Tuesday, August 30, 2016

3DO Interactive Multiplayer Cheats - Gex

Speed power-up:
Press P to pause game play. Then, hold RS and press Left, C, Down, Right, Up(3), Right(2).

Jump power-up:
Press P to pause game play. Then, hold RS and press Left, C, Down, Right, Up, B(2), Right(2).

Press P to pause game play. Then, hold RS and press Left, C, Down, Up(2), C, Left, Right, A, Right.

Lightning power-up:
Press P to pause game play. Then, hold RS and press Left, C, Down, Right(2), Left.

Fireball power-up:
Press P to pause game play. Then, hold RS and press Left, C, Down, Right(2), Down, B, A, Left(2), Down.

Ice power-up:
Press P to pause game play. Then, hold RS and press Left, C, Down, B, Left, Up, Right, B, A, Left(2), Down.

99 lives:
Press P to pause game play. Then, hold RS and press Left, C, Down(2), Right, A, C, Up, Left, A.

All levels/worlds:
From the world or level map, press P to display the remote control bar. Then, hold RS and press Left, C, Down(2), P, Right(2), A, Down. Use this code from the central area with Rez's dome in the center to turn on the TVs and allow any world to be entered immediately. Use this code from within a world to turn on all TVs to allow any level in that world to be entered immediately.

Long ending:
Hold RS and press Left, C, Down, B, A, Down, Up, Right, Left, Down, B, Right, A, Right, Down at the title screen. The long ending of the game will be displayed, which includes sketches and graphics that were used during its development. This is the ending is normally seen only after the Planet X level has been completed.

Planet X level select and secret Boss:
Hold RS and press Left, C, Down, A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B, C(2), B, A at the title screen. The Planet X level select screen will be displayed. This allows the Planet X levels, plus the Planet X Boss level, to be played.

Planet X level translation:
0:SCIFI1 is Clothesline
1:SCIFI2 is The Web
2:SCIFI3 is Free Fall
3:SCIFI4 is Bombs Away
4:BONUS7 is Saucer Section
5:MAINMAPS (SCIFI) is the Planet X world screen. Press X to return.
6:SL67 is Newton's 4th Law
7:SL68 is The Project
8:SL69 is Head To Head
9:SL71 is the secret Planet X Boss level.

The Planet X Boss level was never intended to be in the game. One of the programmers was done early and decided to add an extra feature. The Planet X Boss level was the result, but was unfinished and left out of the game. The premise behind this scenario is that the Boss, a robot, tries to shoot Gex with a shrink ray. After a while, a green orb will fall from the ceiling. Gex will grow larger each time he eats the orb. If Gex can eat the orb three times without being shrunk, he will be large enough to defeat the robot. After the Boss is defeated, and the game is allowed to continue without pressing the D-pad, Gex will eat various objects that will appear on the screen.

Lost levels and level select:
From the world or level map, press P to display the remote control bar. Then, hold RS and press Left, C, Down, Left, Right(2), Up, Right(2). A level select screen will appear.

The Lost Levels
There are eight playable levels that were not included the game, and can only be accessed only from this screen.

5:GRAVE6 (Alternate version of Disco Inferno)
A level with a long river of slime that Gex must follow.

14:JUNGLE1 (Whip It)
The interior of a jungle temple, complete with arrow shooting idols.

17:JUNGLE4 (Also named Whip It)
A somewhat complete level (has music, but no sound effects) of an underground village with a lot of platforms and blowdart shooting opponents.

18:JUNGLE5 (Also named Whip It)
A short incomplete level composed entirely of flying platforms.

38:KUNGFU4 (Alternate version of Sumo City)
A level with many sloping walls and ninjas with throwing stars.

39:KUNGFU5 (Another alternate Sumo City)
A level filled with poisonous water, sinking columns, and rocket-powered TVs.

23:REZ3 (Untitled - Rezing Walls)
A screen displaying static will appear. Press A to continue. Walls and objects in this level materialize and de-materialize. Metallic shape-shifting blobs and Rez Knights are also present.

25:REZ5 (Untitled - Climb It)
A screen displaying static will appear. Press A to continue. A level with many moving platforms.

41:SECRET1 (Couch area in New Toonland)
An incomplete game section with giant couches, and an area that rains anvils and safes.

46:SECRET5 (Introduction to the lost levels)
A screen displaying static will appear. Press A to continue. Tail whip the question mark for a list of the lost levels. Kill Gex to return to the map.

Debug mode:
Press P to pause game play. Then, hold RS and press Left, C, Down, Left, Right, A, Down, Right, Left. This code resets with each level.

Hold X and move the D-pad to travel around the current level.
Press X, P to kill Gex.
Press C on controller two to give Gex a power-up. Each press gives Gex the next power-up.

Hold B on controller two and use the D-pad to scale the screen larger or smaller while playing.

Hold B + C on controller two and use the D-pad to rotate the screen.
Press RS on controller two to show timing information.
Press RS(2) on controller two to add more information.
Press RS(3) on controller two to add collision boxes (difficult to view).

Press RS(4) on controller two to add contours.
Press RS(5) on controller two to add attributes.
Press RS(6) on controller two to resume normal play without parallax scrolling.

Press RS(7) on controller two to add more information.
Press RS(8) on controller two to add collision boxes (difficult to view).

Press RS(9) on controller two to add contours.
Press RS(10) on controller two to add attributes.
Press RS(11) on controller two to resume normal play without the tiles.

Press RS(12) on controller two to add more information.
Press RS(13) on controller two to add collision boxes (easier to view, when Gex is near object).

Press RS(14) on controller two to add contours.
Press RS(15) on controller two to add attributes.
When contours are viewed, press LS on controller two to display them thick.

When contours are viewed, press LS(2) on controller two to display them solid.

When contours are viewed, press LS(3) on controller two to display them normally.

Hold LS on controller two and use the D-pad to scale Gex. Note that as soon as Gex moves, the scaling will return to normal. To keep him scaled, use controller one to enter the following code: Press P to pause game play. Then, hold RS and press C, Down, Left, C, Down(2), C, A, Left, Right.

Use the super-spring to jump off enemies to reach otherwise inaccessible areas and items. Press LS to run up inclines and gain more momentum to get height on jumps.

Save game bug:
The manual is incorrect when it states that the game will be saved after defeating each boss. The only way to save the game is to obtain a Video Tape.


The following codes give you access to the various levels of Gex. The additional cheat codes for each level take you further into the level.

Actions: Results:

BXRFYHGP --> Cemetery

CVBLPHKP --> Jungle Isle

CVBLPHKP --> New Toonland

DXVGRHKP --> Kung Fuville

GYVYRHKP --> Rezopolis


All the codes spell something using the following key. Pause and enter the code while holding right shift. See below:

U - Up
D - Down
L - Left
R - Right
N - Up (North)
S - Down (South)
E - Right (East)
W - Left (West)
A - A button
B - B button
C - C button
P - Pause button

(i.e. For LCD RUNNER hold Right Shift, and press Left, C, Down, Right, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right)

Left shift is never used. Hold right shift while entering the code.

The game will unpause itself after you enter the last letter if you entered it correctly and give you the power-up or activate the code. Note: Codes marked with an asterisk '*' are not done while the game is pause, but elsewhere. Please see the individual code explanation for details.

LCD RUNNER --- Speed Up
LCD EEL --- Electricity
LCD REDBALLS --- Fireballs
LCD RUBBER --- Super Jump
LCD DRACULA --- 99 lives
LCD NUCLEAR --- Invincibility (not whirlwind -- removes sprite collision)
LCD WEASEL --- Debug Mode --- (See 'Debug Mode')
LCD CDSCALE --- Play as scaled Gex --- (See 'Scaling Gex')
LCD SPREAD --- * Turn on all TVs in the map --- (See 'Level select')
LCD WEENEE --- * Extra unfinished levels --- (See 'Extra levels')
LCD ABCABCABCCBA --- * Planet X level select --- (See 'Planet X Level Select')
LCD BADNEWSBEARS --- * See Planet X ending --- (See 'Planet X Ending')

Debug mode
Pause the game and enter the LCD WEASEL code. Now you can use the X button to freeze Gex and move him anywhere. Note: This might cause the game to crash if you take Gex too far or place him in a bad spot. You can kill yourself at any time with X + P

The second controller also has a few functions:

C --- Cycles through power-ups
Rs --- Cycles through different debug information. When you have contours displayed, Ls will cycle through different sizes of the contours.
B --- Scale the screen. While holding B press the direction pad.
B + C --- Rotate the screen. While holding B and C press the guru:direction pad.
Ls --- Scale Gex. (See below) Hold Ls and move the direction pad.

Scaling Gex
Enter the debug code LCD WEASEL and on the second controller, hold Ls and move the direction pad to scale Gex in any of the four directions. When you try to move Gex with controller one he will return to normal. To play as the scaled Gex, pause the game before moving and enter LCD CDSCALE. Gex will remain scaled until you enter awarp.

Level select
From a map screen, pause to bring up the remote controls and while holding Rs enter the code LCD SPREAD  All TVs on that map will become active.

Extra levels
From the World or Level Map, press P to display remote controls. Hold RS and enter LCD WEENEE  The level select screen will appear.

5:GRAVE6   (Alternate version of Disco Inferno)
A level with a long river of slime that Gex must follow.

14:JUNGLE1  (Whip It)
The interior of a jungle temple, complete with arrow shooting idols.

17:JUNGLE4  (Also named Whip It)
A somewhat complete level (has music, but no sound effects) of an underground village with a lot of platforms & blowdart shooting opponents.

18:JUNGLE5  (Also named Whip It)
A short incomplete level composed entirely of flying platforms.

38:KUNGFU4  (Alternate version of Sumo City)
A level with many sloping walls and ninjas with throwing stars.

39:KUNGFU5  (Another alternate Sumo City)
A level filled with poisonous water, sinking columns and rocket-powered TVs.

23:REZ3     (Untitled - Rezing Walls)
A screen displaying static will appear. Press A to continue. Walls and objects in this level materialize and de-materialize. Metallic shape-shifting blobs and  Rez Knights are also present.

25:REZ5     (Untitled - Climb It)
A screen displaying static will appear. Press A to continue. A level with many moving platforms.

41:SECRET1  (Couch area in New Toonland)
An incomplete game section with giant couches, and an area that rains anvils and safes.

46:SECRET5  (Introduction to the lost levels)
A screen displaying static will appear. Press A to continue. Tail whip the question mark for a list of the lost levels. Kill Gex to return to the map.

Planet X level select
From the Title Screen hold Rs and enter LCD ABCABCABCCBA The Planet X level select screen will be displayed. This allows the Planet X levels, plus the Planet X Boss level, to be played.

0:SCIFI1 --- Clothesline
1:SCIFI2 --- The Web
2:SCIFI3 --- Free Fall
3:SCIFI4 --- Bombs Away
4:BONUS7 --- Saucer Section
5:MAINMAPS (SCIFI) --- The Planet X world screen. Press X to return.
6:SL67 --- Newton's 4th Law
7:SL68 --- The Project
8:SL69 --- Head To Head
9:SL71 --- The secret Planet X Boss level.
The Planet X Boss level was never intended to be in the game. One of the programmers was done early and decided to add an extra feature. The Planet X Boss level was the result, but was unfinished and left out of the game. The premise behind this scenario is that the Boss, a robot, tries to shoot Gex with a shrink ray. After a while, a green orb will fall from the ceiling. Gex will grow larger each time he eats the orb. If Gex can eat the orb three times without being shrunk, he will be large enough to defeat the robot. After the Boss is defeated, and the game is allowed to continue without pressing the joypad, Gex will eat various objects that will appear on the screen.

Planet X ending
To see the ending given when you solve Planet-X (the long ending with sketches and more) enter LCD BADNEWSBEARS at the title scren while holding Rs

Bonus Games
On the very first level of Graveyard there is is a secret area that can lead you to all of the bonus games.

Go right a little bit, until you hit something like this..

          | (Guillotine)
          |      ___
   _______._____/   \__
  /                    | *
_/                     |  * (Mosquitos)
                _______| *
  _______      | ______
 |       |     ||      E
 |       |     ||      E (Spikes)
 |   _   |     ||      E     ______
 |  < >  |_____||      | * *|
 |__< >_________|      |____|

The warp takes you to a place where you break a series of three stones that reveal some extra mosquitoes. To the right is:

                          (Extra Life)|
___                         3
   |                        3 (Spikes)
   |                   _    3
   |                  < >   |
   |__________________< >___|

>From the Extra Life jump up to the left and hold Up on the dir pad. There is a hidden warp above the visible screen. Gex should enter it about as soon as he disappears off the screen.

Secret Level
To get to Planet X you must get perfects on each of the bonus games [i.e. the Skull/Frankie game in Graveyard] When you get a perfect a small portion of a remote control will flicker on the screen. You don't have to complete the level -- you can get the portion of the remote and just die. The portions will not save, however, you must get perfects in all the games to get the whole remote in one sitting. Once you get the whole remote and use it at the world select map it will save.


The game DOES NOT save after completing a boss character! You can, however, go through a completed level with a VCR under it and save there. A good strategy would be to go through a VCR level (Like the third level in Graveyard) before you are done for the night.

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