Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Playstation Vita Cheats - Net High

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Harem Heaven (Gold Trophy) --- Cleared everyone's Real Life Experiences.
Let's Do This! (Bronze Trophy) --- Launched NET HIGH.
LOL, u fell 4 it (Bronze Trophy) --- Progressed the dialogue by Stirring it up.
Net Highest (Platinum Trophy) --- Obtain all trophies
NeThigh (Silver Trophy) --- Touched a thigh 100 times during Real Life Experience.
No Game, No Life (Gold Trophy) --- Played at least 3 hours per day for a week.
Rules are for Fools (Gold Trophy) --- Used all Cheat Skills.
Screw All You Poseurs! (Bronze Trophy) --- Diagnosed as a Poseur at the beginning.
Treasure Chests (Silver Trophy) --- Touched a chest 100 times during Real Life Experience.
What Shampoo Do You Use? (Silver Trophy) --- Touched hair 100 times during Real Life Experience.
You CAN Have it All (Silver Trophy) --- Obtained all Real Life Experience items.
You Think You Know Me?! (Bronze Trophy) --- Diagnosed as a No-Life at the beginning.

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Do Songaloids Dream of Poseurs? (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared Chapter 3.
Enough Slacking Off (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared Chapter 5.
Farewell, My Friend (Silver Trophy) --- Won by exposing the truth about Good L Guy.
Fringe Benefits (Bronze Trophy) --- Received information on the Lifelog.
Hands Off My Daughter! (Silver Trophy) --- Won by exposing the truth about Ocean-P.
Hot on the Trail (Bronze Trophy) --- Started Investigation for the first time.
I Don't Want to Be Unemployed (Silver Trophy) --- Won by exposing the truth about Schweinsteiger.
I Have Arrived (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared Chapter 1.
I Love Beef Bowls (Silver Trophy) --- Won by exposing the truth about Mr. Elite.
I'm Going to be a Cartoonist! (Silver Trophy) --- Won by exposing the truth about Mai Osaka.
I'm the Real King (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared Chapter 7.
It's All So Clear Now! (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared Fuse Inspiration for the first time.
Limited to HOW Many Characters?! (Bronze Trophy) --- Used Tweeeter for the first time.
Man of the Hour (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared the Prologue.
Man of the People (Bronze Trophy) --- Succeeded with a Guidance Speech for the first time.
Nothing to Hide (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared Bluff Part for the first time.
Of COURSE I'm a Princess (Silver Trophy) --- Won by exposing the truth about Hime.
Real Men Do Cry! (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared Chapter 8.
Spreading the Love Around (Silver Trophy) --- Used Real Life Experience Items to watch all Events.
The Battle's Just Begun (Gold Trophy) --- Cleared all Chapters.
The Better Part of Valor (Bronze Trophy) --- Chose not to fight in Chapter 7.
The Real Protector (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared Chapter 6.
Too Long; Didn't Watch (Bronze Trophy) --- Skipped the opening movie.
What is Love? (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared Chapter 4.
Where the Princess Lies (Bronze Trophy) --- Cleared Chapter 2.

Why is Everybody Always Pickin' on Me? (Silver Trophy) --- Won by exposing the truth about KING.

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