Sunday, July 17, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - Goat Simulator: Mmore Goatz Edition

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A new challenger has appeared (15 GP) --- Clear 25 survival quests in one game
Big in Japan (30 GP) --- Beat the whiplash course without getting wet
Boat Ride (15 GP) --- Enjoy your trip
Butthurt (90 GP) --- Do a lot of hurt. With your butt.
Don't starve (30 GP) --- Eat 50 food items in one game
Elfstreet Boys (100 GP) --- Baa with the choir
Excaligoat (15 GP) --- Unlock the ExcaliGoat mutator
Goat from above (30 GP) --- Hit 5 zombies in one bullet dive
Gravity Goat (90 GP) --- Unlock the gravity goat mutator
Hang tight (30 GP) --- Paraglide in the air for 1 minute
I am Goat (30 GP) --- Play GoatSimSim for 5 minutes
Jörgen (15 GP) --- Jörgen
Look at it go! (15 GP) --- Hit 4 at once with a voodoo bomb
Love or Hate? (15 GP) --- Find all the trophies on the MMO Level.
Masterchef (15 GP) --- Make the stew taste as good as HUMANLY possible
Mermaid Goat (15 GP) --- Unlock the mermaid mutator
Music Non Stop (90 GP) --- Jump on the launchpad
Not Again (15 GP) --- Get deviously trapped again
Shattered dreams (30 GP) --- Crystallize and break 30 zombies in one game
Steal the Show (30 GP) --- Do a card trick at the magician
Survivalist (15 GP) --- Craft all items in one game
Survive for your life (30 GP) --- Survive 10 days
The Charter Trip (30 GP) --- Visit all zones on the MMO level
The Goa'th amendment (30 GP) --- Craft all the weapons in one game
The Icelandic Experience (30 GP) --- It never erupts when you want it to.
Too much fun (30 GP) --- Kill 7 zombies with one minifun
Voluntary QA (30 GP) --- Trash the server room
Warm bath (30 GP) --- Use the slippery slide to land in the kiddie pool

Wheel Goat (30 GP) --- Unlock the wheel of time mutator

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