Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - The Jackbox Party Pack

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Drawful: "Art" Connoisseur (50 GP) --- Guess every drawing correctly in a game
Drawful: Goodfinger (50 GP) --- Draw something that everyone guesses correctly
Drawful: Schmuck of the Draw (50 GP) --- Fool every other player with your title of another player's drawing
Drawful: Show Me the Monet (50 GP) --- Win a game by more than 3000 points
Fibbage XL: Copycatfishers (50 GP) --- Enter the same thing as another player
Fibbage XL: Don't Know What To Believe Anymore (50 GP) --- Write a Lie that's actually the Truth
Fibbage XL: Politician (50 GP) --- Fool every other player with a Lie in a 3+ player game
Fibbage XL: Truth Fairies (50 GP) --- All players find the truth on a question
Lie Swatter: Blufforgy (50 GP) --- Play a game with 10 or more players
Lie Swatter: Squish, Nothing But Wet (50 GP) --- Play a perfect round
Lie Swatter: Tri-Swatter (50 GP) --- Win three games in a row
Word Spud: Group Hug (50 GP) --- Play a perfect round where all words get accepted
Word Spud: Spud Stud (50 GP) --- Win three rounds in a row
Word Spud: Word Herd (50 GP) --- Play a full 8-player game
YDKJ 2015: Dat'll Do (50 GP) --- Ace a DisOrDat
YDKJ 2015: Drain the Main Brain (50 GP) --- Get all questions right in an episode
YDKJ 2015: Take It From Behind (50 GP) --- Come from behind to win during the Jack Attack
YDKJ 2015: Winventory (50 GP) --- Win all Wrong Answer of the Game prizes

Secret Achievements
Complete one of the following Secret achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Lie Swatter: "What's My Name?" ft. Bugs (50 GP) --- Enter one of the 7 bugs' secret names as your name

Word Spud: Golden Nugget (50 GP) --- Type the word "nugget" and get it accepted

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