Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - Payday 2: Crimewave Edition

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Becoming Infamous (Gold Trophy) --- Reach the first level of Infamy.
Big Bada Boom (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill at least four enemies with one GL40 grenade launcher shot.
Breaking Dead (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, find the meth lab.
Bullet Hell (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds using the Buzzsaw 42 light machine gun.
But Wait - There's More! (Bronze Trophy) --- On any Armored Transport heist, find the plans that unlocks the Train Heist.
Caribbean Pirate (Bronze Trophy) --- On day 2 of the Rats job, bring additional meth bags to the trade, but steal your payment instead.
Cat Burglar (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Diamond job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm.
Coming In Hot (Bronze Trophy) --- On day 1 of the Watchdogs job, don't let the cops shoot and destroy the escape vehicle.
Completely OVERKILL! (Silver Trophy) --- Complete all contracts including pro jobs on the OVERKILL difficulty.
Culture Vultures (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Diamond job, secure 10 bags of additional loot.
Doctor Fantastic (Bronze Trophy) --- On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the first engine being correct.
Don't Bring the Heat (Silver Trophy) --- In the Big Bank job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm.
F in Chemistry (Bronze Trophy) --- On day 1 of the Rats job, blow up the lab.
Fish A.I. (Bronze Trophy) --- On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, throw a loot bag into the sea, hoping fish move away as it gets near.
Going Places (Bronze Trophy) --- Gain $1.000.000 in total spendable cash.
Hot Lava 2.0 (Bronze Trophy) --- On day 1 of the Election Day job, use the computer in stealth without ever touching the ground.
I Got It, I Got It! (Bronze Trophy) --- Catch a bag midair
I Will Fade To Dark (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Shadow Raid job, secure 4 bags of loot.
I Will Walk Faceless Among Men (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Shadow Raid job, secure all four pieces of the samurai armor.
I'm a Swinger (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Election Day job, complete the heist in stealth and swing the votes to the republican favor.
I've Got the Power (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, don't let the enemies cut the power.
In Town You're the Law, Out Here It's Me (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill a jump kicking Cloaker using any shotgun.
It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Big Bank job, drop Floyd the pig on top of an enemy.
Killin's As Easy As Breathing (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 10 law enforcers in a row using any light machine gun without releasing the trigger.
Kingpin (Platinum Trophy) --- Complete everything. OVERKILL salutes you!
Let's Do Th... (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Ukrainian job, complete the heist within 35 seconds.
Lord of War (Bronze Trophy) --- On day 1 of the Firestarter job, steal all the weapons from the hangar.
Masked Villain (Bronze Trophy) --- Modify a mask for the first time.
Most Wanted (Gold Trophy) --- Reach reputation level 100.
No One Cared Who I Was... (Bronze Trophy) --- Until I put on the mask.
OVERKILL Salutes You! (Gold Trophy) --- Complete all contracts including pro jobs on the Death Wish difficulty.
Phew! (Bronze Trophy) --- On day two of the Hotline Miami job, save someone in need.
Police Brutality (Bronze Trophy) --- Beat a Shield to death using the Telescopic Baton.
Pump It Up (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Bomb: Forest heist, do not let the cops disconnect the water hose while you are using the river water pump.
Shit Just Got Real (Silver Trophy) --- Complete all contracts including pro jobs on the Very Hard difficulty.
Sounds of Animals Fighting (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Hotline Miami job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Hotline Miami mask each on hard or above.
Swing Dancing (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete any single day of a job, killing at least 50 enemies using only your melee weapon.
Tabula Rasa (Gold Trophy) --- In the Hoxton Breakout job, complete the heist on OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding Golden AK.762 rifles and Chicago Typewriter submachine guns.
Tough Act to Follow (Silver Trophy) --- Complete all contracts including pro jobs on the Hard difficulty.
Triple Kill (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 3 enemies with one bullet using any sniper rifle.
Walk Faster (Bronze Trophy) --- In day two of the Hotline Miami job, reach the Commissar's apartment in under 210 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Yeah He's a Gold Digger (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Four Stores job, find a gold bar in the safe.

You Owe Me One (Bronze Trophy) --- In the Big Bank job, start the Big Bank job after having spent all 10 favors in Preplanning.

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