Sunday, July 24, 2016

3DO Interactive Multiplayer Cheats - Alone in the Dark

Extra Life from Healing Flasks:
This code gives you more life out of a flask. When you're playing as Carnby or the girl, drink the flask and watch carefully. When your character's arm goes down before he/she says "Uuhhmm!", hold DOWN for one second. If your timing is right you'll re-drink the flask and heal again. Repeat as necessary until you're fully healed.


Code for panel in library:
In the library is a panel on the second floor the code is 3926


[Note: A few corrections have been added, and are marked with a '*'  You may need to read the ending note a little bit ahead of time, from the way it looks, but I'm not exactly sure where.]

This represents all the actions needed to beat the game, in chronological order.  Some of this may be done in a different order, so this is listed by area.

1. PUSH the wardrobe closet in front of the window.
2. PUSH the chest on top of the trapdoor in the floor near the piano.
3. OPEN the chest to get the RIFLE.
4. OPEN the wardrobe closet to get the OLD INDIAN COVER.
5. Walk over to the table and get the OIL LAMP.

1. Take the BOW from the corner near the door.
2. SEARCH the shelves on the right side to get the OIL CAN.
3. USE the OIL CAN to refill the OIL LAMP.
4. Exit room.

1. Walk to the first door on the right and enter.
2. Do not walk down the hall as it will collapse and cause death.

1. SEARCH the rolltop desk in the corner to get the KEY TO THE CHEST.
2. USE the KEY to open the chest in the corner next to the door to get the OLD CAVELRY SABER.
3. Open the door and fight the Zombie that will walk in.
4. The OLD CAVALRY SABER will break after limited use.
5. Exit the room and open the door directly across the hall.

1. Walk into the room, turn around and FIGHT or SHOOT the Zombie that will walk in the room from the hallway.
2. Exit the room through the door near the window.

1. Go to the nightstand on the left side of the bed(side opposite the window), and get the VASE.
2. FIGHT or SHOOT the monster that will jump into the room through the window.
3. THROW the VASE and get the KEY TO THE DRESSER hidden inside.
4. USE the KEY to open the dresser with the teddybear on top of it and get two SMALL MIRRORS.
5. Exit the room through the door near the bed.
6. Walk to and enter the door directly across the hall.

1. OPEN the cabinet to get the FIRST AID KIT.
2. OPEN the FIRST AID KIT to get the FLASK.
3. DRINK the FLASK to gain more health points.
4. THROW or DROP unecessary items: first aid kit, empty flask, chest's key, dresser's key, empty oil can.
5. Exit the room and open the door at the end of the hall.

1. PUT one SMALL MIRROR on each small statue at both ends of the room.
2. Avoid any contact with the winged monsters by staying close to the wall.
3. Walk Downstairs.

1. Do not touch the suit of armor.
2. When you get the VERY HEAVY STATUETTE", stand directly in front of the armor and THROW the STATUETTE to destroy the armor and get the SWORD.
3. The STATUETTE is in room #13.
4. Walk to the door on the right side of the stairs and enter.

1. Do not touch the ghost figure in the chair.
2. Get the GRAMOPHONE on the table.
3. SEARCH the cabinet to get the CARTRIDGES.
4. USE the CARTRIDGES to reload the RIFLE.
5. Get the MATCHBOX from the fireplace mantle.
6. Exit the room and go to the door straight ahead on the other side of the stairs.

1. Follow the hall around and enter the second door you come to.
2. The first door is directly across from the door you entered the hall through.

1. RUN into the room and get the JUG next to the cabinet.
2. Ignore the monster in the bathtub as it cannot be killed-it will hit you.
3. OPEN the cabinet and get the FIRST AID KIT.
4. OPEN the KIT and get the FLASK.
5. DRINK the FLASK to gain more health points.
6. Exit the room and continue down the hall to the next door.

1. USE the MATCHBOX to light the OIL LAMP.
2. Get the VERY HEAVY STATUETTE from the table.
3. Exit the room and OPEN/SEARCH to put the lamp away.
4. Go back to the lower lobby and destroy the suit of armor as in room #9.
5. Leave the VERY HEAVY STATUETTE there.
6. Walk to either side of the stairs and enter the dark opening.

1. DROP the GRAMOPHONE here until it is needed later.
2. Turn left and enter the right door of two in the corner next to the stairs. The left one will be locked.

1. SEARCH the back side of the statue to get three ARROWS.
2. Leave the room quickly to avoid the falling spiders. They will not leave the room.
3. Walk to the door on the other side of the stairs next to a narrow hallway.

1. Enter the smaller dark brown door nearest the door just entered.
2. Get the KEY TO THE CELLAR hanging on the wall.
3. SEARCH the shelf to get the BOX OF BISCUITS.
4. EAT the BISCUITS to gain more health points.
5. DROP or THROW uneeded items: empty box, first aid kit, empty flask.
6. SEARCH the large cabinet near the table to get the KNIFE.
7. Enter a second smaller dark brown door next to a normal sized door.
8. After entering the small closet, quickly back out and USE the KNIFE to kill the zombie that enters as soon as you enter the closet.
9. Re-enter the closet and SEARCH the pile of coal in the corner to get a BOX OF SHOES.
10. OPEN the BOX and get the REVOLVER.
11. Get the OIL CAN in the other corner.
12. USE the OIL CAN to refill the LAMP.
13. USE the JUG next to the barrel of water to fill the jug.
14. DROP or THROW uneeded items: empty oil can, empty box, knife.
15. Exit closet into kitchen and get the POT OF SOUP from the fireplace.
16. Exit the kitchen through the normal door next to the closet.
17. Open the door across the small hall.

1. Walk to the right side of the table and PUT the POT OF SOUP on the table.
2. Avoid the walking zombie and wait until it sits down.
3. Exit the room through the door next to the large cabinet.

1. RUN to the other side of the table and stand next to the chair.
2. Get the LIGHTER from the table.
3. USE the WATER JUG to douse the smoking ashtray on the table.
4. You will take some damage from the smoke.
5. Open the double doors that are not locked and go in to the hall.
6. Walk back to the white stairs in the front lobby and climb them.
7. Go back to the hallway that led to the dark room where you got the STATUETTE.
8. Continue down the hall to the end and open the door.

1. Walk up to the first painting (a man with an axe) and PUT the OLD INDIAN COVER on it.
2. Walk halfway down the middle of the hall and USE the BOW tofire an arrow at the painting at the far end. Once the arrow has hit the painting, purple smoke will appear.
3. Enter the door at the far end of the hall.

1. Get the FALSE BOOK from the table.
2. PUSH the grandfather clock aside and SEARCH the hole behind it to get the KEY to Jeremy's Study.
3. Exit room and enter the double doors located halfway down the hall.

1. USE the OIL LAMP.
2. PUT the LAMP down in the middle of the floor.
3. Quickly RUN down the corridor at the upper left of the screen.
4. Follow it around to the right until you see an indentation in the wall of books.
5. Go a little ways past this and SEARCH the books next to the indentation to find a mechanism.
6. USE the FALSE BOOK to open the secret room behind the indentation and enter it quickly. A monster will be chasing you and can only be killed by a certain dagger that is found inside the secret room.

1. Get the TALISMAN from the shelf.
2. SEARCH the bookshelves to ge the DAGGER with the curved blade.
3. USE the DAGGER to kill the monster in the library.
4. Get the OIL LAMP from the floor and open the closed double doors. You are now in the lower lobby.
5. Go through the dark opening, down the stairs, and get the GRAMOPHONE.
6. USE the silver KEY to open the locked door next to the door to the enclosed porch.
7. Continue down the big hall and re-enter the smoking room #18.
8. USE the KEY to open the locked double doors.

1. PUT the OLD CAVALRY SABER in the coat of arms on the wall. If the saber was broken, put both halves in the coat of arms.
2. SEARCH the bookcase in the corner to get the RECORD.
3. Exit the room and go back through the smoking room, into the hall. Not the ones at the end of the hall.

1. USE the SWORD to kill the pirate. You cannot shoot the pirate.
2. Get the KEY TO THE DANCEHALL from the dead pirate.
3. USE the KEY to open the double doors.

1. Walk to a corner and USE the RECORD (dance of death). You must have the GRAMOPHONE.
2. The ghosts will dance. Do not let the ghosts touch you.
3. Get the KEY TO THE PIRATE'S CHEST from the fireplace mantle.
4. Exit the room and go back to Jeremy's Study.
5. Walk down the stairs in the floor.

1. RUN across the collapsing bridge.
2. Follow the tunnels until you see a giant worm behind you.
3. RUN away from the worm until you can turn right into another tunnel.

1. FIGHT or SHOOT the monster that waits for you to enter this cave.
2. Continue down this tunnel until you see the worm again.
3. Then RUN back to the place in the tunnel where you turned right and fought the monster.
4. Turn right down the tunnel created by the worm. If the worm is still there, repeat steps 2 and 3 until the worm moves out of the tunnel.

1. Step down onto the wooden dock and walk around to the right until you come to a lighter shaded brown section of the wood.
2. JUMP over this section as it will collapse if stepped on.
3. Avoid the monster in the water or kill it. If you kill it, more will appear.
4. Climb up the ledge to the opening.

1. FIGHT or SHOOT the spider monster.
2. Continue down the tunnel.

1. Stand in the opening and shoot the flying monster.
2. JUMP from rock pillar to rock pillar. Use the left ones.
3. When the screen view changes, go to the opening on the right.
4. Follow the tunnel until it forks-go right.

1. Walk to the right side of the rock plateau.
2. JUMP over the light colored wooden planks onto the darker ones.
* Actually, if you follow the marked path (swords and sticks with skulls), you should be safe from falling planks.  The only problem is the area where the flying thing is buzzing, since it involves a jump.
3. JUMP and climb up rock pillars until you reach the far side of the room.
4. Shoot or avoid the flying creature in the middle of the cavern.
5. Go to the chest.

1. USE the KEY to open the chest and get the GEM.
2. PUSH the rock behind the chest to one side.
3. Enter the dark opening and follow the rock corridor.
4. Step down the ledge and continue forward until it goes black.

1. USE the OIL LAMP.
2. Walk to the left and try to wind around to the left until you cannot go that direction any further.
3. Turn downwards and go down until it is no longer possible to go further.
4. Turn to the right of the screen and walk until you come to a stone door with a hole in it.
5. USE the GEM to open the door.
6. Enter the room and OPEN/SEARCH to put the OIL LAMP away.

1. RUN and jump off of the rock steps.
2. RUN to the stone altar in front of the tree while dodging the fireballs and the monster in the water.
3. Get the HOOK.
4. While in front of the altar, PUT the TALISMAN on the altar. The fireballs will stop.
5. USE the LIGHTER to re-light the OIL LAMP.
6.THROW the OIL LAMP at the tree.
* THIS IS NOT WORKING!!!  I put the talisman, light the lamp, throw the lamp, but nothing happens!
7. RUN to the right of the cavern and climb onto a different rock plateau.
8. Climb up to the rock door and USE the HOOK to open the door.
9. Turn left and go back into the maze. It will now be light.
10. Turn right and USE the HOOK to open the door.
11. Turn left and you are now back in the underground # 28.
12. Walk along the wooden docks and climb to the opening on the other side.
13. Turn right and follow the tunnel straight ahead until you come to a small black opening.
14. Enter the opening.

1. Walk around the wine racks to the other side of the room and climb the stairs.
* But you can't enter the opening in the basement until you get the wine casks out of the way, and you had to do that from the other side, before you entered the underground.  Having a player go all the way then get stuck here is more evil than anything Pickford (or whoever he really is) could have devised.

2. You are now back in the front lobby. Walk down the large hall and open the double doors at the end.

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