Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - Grow Home

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
1CARU5 (Bronze Trophy) --- Glide under all the rock arches
Brundle-meep (Bronze Trophy) --- Teleport with a meep creature
Come fly with me (Bronze Trophy) --- Take a Meep creature for a flight for at least 10 seconds.
Energizer Buddy (Silver Trophy) --- 100 Crystals collected
Galactic Gardener (Silver Trophy) --- Collected all star seeds
Gas Leak (Bronze Trophy) --- Accumulated over 10 min airtime using rocket pack.
Green Fingers (Bronze Trophy) --- You have grown 50 star shoots.
Green Toes (Bronze Trophy) --- Bounced on 50 Spring leaves.
Hang Time (Bronze Trophy) --- Spent total 30 min gliding
Houston, we have a solution (Bronze Trophy) --- Mission complete! You teleported a star seed home
Iiiiiiiinnnnn one! (Bronze Trophy) --- Make the Torro creature fall down the hole in the cave.
Investment Account (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the Data Bank sub mission.
Redcow Robot (Bronze Trophy) --- Freefall over 1000m and survive
Shaken, not stirred (Bronze Trophy) --- Catch and collect a falling leaf glider in mid-air.
Sheep dipper (Bronze Trophy) --- Drowned 3 defenceless meep creatures. You monster!
Triple Corkscrew (Bronze Trophy) --- Have 3 STAR SHOOTS growing at the same time
Underground, Overground! (Bronze Trophy) --- You have discovered all caves in the game.
Venus in furs (Bronze Trophy) --- Deliver a Meep creature to the jaws of the SNAPDRAGON plant.

What, no Zombies? (Bronze Trophy) --- Make it through your first night.

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