Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Playstation Vita Cheats - Mortal Kombat

To unlock the following PSVita Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A For Effort (Bronze) --- Finish Tutorial Mode
Arcade Champion (Silver) --- Finish Arcade Ladder with All Fighters
Back In Time... (Silver) --- Finish Story Mode 100%
Balancing Act (Bronze) --- Finish all Test Your Balance mini-game challenges
Block This! (Bronze) --- Perform a 10-hit combo with any fighter
Cyber Challenger (Bronze) --- Finish 100 Versus Matches
Dim Mak! (Bronze) --- Finish all Test Your Strike mini-game challenges
Don't Jump! (Bronze) --- Win A Ranked Online Match without jumping
e-X-cellent! (Bronze) --- Successfully land every playable fighter's X-Ray
Fatality! (Bronze) --- Perform a Fatality!
Finish What You Start! (Bronze) --- Perform a Fatality with all playable fighters
Halfway There! (Bronze) --- Finish Story Mode 50%
Humiliation (Bronze) --- Get a Flawless Victory in a Versus Match
I "Might" Be the Strongest (Bronze) --- Finish all Test Your Might mini-game challenges
Ladder Master (Bronze) --- Finish Arcade Ladder on max difficulty without using a continue
License to Kill (Bronze) --- Finish Fatality Trainer
Luck Be A Lady (Bronze) --- Get all MK Dragons in Test Your Luck
My Kung Fu Is Strong (Silver) --- Gain Mastery of 1 Fighter
My Kung Fu Is Stronger (Gold) --- Gain Mastery of All Fighters
Outstanding! (Silver) --- Win 10 Ranked Online Matches in a row
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) --- You've unlocked all Trophies!
Robots Rule! (Bronze) --- Win Arcade Tag Ladder with robot Sektor and Cyrax
Slice of Life (Bronze) --- Swipe your way through a set of all-new mini-game challenges
Tag, You're It! (Bronze) --- Perform and land a Tag Combo
The Grappler (Bronze) --- Perform every fighter's forward and backwards throws
The Krypt Keeper (Silver) --- Unlock 100% of the Krypt
There Will Be Blood! (Bronze) --- Spill 10000 pints of blood
These Aren't My Glasses! (Bronze) --- Finish all Test Your Sight mini-game challenges
Throws Are For Champs (Bronze) --- Perform 8 throws in an Online Ranked Match
Touch and Go (Bronze) --- Perform 1 "-ality" using the PlayStationVita system touchscree
Tough Guy! (Bronze) --- Win a Versus Match
Tower Apprentice (Bronze) --- Finish 25 Tower missions
Tower Champion (Silver) --- Finish 100 bonus tower missions
Tower God (Gold) --- Finish all 150 bonus tower missions
Tower Master (Silver) --- Finish all Tower missions
Tower Recruit (Bronze) --- Finish 50 bonus tower missions
Undertaker (Bronze) --- Unlock 50% of the Krypt
Wavenet... (Silver) --- Win 100 total Versus Matches
What Does This Button Do?? (Bronze) --- Finish Arcade Ladder without blocking (allowed to continue)
Where's The Arcade? (Bronze) --- Finish Arcade Ladder with Any Fighter
You've Got Style! (Bronze) --- Unlock all Alternate Costumes

General Gameplay Tips
- Tip 1: Knock the game down to the easiest difficulty setting and go through the Story mode to get a feel for each character. It'll serve you well when you want to step up to bigger challenges.
- Tip 2: You earn money to spend on unlockables constantly, so make sure you take the time to go through the 'Extras' menu and see which goodies are on offer.
- Tip 3: If you're constantly losing matches against one opponent, try out a totally different strategy. You'll often find going from, say, prioritising close quarters combat to a more ranged set of tactics will work wonders.

Increased Reality Arena Select

While in the character select screen regarding Practice Mode. Utilize Triangle button to select your personal arena. In this particular screen push L & R shoulder buttons at the same time while you are choosing any kind of arena. You should hear Shao Kahn's laugh to verify this code

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