Saturday, July 16, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - Giana Sisters: Dream Runners

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Coming Through! (Bronze Trophy) --- Hit all three opponents with the same power dash.
Evaded! (Bronze Trophy) --- Ghost through a projectile or hazard after using the Owlverpower.
Final Spurt (Bronze Trophy) --- Score a point while using boost.
Headbonker (Bronze Trophy) --- Jump on the heads of 3 owls in succession in a bot match (single-player only!)
Jumpy Twirl (Bronze Trophy) --- Twirl on top of a jump.
Meteorista (Bronze Trophy) --- Hit an opponent with a meteor.
Owlimination (Bronze Trophy) --- Hit an opponent with an owl.
Owlverkill! (Bronze Trophy) --- Dash 3 owls in succession in a bot match (single-player only).
Rockbreaker (Bronze Trophy) --- Dash through a breakable block.
Stunning Twirl (Bronze Trophy) --- Hit an opponent with 5 supertwirl projectiles during one supertwirl.
Swapper (Bronze Trophy) --- Swap places with another player.
Twisted Cannonball (Bronze Trophy) --- Hit an opponent with a twist-upgraded cannonball.
Win Chasm of Tears (Bronze Trophy) --- Win on Chasm of Tears against three bots or in an online match. This unlocks the Voodoowl.
Win Doomtide Forest (Bronze Trophy) --- Win on Doomtide Forest against three bots or in an online match.
Win Embersnow Mountain (Bronze Trophy) --- Win on Embersnow Mountain against three bots or in an online match.
Win Gentle Promenade (Bronze Trophy) --- Win on Gentle Promenade against three bots or in an online match.
Win Nettle Vale (Bronze Trophy) --- Win on Nettle Vale against three bots or in an online match.
Win Quaking Mire (Bronze Trophy) --- Win on Quaking Mire against three bots or in an online match.
Win Reaving Falls (Bronze Trophy) --- Win on Reaving Falls against three bots or in an online match. This unlocks the ninja.
Win Soarstone Crag (Bronze Trophy) --- Win on Soarstone Crag against three bots or in an online match. This unlocks the robot.

Win Stranglevine Ruins (Bronze Trophy) --- Win on Stranglevine Ruins against three bots or in an online match. This unlocks the Dieselstörmer.

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