Complete one of the following
achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Alpha Team's Finest (30 GP)
--- Finish the game using Jill.
CQC FTW (30 GP) --- Finish the
game using only your knife (no lighter, Defensive Items, and stomping zombie
Don't Stop Running (50 GP) ---
Finish the game in three hours.
Every Nook and Cranny (20 GP)
--- Visit all places on all maps.
First Kills Are Special (10
GP) --- Defeat a zombie.
Get Used To It (10 GP) --- Die
for the first time.
Ink is for Squids (50 GP) ---
Finish the game without saving.
Like Taking Candy from a Baby
(10 GP) --- Finish the game on Very Easy difficulty or higher.
Not in the Mood to Die (10 GP)
--- Finish the game on Easy difficulty or higher.
Not Taking Any Chances (10 GP)
--- Burn up a zombie.
Passion for Fashion (20 GP)
--- Obtain all costumes.
Racing and Pacing (50 GP) ---
Finish the game in five hours.
Starsenal (30 GP) --- Obtain
all weapons (must load grenade launcher with all shell types).
Take that, Zombies! (20 GP)
--- Finish the game on Normal difficulty or higher.
We're in This Together (30 GP)
--- Finish the game with Jill and Chris.
You da Man, Chris (30 GP) ---
Finish the game using Chris.
Secret Achievements
Complete one of the following
Secret achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
An End to a Poor Girl's Misery
(20 GP) --- Defeat Lisa Trevor using Chris.
Bravo, Rebecca (10 GP) ---
Save Chris using Rebecca.
Break Out the Marshmallows!
(30 GP) --- Burn up two zombies at the same time with the lighter.
Deep Sixed (10 GP) --- Defeat
mother Neptune.
Delaying the Inevitable (10
GP) --- Save Richard with a serum.
Every Man for Himself (30 GP)
--- Finish the game without saving anyone using Chris.
Every Woman for Herself (30
GP) --- Finish the game without saving anyone using Jill.
Ghost of a Chance (100 GP) ---
Finish the game in Invisible Enemy mode.
Giant Snake Got Nothin' (20
GP) --- Defeat Yawn using Jill.
Grave Digger (20 GP) ---
Defeat a Crimson Head prototype1 using Jill.
Herbicide (20 GP) --- Defeat
Plant 42 using Chris.
I'm a Member of S.T.A.R.S. (30
GP) --- Finish the game saving Chris and Barry using Jill.
Not Just Any Object (20 GP)
--- Obtain the Stone & Metal Object using Chris.
Not Waiting to Exhale (10 GP)
--- Survive your first encounter with Yawn.
Oh, the Horror (30 GP) ---
Finish the game on Hard difficulty.
Seeing Red (10 GP) --- Defeat
a Crimson Head.
Sorry About the Wait (10 GP)
--- Save Chris from confinement using Jill.
Sorry I Made You Wait (10 GP)
--- Save Jill from confinement using Chris.
Spider Sense (10 GP) ---
Defeat Black Tiger.
That Was Nice of You (10 GP)
--- Save Rebecca from a Hunter.
The Key Master (20 GP) ---
Obtain the Helmet Key using Jill.
The Nightmare Ends (30 GP) ---
Finish the game saving Rebecca and Jill using Chris.
The Survival Horror (30 GP)
--- Finish the game in Real Survival mode.
Trust Him (10 GP) --- Save
Barry from Lisa Trevor.
What a Great Guy (10 GP) ---
Save Jill using Barry.
Where the Magic Happens (20 GP)
--- Break into the laboratory using Jill.
Who's the Hunter Now? (10 GP)
--- Defeat a Hunter.
Written Word is Dead (20 GP)
--- Obtain the "Last Book Vol. 2" using Chris.
Herb mixtures
Keep in mind: You can not mix
more than one Red or blue herb in a mixture, and you can not include a Red herb
or Blue herb to 2 Green Herbs currently mixed together.
- Green: Heals 25% of health
- Green + Green: Heals 60% of
health or randomly heals 8% (Danger only)
- Green + Green + Green: Heals
100% of health
- Green + Red: Heals 100% of
- Green + Blue: Heals 25%
health and heals poison, or randomly restore 40% (Danger only)
- Green + Green + Blue: Heals
60% health and heals poison, or randomly heal 80% (Danger only)
- Green + Red + Blue: Heals
100% health and heals poison
Easy ammunition as Jill or
Stand behind the statue in the
room above the dining room. When the zombies show up on the other side, they
will certainly attempt to stroll through the statue leaving you free to knife
them to death.
Easy ammunition as Jill
When you are playing as Jill,
do not shoot the very first zombie that is towering above Kenneth's body.
Instead, face the dining-room. Barry will certainly address Jill prior to the
zombie comes though the door. Barry will certainly shoot it 3 times, blowing
off its head.
Getting the Star Crest
Go to the hall with the many
paintings and crows. Put the switches behind the paintings in the following
order: new born baby; infant; lively boy; young man; middle-aged man; bold
looking old man.
Note: tested on PS3 and Xbox
360. Successfully complete the game without using any saves. The Ingram is a
fully automatic Uzi with unlimited ammunition.
Samurai Edge (Infinite)
Note: tested on PS3 and Xbox
360. Successfully complete the game under the normal or hard difficulty setting
in less than five hours.
Rocket launcher
Note: tested on PS3 and Xbox
360. Successfully complete the game without using any saves. Or successfully
complete the game under the normal or hard difficulty setting in less than three
Real Survivor mode
Note: tested on PS3 and Xbox
360. Complete the game under the normal difficulty.
One Dangerous Zombie mode
Complete the game with both
Chris and Jill under the normal or higher difficulty setting on the same saved
game file.
Once Again... mode
Note: tested on PS3 and Xbox
360. Complete the game.
Invisible Enemy mode
Note: tested on PS3 and Xbox
360. Complete Real Survivor mode.
Alternate costumes
Note: tested on PS3 and Xbox
360. Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume.
- Code Veronica: Complete the
game twice as Chris.
- Nemesis: Complete the game
twice as Jill.
- Sarah Connor: Complete the
game as Jill.
- The Mexican: Complete the
game as Chris.
Change clothes #1
Rescue the other two players
and finish the game. The phrase "You've got the special key" will
appear after the credits. Save the game. Start the game that was just saved.
Enter the room with the large mirror on the second floor of the mansion. Unlock
the door in the back. Enter the closet and move all the way to the end of the
rack of clothes. A message asking "There is an outfit that fits you
perfectly, do you want to put it on?" will appear. Select "Yes"
to change your character's clothes.
Change clothes #2
Play as Chris and obtain the
Special Key. Open the door to the rack of clothes. When playing as Rebecca, you
now can change your clothes there.
Computer lab passwords
To log in to the computer in
the lab, and unlock the areas B1 and B2, use the following passwords.
- 1. John
- 2. Ada
- 3. Mole
Fighting Plant 42
Chris can save ammunition when
fighting Plant 42 by using the combat knife. Only about a dozen hits with the
knife are needed to kill it.
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