Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret
Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Combat victory 10 times
(Bronze) --- Win a total of 10 times in VS player
Combat victory 100 times
(Silver) --- Win a total of 100 times in VS player
Defeat assist 100 times
(Bronze) --- Perform a total of 100 times the defeat assist in VS player
Defeat assist 1000 times
(Silver) --- Perform a total of 1000 times the defeat assist in VS player
Kill 1000 times (Silver) ---
Destroy a total of 1000 times the enemy with VS player
Kills 100 times (Bronze) ---
Destroy a total of 100 times the enemy in VS player
Relay point occupied 1000
times (Silver) --- Occupy a total of 1000 times the relay point in VS player
Relay point occupied 200 times
(Bronze) --- Occupy a total of 200 times the relay point in VS player
Sortie 100 times (Bronze) ---
Sortie to a total of 100 times in VS player
Sortie 1000 times (Gold) ---
Sortie to a total of 1000 times in VS player
Sortie 500 times (Silver) ---
Sortie to a total of 500 times in VS player
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