Saturday, December 31, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - Rogue Legacy

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Alektorophobia (5 GP) --- Kill a chicken.
Atelophobia (5 GP) --- Choose a hero with no traits.
Aurophilia (15 GP) --- Open your very first gold chest.
Bibliophilia (15 GP) --- Read the last journal entry.
Biophobia (15 GP) --- Die 20 times or more.
Cainotophilia (15 GP) --- Have one rune equipped in every item slot.
Coulrophilia (30 GP) --- Beat one of the clown's games at least once.
Decidophobia (30 GP) --- Put at least one point in every skill in the manor.
Disposophobia (90 GP) --- Find all blueprints (purchase not necessary).
Gnosiophilia (50 GP) --- Find all the runes (purchase not necessary).
Gymnophobia (15 GP) --- Have one piece of equipment in every item slot.
Plutophobia (15 GP) --- Reach level 50 or higher.
Rhabdophilia (5 GP) --- Earn your very first Enchantress rune.
Somniphobia (30 GP) --- Play the game for at least 20 hours.
Thanatophobia (100 GP) --- WITHOUT using the Architect, complete the game dying 15 times or less
Zoophobia (30 GP) --- Defeat all the minibosses.

Secret Achievements
Complete one of the following Secret achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Astrophobia (40 GP) --- Defeat the asteroids.
Barophobia (15 GP) --- Use the special class at least once.
Blennophobia (30 GP) --- Defeat the boss in the Land of Darkness.
Chemophobia (40 GP) --- Defeat the trademarked chemical.
Geminiphobia (50 GP) --- Beat the game... twice.
Katagelasticism (30 GP) --- Mock the traitor.
Ommetaphobia (15 GP) --- Defeat the boss in Castle Hamson.
Ostiophobia (40 GP) --- Defeat the son.
Paterphobia (90 GP) --- Defeat the last boss.
Phasmophobia (15 GP) --- Defeat the boss in the Forest Abkhazia.
Pyrophobia (30 GP) --- Defeat the boss in the Maya.
Scotomaphobia (40 GP) --- Defeat the doppleganger.

Syngenesophobia (100 GP) --- Defeat the brothers.

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