power level, whether he kills the opponent or you intervene. The losing Uruk may survive by fleeing the battle.
- Execution: A specific Uruk might attempt to execute another Uruk and his followers. The executioner Nemesis will line up the victim with three of his followers and execute them one by one, with the Nemesis victim being the last one. If you kill the executioner while this is happening, the survivor gains a power level; however if the execution is successful, he gains a power level.
- Feast: During the feasts, Uruks are in a dull state and perform poorly in combat. You can take advantage of this to stealth kill a Nemesis. If the feast is uninterrupted, the Nemeses involved will gain power levels.
- Killed Talon: If a Nemesis delivers the killing blow to you, he will gain a power level along with other Nemeses who survived encounters against you.
- Promotion: Upon completing a promotion mission, an Uruk Grunt will enter the Nemesis system to become a Captain and acquire a new title and armor. If there are no empty positions in the Captain's roster, the Uruk will try to kill another Captain. Note that newly added Captains to the Nemesis system will be easier to defeat.
- Recruit: Enemies in the Nemesis system may attempt to recruit new followers. If successful, they will gain a power level.
- Survived After Encounter: If a Nemesis survives an encounter with you, whether they fought or not, they will gain a power level. This can be a useful way to level up someone which you plan on dominating later by leaving that specific Nemesis alive.

Nemesis interactions
All Nemeses start different missions randomly, when you start your own mission of their own, you spend time at the map screen, or die. The following types of missions are available for Nemeses:
- Ambush: Similar to a duel, however one Nemesis will fighting another with one of them being outnumbered by the ambush set by the other. Normally the ambushing Nemesis will win. You can change the outcome by defending the Uruk who is outnumbered. This can be a useful strategy when trying to dominate someone.
- Beast Hunt: Uruks will participate in beast hunts to display their skills to others. If a Nemesis is successful on the hunt, he will gain a power level. If he fails, the Nemesis will either die or develop a fear of the particular beast he was hunting. You can intervene and either kill the beast to level up the Nemesis, or take out the Nemesis while he is distracted by the beast.
- Betrayal: A Warchief's bodyguard can betray him and damage or kill him. If an initial assassination attempt is unsuccessful, the betrayer has to fight the Warchief and all his other followers, which probably ends with his death. If you intervene and kill the Warchief, the betrayer becomes the new Warchief and gains a power level. This is useful for drawing out a Warchief with the plan on killing him, especially if one of his bodyguards is already dominated by you.
- Duel: One Nemesis will battle another Uruk Nemesis to gain more power. The Nemeses can either go one on one or fight along with their followers. The winner will gain a power level, whether he kills the opponent or you intervene. The losing Uruk may survive by fleeing the battle.
- Execution: A specific Uruk might attempt to execute another Uruk and his followers. The executioner Nemesis will line up the victim with three of his followers and execute them one by one, with the Nemesis victim being the last one. If you kill the executioner while this is happening, the survivor gains a power level; however if the execution is successful, he gains a power level.
- Feast: During the feasts, Uruks are in a dull state and perform poorly in combat. You can take advantage of this to stealth kill a Nemesis. If the feast is uninterrupted, the Nemeses involved will gain power levels.
- Killed Talon: If a Nemesis delivers the killing blow to you, he will gain a power level along with other Nemeses who survived encounters against you.
- Promotion: Upon completing a promotion mission, an Uruk Grunt will enter the Nemesis system to become a Captain and acquire a new title and armor. If there are no empty positions in the Captain's roster, the Uruk will try to kill another Captain. Note that newly added Captains to the Nemesis system will be easier to defeat.
- Recruit: Enemies in the Nemesis system may attempt to recruit new followers. If successful, they will gain a power level.
- Survived After Encounter: If a Nemesis survives an encounter with you, whether they fought or not, they will gain a power level. This can be a useful way to level up someone which you plan on dominating later by leaving that specific Nemesis alive.

Nemesis strengths
Each member of the Nemesis system has strengths that can be used to your advantage when taking them down.

- Invulnerable to Ranged: Cannot be damaged by ranged attacks.
- Invulnerable to Stealth: Cannot be damaged or killed by stealth takedowns.
- Invulnerable to Combat Takedowns: Cannot be damaged or killed by combat finishers such as ground takedown.

- Hate of Bodyguard Suffering: Enraged if his bodyguards are attacked.
- Hate of Burns: Enraged if fire attacks, such as fire arrows or explosions, are used against him.
- Hate of Caragors: Enraged upon seeing Caragors out of their cages.
- Hate of Defeat: Enraged when at low health.
- Hate of Morgai Flies: Enraged when hit with a Morgayi Fly swarm.
- Hate of Ghuls: Enraged when seeing Ghuls.
- Hate of His Master Suffering: Enraged if his Warchief is damaged.
- Hate of Graugs: Enraged upon seeing a Graug.
- Hate of His Rival: Enraged when he sees his rival from the Nemesis system.

- Body Slam: Pick up an opponent and slam him in to the ground or another object.
- Boomerang Throw: Throw a weapon which returns to the Nemesis.
- Charge Attack: Running charge in a straight line, knocking enemies down.
- Fury Attack: Highly aggressive and damaging melee attack.
- Ground Pound: Slam the ground hard, causing area of effect damage around him.
- Heavy Attack: High damage melee attack that cannot be countered.
- Jump Attack: Perform a leap attack to reach enemies when at a distance.
- Mangler: Attack multiple times to hit enemies in the gut.
- Poison Cloud: Create a poisonous cloud that stuns opponents.
- Quick Shot: Shoot multiple times in rapid succession.
- Rapid Attack: Attack multiple times in quick succession; each attack must be countered separately.
- Reposition/Grapple: Grab and throw an enemy around.
- Throat Grab: Pick up an enemy by the throat.
- Wrecker: Use a shield for defense and to slam into enemies and impale them.
- Explosive Arrow: Fire arrows that explode for area of effect damage.

- Flaming Weapon: Weapons are on fire for increased damage to enemies.
- Poison Weapon: Weapons coated with poison, which deal damage over time.
- Savage Weapons: Weapons that cause bleeding damage over time.

- Ambusher: Launches ambushes against enemies.
- Backlash: Counter attacks are not effective.
- Battle-Hardened: Cannot be dominated and must be finished off.
- Blood Thirsty: Recovers health from striking enemies.
- Cautious: Averse to combat.
- Deadly: Attacks do more damage than most Uruks.
- Deflect: Can deflect attacks.
- Deflect and Counter, plus Quick Turn: Can deflect attacks and follow with a counter attack, turns quickly.
- Regeneration: Continually heals rapidly.
- Side Step: Dodge thrown daggers
- Skirmisher: Attempt to back away from combat.
- Sneaky: Sometimes appears unexpectedly.
- Sniffer: Smell out enemies who are hiding nearby.
- Summoner: Call nearby allies to join the fight.
- Tracker: Sense the presence of nearby enemies and hunt them down.
- Vault Breaker: Block attempts to jump over him.
- Monster Slayer: Kill monsters quickly and is resistant to their attacks

Nemesis weaknesses
Each member of the Nemesis system has weaknesses that can be used to your advantage when taking them down.

- Branded: Nemesis can be grabbed without having to first weaken him with attacks.
- Clumsy: Can be grabbed without having to be weakened.
- Damaged by Combat Executions: Can be injured for a decent amount with combat executions.
- Damaged by Combat Finishers: Can be damaged by combat finishers.
- Damaged by Explosions: Can be damaged by explosions, such as detonation of camp fires.

- Fear of Betrayal: Terrified when allied Uruks fight each other.
- Fear of Burning: Terrified when set on fire through an explosion or fire arrow.
- Fear of Caragors: Terrified when the nemesis sees Caragors out of their cages or in the wild.
- Fear of Graugs: Terrified when seeing Graugs.
- Fear of Morgai Flies: Terrified when attacked by a swarm of Morgai Flies.
- Fear of Rival: Terrified when seeing a rival Nemesis.

- Vulnerable to Combat Finishers: Killed instantly with a Combat Finisher.
- Vulnerable to Mounted Beasts: Killed instantly by mounted beasts, such as dominated Caragors or Graugs.
- Vulnerable to Stealth Finishers: Killed instally by sneak attacks.
- Vulnerable to Ranged Attacks: Killed instantly by ranged attacks, such as a Charged Headshot, Fire Arrow or Shadow Strike.

Hunting challenges
- Challenge 1: Kill Three Ungol Spiders (100 Mirian): Ungol Spiders can be found in cave openings and strongholds at Uldun and Sea of Nurnen. Once in one of these areas, enter the Wraith World to find them on the ground.
- Challenge 2: Kill Five Flying Creatures (105 Mirian): Flying creatures can be found in any location, in flight or perched on top of tall structures. Enter the Wraith World and use Focus to pick them off with your bow.
- Challenge 3: Kill Three Caragors (115 Mirian): Caragors are often found in cages in various areas, such as strongholds. Get on an elevated platform and hit them with arrows. A more difficult approach is to use a head-on attack while continuously dodging their attacks.
- Challenge 4: Kill Four Mordor Rats (130 Mirian): Mordor Rats can be found at strongholds and encampments. Enter the Wraith World and they will appear as blue dots moving around.
- Challenge 5: Kill Eight Ghuls (150 Mirian): Travel to Mordor at night to encounter them more frequently. They will can be encountered on the world-map randomly.
- Challenge 6: Kill Three Morgul Bats (180 Mirian): Finding Morgul Bats can be difficult. Enter a cave and search the walls while in the Wraith World. Use Focus to make your bow shots accurate. They will fly away when they sense your approach or hear your bow.
- Challenge 7: Kill a Graug (220 Mirian): Naturally completed during the "Hunting Partners" mission. Enter stealth mode, get behind a Graug, and bleed it. Next, stun it by shooting its face. Finally grab the stunned creature to dominate and kill it.
- Challenge 8: Kill a Dire Caragor (270 Mirian): Go to the wilderness of Sea of Nurnen. Have the Shadow Mount ability to mount a Dire Caragor, then kill it. It is also naturally completed during the "The Great White Graug" mission.
- Challenge 9: Kill a Ghul Matron (330 Mirian): Ghul Matron are very difficult to find. After finding a group of Ghuls, begin killing them until a Ghul Matron appears from the ground. Ghul Matrons are vulnerable to fire and ranged attacks. Avoid their strong counter attacks.
- Challenge 10: Kill a Horned Graug (500 Mirian): Graug can be found at the Sea of Nurnen, Harad Basin, Cab-Gwanth Bluff, and Cape of Nurn. Use the Shadow Mount ability and get on one. Then, kill the creature. It is also naturally completed during the "Great White Graug" mission.

Ranger upgrades
The Power stat must be increased to the indicated value for Talion to unlock and upgrade new abilities.

Tier 1 (unlocked by default)
- Execution: Talion can kill a single enemy in one strike with a Hit Streak.
- Impact: Talion can stun or knock back countered enemies.
- Strike From Above: All of the Talion's aerial takedowns on surprised targets are lethal.

Tier 2 (160 Power required)
- Critical Strike: Talion's doubles Hit Streak will receive well-timed attacks.
- Last Chance Finisher: Talion can initiate an execution on a successful Last Chance Struggle.
- Poison: Poisoned enemies start attacking each other and eventually die.
- Throwing Daggers: Throw a dagger will receive light damage and staggers enemies.
- Brutalize: Enemies will be frightened during stealth kills.

Tier 3 (300 Power required)
- Swift Finisher: Decreases the time needed to perform Ground Executions.
- Vault Stun: Talion will vault over an enemy and stun them.
- Brace of Daggers: Talion throws three daggers at once.
- Shoulder Charge: Talion's dash attacks breaks shields and knocks down enemies.

Tier 4 (500 Power required)
- Blade Master: Special moves threshold reduced to five.
- Resilience: Talion can absorb one hit without breaking a combo.
- Death Threat: Talion can threaten Uruk Captains or Warchiefs.

Tier 5 (700 Power required)
- Critical Strike 2: Perfectly timed attacks will net Talion 3x Hit Streaks.
- Flame of Vengeance: Charges Talion's Hit Streak and strike enemies for increased damage.
- Double Charge: Charged Hit Streaks will execute two special moves.

Wraith upgrades
The Power stat must be increased to the indicated value for Talion to unlock and upgrade new abilities.

Tier 1 (unlocked by default)
- Detonate: Talion is immune fire and can fire barrels to make them explode.
- Elven Swiftness: Perfectly vaulting over obstacles will give Talion a temporary speed boost and Hit Streak point.
- Ride Caragors: Talion can ride Caragors.
- Wraith Stun: Stuns enemies then attack with sword strikes.

Tier 2 (160 Power required)
- Caragor Hunter: Talion has the ability to counter, stun, and mount a Caragor.
- Pin in Place: Shoots arrows to the legs of an Uruk to immobilize him.
- Shadow Strike: Invest 2 Elf-Shots to teleport to targeted enemy.
- Stealth Drain: Talion can drain from stealth attacks.
- Wraith Flash: Area of effect that stuns nearby enemies, but only available with a Hit Streak.

Tier 3 (300 Power required)
- Combat Drain: Drain and terrorize an Uruk with a Hit Streak.
- Graug Hunter: Talion can mount Gragu.
- Lethal Shadow Strike: Talion can teleport and kill an enemy.
- Wraith Finisher: Drains and Flurry Attacks makes enemies explode.

Tier 4 (700 Power required)
- Brand: Mind control normal enemies to fight for Talion.
- Fire Arrow: When charged with Hit Streak, arrows will catch fire in flight.
- Shadow Mount: Talion can instantly mount a Graug or Caragor using Shadow Strike.
- Wraith Blast: Wraith Blast is upgraded to damage everything in highlighted area.

Tier 5 (500 Power required)
- Dispatch: This will allow Talion to kill all branded Uruks.
- Quick Draw: This ability greatly increases Elf-Shot charge speed.
- Shadow Strike Chain: This ability allows Talion to chain together Shadow Strike attacks.
- Wraith Burn: A charged Hit Streak allows Talion to create a circle of Wraith Fire which will kill the downed and stunned enemies.

Attribute upgrades
Collect the indicated amount of Mirian to upgrade the corresponding attribute.

Health (each tier adds +20 HP)
Tier 1: 100 Mirian
Tier 2: 320 Mirian
Tier 3: 640 Mirian
Tier 4: 1,050 Mirian
Tier 5: 2,100 Mirian

Elf-Shot (each tier adds +2 shots)
Tier 1: 130 Mirian
Tier 2: 370 Mirian
Tier 3: 870 Mirian
Tier 4: 1,750 Mirian
Tier 5: 2,100 Mirian

Focus (each tier adds +20 Focus)
Tier 1: 100 Mirian
Tier 2: 320 Mirian
Tier 3: 640 Mirian
Tier 4: 1,050 Mirian
Tier 5: 2,100 Mirian

Ultimate weapon powers
The following weapon powers can be purchased for the indicated amount of Mirian. When purchased, a charge meter will appear at the bottom of the screen. When filled, you can use the corresponding ultimate attack.
- Storm of Urafel (2,500 Mirian): Talion can continue executing enemies for approximately twenty seconds. The duration of this effect can be increased by using the Ruination weapon rune.
- Flame of Azkar (2,500 Mirian): Begins charging when Talion draw his bow. When ready, it allow Talions to have unlimited Elf-Shots, Focus and Fire Arrows for fifteen seconds. The duration of this effect can be increased by using the Wrath of the Eldar rune.
- Shadow of Acharn (2,500 Mirian): Begins charging when Talion enters the stealth mode. When ready, it allows Talion to become invisible for twenty seconds. He can then perform unlimited stealth kills during that time. The duration of this effect can be increased by using the Oathbreaker rune.

Easy epic runes
You can increase the chance of obtaining an epic rune by killing high-level Warchiefs and Captains. Allow them to win during Captains' and Warchiefs' Power Struggles. You can allow them to intentionally kill you so that their own rank and level increases. Then, return to them and get a revenge kill. You can also threaten the Captains and Warchiefs to increase their level. You will then have to take out their reinforcements as well.

Epic weapon runes
Epic runes are rarely dropped by high-level Uruk Warchiefs and Uruk Captains. The effectiveness of epic runes are static and do not depend on the level of the enemy that dropped them.

- Ascendant: Decreases the Focus depletion rate by 50%.
- Bow Master: 50% chance of increased bow damage.
- Explosive Demise: Talion has 20% to blast an area with a charged headshot.
- Fell-Handed: Recover Flame of Azkar twice as fast with headshot kills.
- Knight of Eregion: Shadow Strike kills will get +1 Elf-Shot.
- Stand Fast: Damage output of all bows increases by 100% when Talion's HP is below 25%.
- Wrath of the Eldar: Increases the duration of Flame of Azkar by ten seconds.

- Bane of Mordor: Increases the duration of the Shadow of Acharn by ten seconds.
- Balefire: Head explosion kills get +2 Elf-Shot.
- Fell Voices: Talion recovers complete HP and Focus when killing Captains and Warchiefs.
- Forge of War: Drain or Brand will get Talion +2 Elf-Shot.
- Heart of the Mearas: Talion receives Doubles Elven Swiftness speed burst duration.
- Lure of Power: Talion has a 33% chance of branding an enemy standing near a target that is stealth branded.
- Oathbreaker: Shadow of Acharn will recover twice as fast with stealth kills.
- One with Nature: Talion is immune to poison.

- Bones of the Earth: Recover +3 Elf-Shot by a flurry kill.
- Burning Pitch: 15% chance of igniting enemies by countering.
- Elven Grace: 50% chance of reducing incoming melee damage to half.
- Evenstar: Talion will recover complete Focus every time a hit streak is charged.
- Foe Hammer: Combat execution will get +2 Elf-Shot.
- Mighty Rage: Increases the stun and knockdown time of the melee attacks.
- Ruination: Increases the Storm of Urfael duration by ten seconds.
- Stand and Fight: When below 25% health, Talion deals double damage with his sword.
- Storm of Battle: Increases the damage of all swords by 50%.
- The End Comes: Talion blasts enemies' heads with Wraith Blast.
- The Undying: Recover all Focus and Elf-Shot on any Last Chance.
- Tower of Defense: Increases the combo reset time by ten seconds.
- Wraith and Ruin: Increases the stun and knockdown duration of Wraith Flash.

- Orc Hunter: Obtained by linking your WB ID to your in-game account. Enemies get terrorized by brutalized stealth kills.
- Stinging Blade: Obtained by PlayStation exclusive mission reward. Talion gets 50 HP with each stealth kill.
- Hidden Blade: Obtained by Gamestop pre-order. Captains and Warchiefs receive more damage with stealth kills and ground executions.
- Deadly Archer: Obtained by Amazon pre-order. Captains and Warchiefs will receive more damage with ranged attacks.
- Flame of Anor: Obtained by Best Buy pre-order. Talion's weapon will catch fire after a long combo.
- Gravewalker: Obtained by linking the Palantir iOS App to your account. Take out a Captain and all nearby enemies will run away.
- Orc Slayer: Obtained by Steam pre-order. Captains and Warchiefs receive more damage from finishers.

Normal weapon runes
Weapon runes are dropped by Captains and Warchiefs. Talion can upgrade each weapon to hold a maximum of four weapon runes. The effectiveness of normal runes are determined by the level of Captain or Warchief who dropped that particular rune.

- Aura of Dismay: Talion has a chance of making Uruks flee near a headshot.
- Broken Mind: Talion has a chance to recover 4 Elf-shots from a Drain or Brand.
- Holwing Storm: All weapon damage increased while riding a mount.
- Keen Eyed: Bow stealth kills grants Talion Focus.
- River of Arrows: Talion has a chance of recovering Elf-Shot by bow kills.
- Sylvan Arrow: Headshot kills has a chance to give Talion +30 Focus.
- Unbreakable Bond: Using Pin in Place and Talion may recover Focus.

- Bare as Bones: Talion has a chance of executing a Critical Hit on the first hit of a Hit Streak.
- Breath of Light: Recovers health with a stealth kill.
- Chill Soul: Talion recovers 50 Focus with a head explosion kill.
- Choking Horror: Talion has a chance to terrify more than two Uruks with a Brutalize kill.
- Favor of the Lady: Talion recovers HP with Drain or Brand.
- Harbinger of Doom: Talion recovers his HP with Drain and Brand from above.
- Rule through Fear: Talion recovers Focus with each stealth kill.
- Sylvan Doom: Brutalize kills lets Talion recover five Elf-Shots.
- To the Death: Grab kills allows Talion focus boost.
- Worm's Tooth: Head explosion kills gives Talion extra health.

- Betrayer: Hitting an enemy from the back will increase all sword damage.
- Blade Master: When the Hit Streak reaches 30, Talion can recover HP.
- For Vengeance: When the Hit Streak reaches 30, Talion gets increased melee damage.
- Grim Resolve: Talion has increased defense against ranged attacks.
- Know No Pain: Talion has a chance of recovering +5 HP with each kill.
- Power of Earth: Ground Executions gets Talion additional Focus Boost.
- Quick to Anger: Talion recovers HP with each Critical Strike.
- Savage Onslaught: Between a 15 to 29 Hit Streak, Talion will start recovering HP.
- Smite: Flurry Kills will give Talion Focus Boost.
- Strength from Courage: Flurry Kills will give Talion HP recovery.

Weapon attributes
A total of four runes can be added to each weapon (sword, bow, and dagger), for the indicated cost.
- Rune 1: 60 Mirian
- Rune 2: 80 Mirian
- Rune 3: 380 Mirian
- Rune 4: 800 Mirian

The Silver Fist - Achievement or Trophy Guide
Do this in Test Of The Ring mode because some of Talion's abilities will carry over. The ability to execute finishers at an x5 combo, perform two finishers at a time, and having an extra elf-shot is helpful. Completing all four ring side quests in the Bright Lord Story mode may also be useful. Have your One Ring meter most or all of the way full. Gather over 20 Uruks in an area. To do this, consider going to one of the fortifications and allow them to sound the alarm. Run around for a while to gather them up in a cluster. Once prepped, get your combo up by attacking, blocking, etc. You can also throw knives. Once your combo exceeds x30, you are in "high combo" status. Begin performing Wraith Flashes, which is the area of effect branding for the Elf. At a high combo, you will brand most, if not all, targets in your vicinity. Once you perform the first Wraith Flash, the timer begins. Move around to more Uruks and repeat the process. You can now activate the One Ring, which gives you unlimited finishers and stops them from harassing you. However Wraith Flash is not 100% guaranteed (especially at low combo meter), and you may have difficulty positioning to get all twenty. There are two other techniques that can be used either in or out of One Ring mode. Combat Brand only effects one Uruk at a time but always lands. Shadow Brand is also useful because you can cover ground. For example, if you need to move around the outskirts of a mob or move to a nearby area. Shadow Brand requires 3 Elf-Shot. There is an epic dagger rune that grants +4 Elf-Shot on a brand. If you have that, you will be able to do unlimited Shadow Brands.

Beyond Epic - Achievement or Trophy Guide
Uruks now have a maximum level cap of 25. Also, this must be done in Test of the Ring, and not the Bright Lord campaign. The requirements are:

- Uruk level 25 (+25)
- Warchief (+2)
- Have intel (+1)
- Revenge target (+1)
- Exploit a weakness or fear; or issue a death threat through a dominated captain (+1)

Note: If you chose to issue the death threat, you cannot get the kill yourself or you will usually get an epic rune. Allow branded bodyguards, captains, and Uruks attack him. Make use of Summoning, Shadow Brand, Wraith Flash, Combat Brand, and Domination to surround the Warchief for the killing blow.

The Lord of the Rings references
- Several of the mission names (for example, "A Knife in the Dark", and "The Dark Rider") are also titles to chapters in the Lord of the Rings books.
- Celebrimbor will say, "Fly, you fool" during "Shattered Memories", after waking to find the Graug. This is a reference to Gandalf, when he faces the Balrog.
- After returning to the Forge Tower, Talion will sometimes ask Celebrimbor what the towers are. He will state that they are "lights in the darkness of Mordor, when all other have gone out", which is a reference to the Vial of Galadriel given to Frodo.
- When Talion states that Torvin is a wanderer, Celebrimber will say, "not all who wander are lost", which is a reference to the poem "All That is Gold Does Not Glitter".

Batman reference

Kill a Morgul Bat, which appear near caves in Mordor. Enter the "Nature" section of the Appendices to read the following description: "Those Uruks that get poisoned become horribly diseased and bloated, wearing their deformities as marks of honor. The poison slowly eats at their minds, sending them nightmares of a demonic man-bat who preys on fear."

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